Home > Treasured : A Fantasy FF Romance(23)

Treasured : A Fantasy FF Romance(23)
Author: Poppy Woods

A low growl in the tunnel catches my ear and I step out, brandishing the dagger I stole from the dragon’s hoard of weapons. I shudder as I remember how many there were, how many she must have killed to amass such a collection. As I move down the corridor, the growl becomes more clear. It’s the dragon. I sigh, slipping the dagger into my belt and move into the main cavern, narrowing my eyes on her.

“You sound so disgruntled, beast,” I laugh. “Something wrong?”

“They’re at the base of the mountain,” she murmurs, stretching out her wing. “Come.”

“I couldn’t find my dress,” I sigh.

“If you want it, it’s in the sleeping chamber you mentioned, folded amongst the others. I like the shining fabrics . . . but I won’t steal it from you.” Her large pink eye dilates the slightest bit as she looks at me and I quickly shake my head, holding up my hand.

“No. No, that’s fine. If you like it, you can keep it. You’ve been kind, in a way. Or at the very least, you haven’t been cruel. Thank you for that.”

The dragon nods, huffing some steam from her nostrils before shaking her wing again. “Climb up here, now. We’ll fly down. I don’t want your father’s people in my caves ever again, Tiny Treasure.”

I scurry to the edge of her wing, my heart pounding in my ears as I grip onto a large spike I find there. Carefully, I walk across the thick bones lining her wing, careful not to step on the leathery material she relies on to fly. After a few moments—and only a few near-falls—I find myself sitting on the back of a dragon. Inching my hips forward, I settle at the base of her neck, wrapping my arms around the thick neck in front of me.

She twists around to peer at me and I swear, for a moment, it looks like she smiles. “Hold on tight, Tiny Treasure,” she chuckles before leaping over the edge. My stomach flies into my chest as I hold onto her neck, a scream of delight flying from my lips when her wings spread, and we start to glide on the wind.

“Did you think we’d fall?” she asks over her shoulder.

“I couldn’t think at all,” I admit, pressing the side of my face into her scales as the wind whips around us. It’s exhilarating, riding a dragon. It’s not something I ever dreamed of doing, much less enjoying. I love the feel of the air splitting around us, the way her body rises and falls beneath me with each flap of her wings.

I wish I’d been able to speak to Niressa before I left. There’s something about the sorceress that calls to me. Perhaps that’s the secret, perhaps it’s her magic that calls to me. It would make sense, in a foul sort of way. But it’s also probably for the best that I didn’t get the opportunity to grow attached to her. She’s important to the dragon, somehow. I wouldn’t want to disrupt whatever strange relationship the two of them have.

And what place could I offer a sorceress, anyway? Vanir already has a mage. With a wistful sigh, I lean back from the dragon’s neck, peering out at the party waiting for us.

She lands on the ground with a heavy thud, raising her head high to look down at the men gathered around us. My father is nowhere to be seen and a sinking feeling fills my stomach; he should be here, bartering for my return. It’s a sign of ill will, a slight, and I’m sure the dragon notices. When I move my leg, preparing to dismount, she growls low in her throat and shakes her head.

She won’t let me get down yet.

Dary’s eyes meet mine from his horse and my heart surges toward him. I’m so close to going back home, so close to returning to my version of normal and getting on with my life.

Father’s general, a man named Wythecliff, dismounts his horse and approaches us slowly. In his hands, he holds something wrapped in cloth. Carefully, he unfolds the cloth and lays his offering in the grass before backing away in quite the rush.

The dragon snorts, her neck twisting in an odd angle as she brings her face low to look at the crown. As I look at the gift, all the glittering jewels along the crown catch my eye. It’s beautiful. Pink and blue stones alternate in swirling patterns across the metal, but it’s not my mother’s crown.

“This is not my treasure,” she huffs, rearing back. My grip on her neck slips as she jostles me around and I see Dary lean forward on instinct before gripping the horn of his saddle, clenching his jaw.

“It’s the same,” Wythecliff stutters. “The king sends it with his best wishes. He understands why you must love the colors—”

The dragon roars her agitation, spewing flame down on the offering until it’s nothing more than a pile of melted metal. The jewels melt last, popping and sizzling where they mix into the strange pool of liquid gold.

“It is not my treasure. You insult me. Your king insults me.” Her body rumbles beneath me as she growls at the men before us. “Leave while you still can.”

“Give us the princess,” Dary calls out from the group even as Wythecliff stumbles backward toward his horse.

“She will be returned when I’m given what’s mine.”

My heart beats a war song against my breast. My freedom lies just a few feet away, waiting for me. My idiotic father has pissed the beast off, now, and while I believe her to be a kind creature . . . she’s still a dragon and cares more for her treasure than anything else.

If they anger her, she may never let me leave.

I have to go while I can.

That thought tumbles through my mind like a leaf blown on the wind, crashing into everything on its descent to the ground. I release my hold on her neck and scramble to dismount. My feet nearly slip across the bumpy scales along her spine when she twists her neck around to face me, smoke pouring from her nostrils as she speaks.

“Do not try my patience, Treasure,” she growls, her eyes narrowing. Her wings spread out just as the sound of weapons being drawn meets my ears. I hang on tight, my pulse roaring in my ears so loud I can no longer hear the sound of metal sliding across metal.

“Release the princess!” Someone shouts and the dragon beats her wings, lifting off the ground. The heat from her scales intensifies, bordering on uncomfortable as I cling to her for dear life. I know there’s a fire building in her chest.

“Fools,” the dragon snarls as she beats her wings, bringing us higher into the air. I peer down at my would-be rescuers, frantic to find a solution. Perhaps I can reason with her.

But before I can try, a large, strange looking arrow soars through the air toward us. Metal glints in the sun and I yell, trying to warn the dragon before it’s too late.

“Look out!” I screech, beating on her scales with my fists. Her head whips round too late, the arrow slamming into her chest.

The dragon roars, her wings faltering for a moment and my stomach lurches. Fire spills from her mouth as her claws dig into the mountainside, rocks falling below us as she hangs on. She beats her wings again, painful snarls following each movement as she raises us up toward the ledge.

Finally, her claws grip the ledge and she pulls herself into the cavern. I scramble down from her back, rushing away from the ledge. My hand covers my heart, feeling the beat pounding against my palm through my chest.

The dragon turns, her side rising and falling with each labored breath and spews fire from the ledge, down at my rescue party.

“Dary!” I hiss, rushing toward her. As I reach the ledge, my heart sinks. I can’t see through all the smoke billowing up from the ground. I may as well be looking into the dark tunnel behind me. I turn around, prepared to screech at the dragon for what she’s done.

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