Home > Long Live The King Anthology(524)

Long Live The King Anthology(524)
Author: Vivian Wood

She faced Monica who was staring at her in disbelief.

“You can’t be serious,” Monica managed to get out. “I’ve never seen that before in my life!”

She turned around to look at us for support, so I stood to the front and said, “She didn’t take it. Freya’s probably making all of this up to get one of us in trouble!”

“Shut up, Amber,” Freya snarled at me. “It was missing this morning. Why the hell would I make it up? You know how scared I was I’d never get it back?”

“Where was the necklace?” the Queen interrupted, her question meant for the maids.

“In-in her traveling case, Your Majesty,” one of the two responded, and Fleur nodded regretfully, like an afterthought. “It was hidden.”

The Queen stepped toward Monica, who curtsied nervously when she got nearer, her eyes downcast.

“Look at me, girl,” the Queen let out in a low voice, and we all watched Monica raise her eyes. I half-expected the older woman to strike her, but the look of cool, measured anger she gave her was somehow worse. “I don’t tolerate liars, and I don’t tolerate thieves. Now tell me, did you take that necklace?”

“No, Your Majesty,” Monica managed, her bottom lip quivering in fear. “I would never steal from another girl. I have no need for it!”

It was obvious she was telling the truth, and a huge weight fell of my shoulders knowing the Queen would have no other choice but to pardon her.

“I see,” she finally said after a moment’s pause before turning her head to the side and summoning Fleur. “Please see that she’s sent away immediately. I want her gone by the time my son gets back.”

“What?!” Monica’s eyes widened as Fleur nodded, motioning for the two maids to remove Monica’s things. “You can’t be serious! I’m innocent!”

The Queen paid her no mind, walking out of the room as the rest of us rushed after her, begging her to reconsider. She ignored us all, walking to the end of the hallway before turning to face us, ignoring Monica as if she wasn’t even there anymore.

“Let this be a lesson to you all,” she said darkly. “And remember… I’m still the one who rules this kingdom. So you’d do well not to anger me. Because now you can see what I’m capable of.”

Her eyes locked with mine and I stared, dumbfounded as she walked out.

Monica was inconsolable. Even Freya looked surprised as the maids gathered the Englishwoman’s things and she was told to say her goodbyes to the rest of us. I hugged her tightly, hardly able to believe what was going on before my eyes. And there was absolutely nothing I could do.

“I’ll tell Olivier what happened,” I promised Monica. “Maybe he can bring you back.”

“What’s the point?” Monica asked through tears. “We all know whom he’ll pick in the end. No point in me outstaying my welcome.”

Her icy words cut through me, and I stepped back, wounded by her sharp tongue. Zara was there to hold my hand though, so at least I didn’t feel completely alone.

Monica was escorted out of our quarters by the two maids while Fleur stayed behind. Even she looked shaken by the sudden turn of events and wouldn’t meet our eyes as she quietly asked us to go back to our rooms. None of us objected. I think we were all too afraid.

It seemed like the Queen had eyes and ears everywhere.

One wrong move, and you were out.




I turned to face Fleur.

She’d been pale during dinner, just like the rest of us. None of us were talkative, and the evening passed quietly and uneventfully. Not that I was hoping for more drama. We’d all had quite enough for one day.

“Yes?” I asked, rubbing my temples and stopping so she could catch up with me.

She discreetly slid an envelope to me and I hid it in the pleats of my dress when she winked at me. The corners of my lips tugged upward, and a sliver of excitement shone through the despair I’d felt all day.

I didn’t mention the envelope to Zara and spent the rest of my evening chatting with her until I finally fake-yawned and told her I was simply too tired to stay up. From her inquisitive look, I was almost certain she knew something, but she didn’t say a thing.

Once I was alone in my room, the door firmly closed behind me, I pulled out the envelope embossed with the royal herald. One of Olivier’s then. Why am I disappointed?

A flush crept over my cheeks as I tore into the envelope. The message inside was simple and to the point.

The Prince’s chambers, tonight, midnight.

I shivered at the sight of it, knowing I wasn’t going to catch a wink of sleep now that I knew I’d be able to see Olivier. But I promised myself to keep my word about what I’d said to Monica – Olivier needed to know what had happened in his absence. What happened to Monica wasn’t fair.

The next few hours passed by excruciatingly slowly, and I spent a long time getting ready, making sure I looked perfect for him. I curled my hair in rich, voluminous bronze waves and put on a Monique Lhuillier crystal-embellished tulle dress I’d been saving. It was a sky blue shade, and I knew it looked spectacular on me. For some reason, I hadn’t wanted Olivier to see me in it in front of the other girls. No, this was a dress for my lover’s eyes only.

My mind shifted to Bruno yet again, guiltily circling the subject of his cruel games again and again. What was he doing to me? Were his twisted ways just something he did to piss off Olivier, or did he care about me? Why do I even give a damn?

Refusing to answer that question, I swallowed thickly and got up, smoothing down the layers of tulle in my dress. I paired it with silver metallic sandals. I knew I’d be cold, but I wanted to look my best for Olivier. Suffering for beauty was something I’d learned to do since I started dancing ballet.

Five minutes before midnight, there was the faintest of knocks on my door, and I quietly opened it to reveal Fleur standing outside, beaming at me.

“You look beautiful,” she told me in a whisper, motioning for me to follow her.

We made our way down the hallway. It looked like most of the girls were asleep. The only lights left on were in the common room and Zara’s suite, but we thankfully didn’t run into anyone on our way to the Prince’s wing.

Fleur escorted me to his chambers, giving me a curtsy and a smile of encouragement.

“Have fun,” she whispered, and gave me a warm smile before knocking on the door and leaving me to wait for him alone.

A moment later, the door opened, and my heart started pounding into overdrive as Olivier’s handsome features came into view.

“Finally,” he growled, wrapping his fingers around my wrist and pulling me into the room.

The door shut behind us and suddenly I was crowded by him, my body firmly pressed against the door as his mouth moved to my neck. He kissed me, harder and harder as my body submitted.

“Now brother dearest, you can’t have all the fun.”

I let out a sharp breath as Olivier pulled away, revealing Bruno standing behind him. The two brothers looked at each other with animosity and I shivered in their presence, feeling the anger radiating off them.

“What is going on?” I asked, my voice weaker than I would have liked it to be. “Olivier?”

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