Home > Specter's Wake(31)

Specter's Wake(31)
Author: Quinn Ryder

My death ruined Faith. She wasn’t the same girl I left behind seven years ago. I could only see the loss in her eyes—the dead blank space of someone who lived without emotions. Those tears in her eyes were the aftermath of me leaving her, and now it was up to me to repair everything I damaged inside of her. I owed her at least that.

Don’t worry, Faith, I’m going to fix this—I have to. I promise I’ll fix everything I left broken inside of you when I disappeared, and once I tell you who I am, I’m going to do everything in my power to thread you together again . . . one frayed, broken string at a time.



Chapter Fifteen



I wanted to leave Specter behind. Hell, I had my hand on the shifter ready to back up Scythe’s car and peel out of the parking lot, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

It wasn’t Specter’s fault that I was so fucked up. I hadn’t been the same since I lost Midas, and anytime a man tries to get close to me I feel like running for the hills. Being with Midas was so easy, now if I feel myself falling for someone else, I either harden like stone or run away like a frightened field mouse.

My emotions were all over the place. It seemed like I was always angry, and what Specter said about Midas hit so many of my buttons that I wanted to lash out at him.

How dare he have an opinion about my life when we barely just met? Granted, I divulged a little too much information to him about my plan of action, but what gives him the right to form any kind of opinion on my situation?

It was a few minutes before he found me at the car. I wonder if I went too far yelling at him the way I did.

He climbed into the passenger seat and turned toward me. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re fine.”

“No. We both know I had no right to express my opinion. Maybe eventually you and I will know each other enough for me to say what’s on my mind, but right now I should’ve kept my mouth shut.”

I nodded. At least he knew his place.

“Can I ask you one thing, though?”

My head flopped over so I could look at him. “Depends on what it is.”

“If you wanted me to stay out of your business, then why did you tell me it in the first place?”

It was a good question—one that was extremely complicated to answer. “I guess I feel comfortable around you. I haven’t felt that way around anyone since Midas.”

There was a strange smile on his face—almost content in a way. “Well, I’m glad you feel comfortable around me, Faith. So comfortable that you’ll admit you want me to throw you up against a wall and fuck the shit out of you.”

My cheeks immediately flushed. Damn, I really did say that, didn’t I?

“It was a momentary lapse of judgment. Sometimes my mouth gets hornier than my mind.”

He grinned.

“Wait, I did NOT mean it like that. I meant sometimes my mouth says dirty things before my mind realizes it’s thinking about them. Like, I am attracted to you and stuff, but I’m kinda in a relationship right now. You probably are, too. I bet you get laid every night and your big cock muscle gets thoroughly worked out.”

He chuckled. “Big cock muscle, huh? Yeah, it gets its fair share of work outs, but I’m not tied down to anyone right now. I came back here to win the heart of someone I lost long ago.”

I turned toward him, “And she hasn’t said yes yet?”

He shook his head. “Sometimes it takes time. I have all the time in the world to right my wrongs. Maybe she’ll never forgive me for what I did to her, but I’m hopeful that what we had was strong enough to overcome the crap I put her through.”

I remained silent. To be honest, I didn’t know what to say. Specter had a heart bigger than the cut he wore on his back. I could see that he wasn’t the typical biker that usually prospected my brother’s club. Whoever this girl was, she was fucking lucky. I’d give my life to be in a relationship where the guy put me above everyone else again.

“Sounds like a lucky lady.”

He turned to me and frowned. “No, Faith, I’m the lucky one. Only somebody with incredibly good luck would be fortunate enough to have someone like her love him. My only hope is that I can convince her to love me like that again after she finds out I’m back in town.”

I wanted to know more about this mysterious woman who won the strange biker’s heart, but I was already pulling into the boneyard, and Switchblade was standing there waiting for us looking pissed as all hell.

The second we exited the car, Switchblade was in Specter’s face.

“What the hell, Prospect? I give you a task and you go riding off into the sunset? What the actual fuck? Are you even serious about being a part of this club?” Switchblade was screaming so loud that I could see the spit flying from his mouth.

“Scythe asked him to take lunch to our dad. I decided to go with him, and things ran a lot longer than we expected. Cool the fuck down, Curtis!”

Switchblade’s angry eyes roved over me. “I told you not to call me that! The name’s Switchblade, bitch, not Curtis.”

Specter stepped in between us. “If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at me, but you will not speak to her like that.”

Switchblade sneered before his fist cocked back and he punched Specter straight in the jaw.

“What the fuck, Switchblade?” I screamed.

“That’s what he gets for fucking you.”

Specter spat at the ground. There was a hint of blood in his spit. A hit like that would rattle any man, but Specter remained calm. “I didn’t fuck her, but if you keep acting like this, I might do it just to spite you.”

Switchblade lunged at Specter, tackling him to the ground. “You won’t touch her. Nobody touches her but me.”

“Fat chance,” I growled. “Stop being an idiot and get off of him.” I watched in horror as Switchblade manhandled Specter on the ground, rolling around with him until Scythe and Cipher came out of the compound.

“What the hell is going on?” Scythe boomed.

A few club members were standing around watching the fight, but nobody did anything to stop what was happening. The second my brother came out the door, they scattered like the roaches they were.

“This mother fucker thinks he can challenge me. I told him to do a job and he was out fucking your sister for the last hour and a half.”

“I told you, Moron, I didn’t fuck her. I took her down to see her dad. We dropped off his lunch, and then her dad and your old SGT at Arms asked me to play a round of cards. Figuring it was rude to say no to them, I sat down and played a hand. Go fuck yourself.”

“Prospect, watch your mouth. Switchblade, grow the fuck up. I told him to take my dad his lunch, and I guess Faith decided to join him. If you continue acting this way to our prospects, nobody is going to want to prospect this club anymore. Cool the fuck off.” Scythe turned toward Specter. “And you. Taking someone their lunch shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Why the fuck were you gone so long?”

I turned toward my brother, “God, don’t be a moron, too. Nothing fucking happened.”

Jimmy’s eyes narrowed on me. “This is club business, Faith. Shouldn’t you be down at the bar? What happened to you being busy today and not being able to take dad his lunch?”

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