Home > Unexpected Turn(16)

Unexpected Turn(16)
Author: CY Jones

What the fuck? Do I look like I have an appointment? “No. Tell him Jade Cooper is here. He’ll want to see me, I promise.” This time I do smile but it’s far from nice.

She gives me a ‘yeah, right’ look, but does as I ask, picking up the phone telling him I was here. If I wasn’t so angry, I’d laugh at the look of disbelief that crosses her face. “Right this way,” she says, waving for me to follow.

She leads me down a narrow carpeted hall to where I know the partner offices are. These have wood doors where the others are just glassed off areas big enough to fit a desk, file cabinet, and not much else. Outside a double wood door, the receptionist knocks and I hear McHottie’s cranky voice yell, “Come in.” She opens the door and then steps back so I can walk past her. Once I do, she steps back into the hall, closing the doors behind herself, making me feel like I’m being locked in with this asshole.

He’s sitting behind his desk eyeing me with his intense gray stare. He hasn’t moved or even attempted to get up to greet me. His face is void of any emotion so I’m not even sure if he’s surprised to see me here. I swear he’d make a fortune playing poker.

“Jade, what do I owe this little surprise visit?” He drawls boredly.

Recovering my anger, I stalk to his desk. Bending slightly, I slap the job offer on his desk, which causes him to raise a perfectly arched brow. Taking the letter from me, he spares it half a glance before turning back to me. “You know you could have accepted the job over the web. There was no need for you to come all the way over here.”

“You think I’m here to accept the job?” I retort, flabbergasted.

“Yes. Why else would you be here?” he asks, incredulously.

“You pompous asshole. I’m not here to accept your job. I’m here to ask you who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think you can just insult me at your house one day and offer me a job the next?” I shriek.

“Will you keep your voice down? This may be a million dollar structure but sound still travels if it’s loud enough.”

“I don’t give a fuck about being heard. I deserve an explanation.”

“Nichole told me you were looking for a job, but you were only applying for shitty manual labor positions. Her old firm was full, so she asked me if we had any openings here. It just so happens the front desk receptionist just left on maternity leave early before the position could be filled by HR, so I offered the job to you before they could post it. You’re welcome, by the way.”

“Did you really expect me to thank you, you asshole? This isn’t Moana.”

“What the hell, Jade? You needed a job. I got you one far better than the shit you were applying for. Do you really think you could deliver us a healthy child standing up on your feet all day doing God knows what? Or think it’s safe to work in some night club where you’ll have to fend off drunken assholes all night? Hell, that’s only one step up from the stripper pole.”

“Fuck you, Grayson. I don’t need you or your wife to solve all my problems. If you haven’t learned yet, I’m a big girl and can handle myself just fine. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was five, I don’t need you or your snooty opinions on how I should live my life.”

“How am I the bad guy here? I just thought it would be better if you work in a less stressful environment. Being pregnant is stressful enough as it is. Why add to it?”

“You think working for you wouldn’t be stressful? You don’t even like me. If you’re not fucking me into the headboard, you’re insulting me and calling me a whore. For all I know, you probably want me here to pass me around to your little partner buddies. You already think if someone shows me enough cash, I’ll get on my knees before them.”

Apparently that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back because right before my eyes, Grayson snaps and before I could blink, he’s right before me, pushing me against the wall. Bracing his hands on either side of me, he tilts his head and I feel how caged in I really am. His grey eyes are a swirling lightning storm about to happen. His beautiful face is hard, like marble. For once in my life, I feel like I’m in trouble because I can’t move, can’t focus on anything other than him.

“I’m only going to tell you this once. You belong to me, no one else. Until you push my kid out into the world, this,” he says, using his finger to lightly run a trail down my lips, neck, chest, stomach, and finally, cupping my sex, “is mine. Even here,” he replies, reaching behind me, squeezing my ass. “No one is to touch you. Do you understand?”

I’m fucking speechless. His possessive words weren’t even poetic, but I was ready and willing to jump on his dick and let him hold me prisoner forever. I really needed to get my head examined. My mama’s insanity has to be hereditary, or maybe I’ve always been sick in the head because I have no problem going along with everything he just said. Even after how he treated me. Not once through his whole speech did I think about Nichole until now and it’s like cold rain water is dumped on me. Shoving him in the chest, I push him far enough to escape the confines of his body. His scent is like a drug that aids my brain in my poor decision making process.

“Jade,” he growls, following after me and I throw my hand up in the universal stop sign.

“Gray, you’re killing me here. One second you’re calling me a whore and being a total douche canoe, the next you’re buying me cars and offering me jobs. I’m so confused and quite frankly, your mood swings are giving me whiplash. I never know when Dr. Jekyll is out or if it’s Mr. Hyde who wants to play. You think your wife has a new toy, but it’s you who’s playing the games here.”

He starts to move again and I find myself walking backwards with each step he takes forward until the backs of my thighs hit his desk and I don’t have anywhere else to go.

“I’m not playing games, at least not with this request. You’re right. I won’t call you a whore again, but this, this tight body is mine. Despite our situation, I do not share. Tell me you belong to me, Jade.”

I can’t deny him. The nice time I had with Rob disappears, erased from the sentence and only Grayson can fill in the blanks. I’m not surprised when stupidity takes over and I’m nodding my head while saying, “Okay.”

Before the word leaves my mouth, he’s slamming his mouth to mine. His kiss is just like him, intense and all consuming to the point where you have no other choice but to yield. I’m powerless to stop whatever the fuck this is, so when his hands move to push my yoga pants down, I let him. I feel a slight tug and then the sound of tearing and I know he’s ripped my panties right off. I’d probably be pissed if it weren’t for the fact that he was the one who paid for them. When his tongue pushes into my mouth, I allow him entry and he works my clit as he works my mouth. For the life of me, I can’t understand the why or how behind Grayson making me feel this way. I should be halting this or at least activate my common sense button and not have naughty office sex with my employer, but I can’t dig up the willpower to stop him. Just the thought of getting caught makes me even wetter, and soon, I’m cumming all over his hand. With his other hand, he covers my scream, and when my orgasm is over, he turns me around until I’m bent over his desk completely.

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