Home > Everybody Burns(38)

Everybody Burns(38)
Author: Victoria Sue

Daniel huffed. “He’d already left when I got up this morning. No message. No text.”

Talon glanced up from his phone. “I knew it would be slow going, but I hadn’t realized you two still weren’t working out.”

Because Daniel wasn’t going to run to teacher just because Eli wouldn’t play with him. “I wouldn’t say that.” Surely they had been better in the last forty-eight hours.

“He hasn’t had to do this in months. Bo’s happy. The family are coping, and Eli isn’t a social worker.”

Daniel sighed. “Do you need me for the rest of today?”

“No. Jake’s in court. Sawyer’s got a witness to run down, and Gael and Adam can manage the ATM case.”

“Then I think it’s about time I met Bo and find out what’s going on.”

It was going to take over two hours to get to where the Landrings lived north of Gainesville, and a lady who he assumed was Molly Landring opened the door as soon as Daniel knocked, looking a little harried, but smiling pleasantly. “Can I help you?”

Daniel had seen Eli’s car, so he knew he was there and extended his hand. “I’m Agent Daniel Connelly, ma’am. Eli’s partner.”

Molly’s smile was wider, and she put a hand to her heart. “I thought you were the social worker. Thank you so much for coming, and I’m sorry I had to drag you both here.”

Daniel followed her inside. She’d sounded worried. It sounded like there was a problem. Daniel walked through a small hallway and straight into a large kitchen. He had a moment to appreciate the large friendly space, the kids’ pictures on every available surface, and the photos of what he assumed was the whole family that covered one wall. Eli—who was sitting at the kitchen table next to a teenager—looked stunned when Daniel walked in behind Molly.

“Can I get you something, Agent? Coffee, water?”

“Coffee please, ma’am, and please call me Daniel.”

“Coming right up, Daniel. And please call me Molly.” She glanced at Eli. “Do you want another water?”

Eli shook his head and didn’t meet Daniel’s gaze as he walked toward the table, looking at the teenager who was sitting in just a pair of shorts. “Robert, or do you prefer Bo? My name’s Daniel. I’m Eli’s partner at work. I’m sorry I had a briefing and couldn’t get away any earlier.”

There, that made it sound like they had intended to arrive together. Like they were a team. He didn’t laugh, and he carefully kept any sarcasm out of his voice, much as he could have quite cheerfully wrung his so-called partner’s neck.

The teenager tilted his head but didn’t smile. “Bo’s fine. Nice to meet you, but I’ll do you a favor and not attempt to shake hands.” His green eyes were cloudy, but Daniel liked that he didn’t feel the need to hide them. Daniel pulled out the chair nearest to him opposite both Bo and Eli.

“You’re expecting the social worker?” he addressed Eli.

“Another new one,” Molly answered before Eli did from where she was pouring coffee. “We got on great with Simon before he moved away. His boss could be a bit of a stickler, but they’ve sent us three new ones in as many months, and I have no idea who’s going to turn up next.”

“Probably the cops,” Bo said with a hint of defiance, and Daniel shot a glance to Eli.

“What happened?”

“Ruth met the mean girls,” Eli said. When there was no further explanation, Daniel glanced at Molly.

“It was Ruth’s birthday two weeks ago, and she’s been begging us for a pool party since she went to one last year, but two of her friends were sick, so we finally had it yesterday as the kids had an early finish. We invited another five children from her class—well, the ones we know the parents of.”

“The ones who are allowed to come,” Bo added glumly.

Molly came back with two coffees and placed one in front of Daniel. She pushed the cream and sugar toward him, and Daniel helped himself. “It’s ridiculous, but Bo always has either his suit on or stays upstairs when other kids come around. Bo has excellent hearing, and even though he was upstairs, he heard Ruth come into the kitchen with two other girls. Alice is Ruth’s best friend and she’s lovely, but Alice’s older sister is quite frankly a bitch.”

“Molly,” Bo said in surprise.

“Well, she is,” Molly defended. “And I could never say that in front of Ruth or Peter obviously.”

“They wanted to know where the freak was,” Bo said quietly, and Molly put her hand to her lips, then swallowed.

“What have I told you?”

Bo smiled cheekily. “That the only freak here is Eli?”

Molly chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Don’t be rude, either to yourself or Eli.”

Eli nudged Bo with his elbow. “You wanna I should singe their braids?”

“Yeah?” Bo looked brighter, and Eli grinned. Daniel was charmed. It had been the most interaction he had seen Eli have with another human being.

“Anyway, Ruth got upset and Mom came in and shooed them all out,” Bo continued, “but Rachel—the sister—and Ashlyn her friend decided if they weren’t going to get an introduction they would come and see anyway.”

“Bo heard someone come upstairs and thought it was either Martin or me.”

“But it was the mean girls on a fishing expedition?” Daniel guessed.

“Yep, and they met me just as I was coming out of the bathroom,” Bo said. “I knew it was someone I didn’t know right away, and I warned them to keep away.”

“He only wears his suit when Ruth and Peter are here, or if we have friends around,” Molly explained. “We all know to be careful.”

“They immediately started giving me crap like if they touched me would they die,” Bo explained. He glanced at Molly even though he wouldn’t be able to see the raised eyebrow and added, “Sorry.”

“It’s better than Peter’s newest vocabulary, and at least you don’t repeat it in front of Grandma.”

Eli chuckled and Daniel sensed a joke. He shot another look at Eli, and he was still quiet but seemed far more relaxed than Daniel had ever seen him.

“Rachel was pretending to push Ashlyn nearer to me, and Ashlyn was getting a little freaked herself and telling Rachel to stop it. I couldn’t get past them because they were moving, so I couldn’t risk it.”

“Bo’s really clever at judging where you are,” Molly put in, and Daniel smiled at the pride in her voice.

“I don’t know whether Rachel pushed her harder than she thought or Ashlyn tripped, but Ashlyn fell and put out her hand to stop herself. I moved to the side to try and get out of the way, and she caught my arm.”

“The burn wasn’t that bad, but she became hysterical, and one of the other moms called the paramedics because she was in such a state,” Molly said. “And Martin’s brother got the notification, so there wasn’t any trouble with the police, but her parents are protesting at Bo not being removed to protect the public, and—”

“I don’t have a witness,” Bo said. “Both girls are saying I attacked them.”

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