Home > Love's Second Chance(15)

Love's Second Chance(15)
Author: Patty H Scott

Just past the central room toward the rear of the building a second room backs up to our storage closets. It’s a great space for smaller gatherings. I’ve set up tables throughout the place and some more comfortable chairs and love seats around the edge of the space with coffee and side tables at each gathering spot.

I posted a “Help Wanted” sign in the front window. My location gives me an advantage. Everyone passing by will know I’m hiring. About an hour after the sign is up, a young man knocks on the glass door out front. “Hi. My name is Bryce. I saw your sign?”

“Oh. Hi, Bryce, I’m Jack, the owner of the shop. Come on in.”

We stand at the counter. Bryce asks, “So, are you looking for full-time or part-time help?”

“A little of both, actually. What are you looking for?”

“Well I attend Montana State and can work most hours I’m not in class or studying. I worked at Starbucks my junior and senior years of high school, so I know my way around most of the equipment and I have been thoroughly trained in customer service.” His answers are confident, and he has good experience.

“You’re just the kind of person I’m looking to hire, Bryce. Can I give you an application to fill out while I unload some deliveries in the back?”

“Sure. That sounds good. I have a friend Amelia, too. She’s in a few of my classes. She worked a coffee cart over the summer before we started school. I’ll send her in later if that’s okay.”

“More than okay. You two sound like just what I’m looking for.”

I ended up hiring Bryce on the spot. I lucked out finding someone who didn’t need a crash course in how to properly pour foam or clean a burr grinder. Amelia came in as promised and I gave her part-time work. She plans to cover one weekend day each week for me.

Toward the end of the day, I start installing a low stage I built for the corner of the main room. With every step of my setup, I feel this place coming together. This whole venture gives me this sense of being alive like nothing has in a long time.

I only wish Katrina could see it. It’s surprising how often she crosses my mind. In another life we would have made an amazing couple. She’ll always have a mark on this place. She spurred me to be bold and risk everything. I named the shop Ferris Wheel Coffee after the best kiss of my life with a woman I’ll never forget.

As I’m finishing mounting the last support to the back of the stage, I see someone at the front door. It’s my old friend Brannon Hammer from high school. “Hey, Brannon! What are you doing here? It’s been forever since I’ve seen you!”

“Hey, Jack! The question is, what are you doing here? I haven’t heard much of you since you took off for Washington.”

“Yeah, well, after grad school I did time at a desk job in L.A., and then got inspired to come back home. I’ve had an itch to start something like this for a while. I just didn’t have the courage until now.”

“Well, it looks great. What’s the plan? When do you open?”

“I’m planning the grand-opening for the Monday after Fourth of July weekend. That way I’ll be in full swing by the time we have the Sweet Pea Festival in early August.”

“That’s awesome. You know you’ll stay busy with this location. What’s the stage for?”

“I’ll be letting local bands come play. Probably having a weekly karaoke night. I’m thinking of being open Friday, Saturday, and Monday evenings to start.”

“I love it. So where are you staying now? I heard your mom’s place sold. Sorry to hear about her passing, too, Jack. She was a rare woman.”

“She was. One of a kind. Yeah. The place sold pretty quickly. I’m staying in a little two-bedroom house on 16th by the campus. It’s just what I needed for a fresh start.”

Brannon looks toward the front door and says, “Well, I’d love to catch up when you have time. I need to run. I’m meeting Susan at the furniture place to look at sofa sets.”

“Susan, huh? So, you married Susan?”

“Yes. She gave in and made me the happiest man in Montana.”

“That’s awesome. I’m happy for both of you. Let me grab my phone so I can get your number. We’ll have to get together soon.” We exchange numbers. As he leaves, I feel a little pang of regret. I imagine Katrina might have made me the happiest man in Montana. Actually, I’m pretty sure of it.

For a moment I kick myself for not doing more to get a chance to have something special with her. Well, that ship has sailed. I am a confirmed bachelor, proud owner of a soon-to-open coffee shop, and the man who finally pursued his dreams. No need to waste time pining for a woman who stepped out of my life as quickly as she flew in.



chapter nine


I feel like I’m just coming out of the fog of jet lag from our trip to England. Michael made that entire experience seamless. I just turned in my edits from the Europe shots yesterday, so I’m taking today at half-speed in my favorite old pajama bottoms and cozy t-shirt. I hear a knock on the front door. I look out the peephole.

I swing the door open. “Patrice! Come in here so I can hug you! You are a sight for sore eyes, girlfriend.” She steps in and we throw our arms around one another and rock while we’re hugging. I missed her big time. “So, how was England?”

“Amazing, and I’m still exhausted even though we got back last week.”

I sit on my couch and pat a cushion next to me. “Patrice, fill me in! How have you been? How’s work? What have you been doing while I was away?”

Patrice sits next to me and crosses her legs up on my sofa. “Work is good. Lots of big projects, and you know I love what I do. I’ve been good. Jasmine and I started trying to go to the gym together. That’s helping me be consistent. Otherwise, just the usual. So … have you heard from Jack since you’ve been back?”

“No. I realized something – and don’t kick me because I’ve been kicking myself. We never exchanged numbers. We spent that whole amazing day together and I never gave him my number or got his. Dork award goes to me.” I roll my eyes.

Patrice looks shocked. Then she gets that resolute look like she’s trying to solve all my problems. “I’m trying to think of what to say. This is a new form of Kat-tastrophe. That seriously stinks. I’m so sorry. Do you have any idea what you are going to do?”

I shrug. “I know! All three times I’ve been with him have been pretty incredible. I thought about him a lot in Europe.” Then I have an idea. “I think I’m going to call my cousin Sandy and get Jack’s contact info from her. Do you think that’s too forward?”

Patrice’s eyes brighten. “You know me and forward. I say go for it. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? He kissed you first, right? And he kissed you again on your porch. Seems like he showed his interest as well as a man can. And that day … any guy takes me on a day like that and I’d be down on one knee asking for his hand in marriage!” We both bust up laughing at that image.

“Patrice! We do need to find you a good man, don’t we?”

“From your mouth to God’s ears. He’s out there. I’m not in a hurry. Anyway, you need to call Sandy. Don’t back off this. You know how you second-guess yourself. Don’t do that this time. You like him. He’s a catch. Go for it.”

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