Home > Long Live The King Anthology(517)

Long Live The King Anthology(517)
Author: Vivian Wood

“And as if growing up without a penny wasn’t enough,” Freya went on. “Amber’s life didn’t get much easier after. See, her father was a drunk. A drunk, horrible man who hit her and her mother, and she took it because she didn’t want her younger siblings to get slapped.”

I looked at the floor, my cheeks burning up. How could she possibly know that?

“And her troubles didn’t end there,” Freya continued. “She’s had quite the colorful life, this one. She danced from a young age, and caught the eye of a rich man. She even lived with him for a while.”

The first tear slipped down my cheek, but I refused to lift my head and show Freya my weakness. I couldn’t bear the other girls looking at me, already feeling their eyes burning me.

“The man wasn’t very nice from what I found out,” Freya went on. “Our little Amber went through a lot because of him. She was hurt… abused… even… fucked.”

“I wonder how this didn’t come out during the doctor’s exam,” Freya purred. “Because I’m fairly certain that our little golden girl isn’t a virgin after all of that.”


I raised my head, my eyes locking with the Queen’s. Her expression was thunderous, and she glared between me and Freya.

“Your M-Majesty,” Freya stuttered. “I’m sorry I-”

“Don’t,” the Queen barked, raising her hand to stop Freya from talking. “This is slander.”

“Slander?” Freya repeated. “But all the other women…”

“I don’t care,” the Queen snarled. “Sit down.”

She kept standing herself, coming up to the front of the room and glaring at the rest of us. I’d finally lifted my head, and I looked at Olivier for reassurance. But he wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were on his mother, an expression of amusement on his face. Of course, he knew the truth. He knew he had been the one to pop my cherry.

“During the physical exam,” the Queen went on. “It was indeed revealed Amber isn’t pure.”

A collective gasp went through the group of girls, and I hung my head yet again, ashamed by her words and knowing things would only get worse from there.

“But before you continue with your assumptions,” the Queen bit out. “You should know this won’t be a problem for Amber going forward with the competition.”

“Why?” Safiya asked loudly, her cold eyes meeting mine for a split second. “What was the point of the exam, then?”

“You will not question me,” the Queen said. “Not now, not ever. The reason it won’t be a problem is because Amber and the Prince have met before. I will not get into the details, but something transpired that night, I’m sure you can guess what.”

Olivier turned to face me, winking at me over his shoulder. I flushed to the roots of my hair.

“Why are the rules different for her, Your Majesty?” Freya spoke up next. “It seems highly unfair that Amber alone would be held to different standards.”

“That is Olivier’s decision, not mine,” the Queen bit out. “Now let’s keep this moving. I’m not going to let false facts get out.”

“Why didn’t you interrupt any of the girls before, then?” Eva asked now. “Wasn’t that slander?”

“Not if it’s the truth,” the Queen replied icily, and my lookalike blushed. “I wouldn’t let false information get out. Trust me, we’ve done our research too. We know all the bad things you’ve done. All the wrong turns you’ve taken. It’s our duty to know. One of you will be the Queen, after all.”

That rendered the girls and myself silent, and as the Queen sat down, Olivier strode to the center of the room.

“Let’s keep going,” Olivier said. “But you should know, your facts need to be based on the truth, not just hearsay. We’re here for the real dirt, not for the lies.”

With that, he turned to face me, grinning and making me avert my eyes. All our dirty laundry was out now, for all the other girls to see, and I couldn’t help feeling embarrassed as hell.

“I have a prior commitment,” he told us. “But I’ll be back for the elimination right after. I’ve already made my decision, in fact.”

A frozen silence fell over the room.

“Are you sure, son?” the Queen asked, worry knitting her eyebrows together. “You should stay a little while longer… Wait to find out more.”

“No need,” Olivier replied with a bright smile. “My decision has been made. I’ll see you tonight, ladies.”

With those words, he strode out of the room, leaving the rest of us speechless. After what felt like several long minutes of silence, the Queen finally got up and told us we’d be moving on with the challenge as planned. The other girls went one after the other, but the secrets they told got less and less juicy until the challenge was finally over.

“Alright, girls,” the Queen said with a nervous smile. “I’ll see you all in a few hours. You’re free to get ready now.”

I got up with the others, but when I was about to pass her on my way outside, the Queen touched my arm and I raised my eyes to hers.

“Can you stay for a minute, Amber?” she asked, and I felt the all-too-familiar pressure in my chest when her attention was on me. I didn’t want her questions and didn’t welcome her presence. But I didn’t really have a choice.

She didn’t start speaking until we were alone, and when she did, I refused to meet her eyes.

“I used to be a lot like you, Amber,” she said. “Driven, beautiful, determined. We may not have the same background, but I see a lot of myself in you. And I know you’re my son’s favorite in the competition.”

I raised my eyes to hers, not knowing what to say, but she wasn’t finished just yet.

“I have respect for you,” she said. “And I want you to know I will respect my son’s choice when he decides which one of you he will marry.”

Somehow I doubt that, I thought, but I knew better than to speak out.

“I didn’t reveal your past with Olivier because I was worried you’d be attacked,” she went on. “Jealousy is a terrible thing, Amber. But I trust that you can take care of yourself from now on. Am I right in thinking so?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I don’t need anyone’s help.”

I meant it as a hint for her, and she seemed to understand, flinching at my words. I didn’t regret them, though. There was something about the woman I just didn’t trust.

“All right,” the Queen said, her voice soft, gentle. “I’ll see you at the elimination in a few hours.”

I nodded, making my way past her. When I’d just reached the exit, she called out my name once again, and I turned to look at her over my shoulder.

“Amber, you should watch out for the other girls,” she said. “The ones you think you’re friends with... I wouldn’t trust them quite so implicitly.”

My mouth set in a thin line and I said, “Thanks, but I can handle it myself.”

With those words, I left the room. I didn’t trust her one bit. Surely her comment about friendships was only meant to drive a wedge between the others and me. I trusted Zara especially, and I wasn’t going to take the Queen’s words to mind.

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