Home > How to Catch an Elusive Earl(3)

How to Catch an Elusive Earl(3)
Author: Tammy Andresen

She drew in a breath, puffing out her small chest. Not on her watch. She might be the youngest Moorish but she was also the strongest. She’d developed a razor-sharp tongue over the years, likely because it had been her only defense in her youth against the onslaught of four older sisters who were all bigger and stronger. They’d teased her mercilessly too. Until she’d learned to outwit them. She was still the smallest, of course, but in all likelihood, she was now the most feared.

Not that she’d ever truly hurt her sisters, she’d protect them with every tool she had, just as they would her. But this man had come for nefarious purposes and she was going to cut him down until he skulked away in tears. All right. She couldn’t actually picture the earl crying, but he’d skulk. There would be definite skulking. There was no doubt about that.

Just as she’d make certain he didn’t go near any of her sisters. She’d been given this task and she had every intention of completing the job. Her future brother-in-law, the Duke of Rathmore, had pulled her aside earlier in the day and warned her that Crestwood was the worst sort of gentleman. He’d told her not to allow any of her sisters near the man and certainly not to allow them to be alone with him.

Adrianna had scrunched her brow, staring at Rathmore. “Why are you telling me all of this?”

Rathmore had given her a pat on the shoulder. “Because you are just the Moorish to keep him in check. He’s a rake, Adrianna, through and through. Don’t allow his charming smile to win you over and don’t let him anywhere near your sisters. Juliet and Bianca are so trusting. Please watch over them tonight.”

Adrianna leveled Crestwood with another glare. She was ready, and Rathmore was correct on both counts. This man was the worst sort of rogue, she could see it in his every gesture, and Adrianna was the woman for the job when it came to protecting her family. “Well my lord, are you going to answer my question?”

He sat straighter, his grin growing brittle as more of his teeth showed. He was a wolf—a handsome wolf, but a predator nonetheless. “Pardon, what was your question? I’ve forgotten.”

“What sort of land deal are you and your friends venturing into that cannot wait?” She sat straighter, a triumphant smile curling her lips. This was a topic she actually had some knowledge on, making it a perfect one to highlight his deceitful nature. Her sisters would surely see what a snake he was by the time she was done. She’d bet her dowry he was lying.

Adrianna might have just told her sisters outright that the man was no good but she’d seen firsthand that it wouldn’t work. Juliet wouldn’t believe her and, in all likelihood, her elder sister would just spend that much more time with the man, trying to prove Adrianna wrong. Or worse yet, come up with some plan to highlight his goodness. She was constantly creating these plans to help people that often went disastrously wrong.

Crestwood’s mouth turned down further, but he didn’t respond as her father interceded. “Adrianna, that’s not something our guest need answer.”

Drat, she tapped her fan against her knee. She’d nearly had Crestwood trapped. Any parcel of land large enough for three lords to consider buying together had a very limited pool of buyers. Which meant there was likely no competition for the sale. So why the rush?

“I’m simply making conversation, Papa. Shouldn’t I be interested in the topic our guest had mentioned for discussion?”

Her father frowned and muttered something about an interrogation, but she ignored the word.

Instead, she turned back to Crestwood and put on her best smile, trying to relax her brow in the hopes of looking kind rather than accusatory. “Isn’t that right, Lord Crestwood? You mentioned the deal. Wouldn’t you say it was polite to ask questions?”

He gave her a long look, turning his head, first one way and then the other. “Polite isn’t quite the word that came to mind.”

She gave a delicate sniff, pretending not to understand his meaning. Two could play this game. “I find real estate quite fascinating. It’s a bit of a hobby for me and I’ve studied several large purchases. For example, did you know that the Louisiana Purchase was over two million kilometers?”

“Fascinating,” he replied, sitting back in his chair. His eyes rolled up to the ceiling and his tone implied he’d found it anything but. As his arms relaxed at his side, she narrowed her gaze. He was stepping directly into her trap.

Adrianna leaned forward. “Now that is a tract of land fit for three lords of your stature.”

“Quite,” he answered, crossing one knee over the other as his gaze drifted to her sister Bianca. He looked like a cat about to steal the milk. His square jaw hardened as his dark eyes glittered with nefarious interest. His arms flexed as he wrapped his large hands about his knee. For just a moment, she watched his long, tapered fingers lace together. Oh, he was handsome. That was for certain. It was part of what made him so dangerous.

Not to her, of course. No matter how masculine he looked, he didn’t fool her. Despite having grown up in this tiny hamlet, she considered herself smart enough to do battle with the likes of a rake. It was her best asset and the one that would keep her sisters safe as they all hunted for husbands. Bianca was a lovely woman with a heart of gold, but she’d never defend herself against a man like this. Which was why Adrianna needed to frighten him away right this minute before one of her sisters succumbed to his good looks and charm.

“Now in Haversham, there are only three parcels that could possibly suffice for such a transaction that you’d be interested in making. I’m truly curious. Which one are you considering?”

His knee dropped back down, his foot landing on the floor with a resounding thump as his gaze fixed on her, the muscles in his face hardening. “Which one?”

“Yes.” She placed her most innocent smile on her face, leaning forward. She didn’t want to miss a flick of his eyebrow as she outmaneuvered him. “Which tract of land are you referring to?” It was difficult, but she kept from crowing her victory. She had him. Haversham was part of her family’s holdings. Not her father’s, of course, but his older brother’s, The Earl of Seabridge.

He slowly sat up in his chair, as a hand came to the back of his neck, giving the skin a careful rub. “Well,” he started, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “The one closest to Haversham proper, of course.” Then he turned to her father, his look brightening. “And if this deal works the way I hope it does, perhaps we can discuss the shipment of our newest goods. It would be a natural pairing.”

Her father brightened considerably, bobbing his head up and down. “Now you’re talking.” Her father gave her a pat on the knee. “Adrianna is excessively intelligent. And here I was thinking she didn’t have a point to her questions but look where she led us. Well done, my sweet girl.”

Adrianna snapped her mouth closed, her hands clenching in her skirts. She noted that Crestwood still hadn’t named a specific plot or the type of product he’d need shipped. But her father was always eager to make a new deal and Crestwood must have realized that. Now her father wouldn’t allow her to interrupt for certain. She’d have to find another way to expose him for the rake he was.

Irritation bristled along her skin. He was good, she’d give him that, but this fight wasn’t over. Far from it. The night had just begun.

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