Home > Agony(4)

Author: Kaylee Ryan

“All right then. Well, since you’re single and I’m single, and quite the catch I might add, we should definitely dance.” He sets his drink down on the tailgate and turns to step between my legs that instinctively open for him.

It sounds slutty, even in my head, but it’s not. Trust me. He’s just a big guy, and well, like I said, it was instinct. “Dance? Here?” My eyes scan the field, and sure enough, there are couples dancing, if that’s what you want to call swaying back and forth with their tongues down each other’s throats.

“Come on, it’ll be fun. We can fuck with Reeves.” His eyes dance with mischief.

“He’s not going to care that we’re dancing.” At least not like Levi thinks he’s going to.

“Then what’s stopping you?” he challenges.

“Get me down from this thing,” I tell him, and he smirks.

“I thought you’d never ask.” His hands grip my waist, and he lifts me in the air, only he doesn’t put me down. Instead, he just holds me suspended in the air, staring up at me.

“What are you doing?” I ask, resting my hands on his shoulders for support.

“Gotta make it look convincing.” He winks, then begins to lower me to the ground. However, he holds me close, every inch of my body pressing against his on the way down. Once my feet, attached to wobbly knees, are firmly on the ground, he links his fingers with mine and pulls me a few feet away to where the others are dancing.

His big arms pull me close, and we begin to sway to the music. It’s a slow song, one I’ve heard countless times on the radio. I think it’s by Brett Young. “How are you liking CU so far?” Levi asks.

“Well, I’ve only really seen my dorm room, the library, and the cafeteria outside of my classes.”

“You don’t get out much, huh?” He chuckles.

“Not much of a partier.”

“Yet, here you are.”

“Yeah, well, Coop wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed to come with him,” I grumble.

“Here we go,” he says, adjusting his hold on me as the song changes to Tyga’s “Taste.”

Levi takes that as an opportunity for us to cut loose. He pulls me impossibly closer and rolls his hips. One hand is resting on the small of my back, and the other hangs at his side as he begins to rock his hips.

Something you don’t know about me? I love to dance. It’s my jam. I’m not ashamed to admit that I spent hours in my room growing up, just dancing and acting a fool. It wasn’t until I started high school that I took it to a whole other level. Janie, Beth, and I all took a hip-hop class. I loved it. We all did. So, yeah, I’ve never been one who was able to resist moving to the beat.

I move to straddle his leg and do a little grinding and swaying of my hips. Levi moves his hands to rest on my hips, and we quickly find our rhythm.

“There you go. Damn, no wonder Coop’s been keeping you all to himself.” Levi’s smile lights up his face.

I smile at him and roll my eyes. “I’ve kept myself hidden, thank you.”

“Why would you do a thing like that?” he asks as he bends his knees and shimmies down to my level, then back up again.

“It’s easier that way. All the football groupies they’re mean as hell, and no matter if I argue back or sit around and tell them until I’m blue in the face, they’re still catty about our relationship. They say nasty things, and honestly, I would just rather remove myself from it all.”

“But he’s your best friend?”

I sigh. “Yes. Which is why I’m here tonight instead of sitting at home reading my book and eating my mint chocolate chip ice cream.”

He throws his head back and laughs, turning us around to where my back is now to the fire. “I’m a mint chocolate chip fan myself.”

“Well, I have a small fridge/freezer in my dorm, and it’s as stocked as the tiny appliance allows. If you’re ever over in Banner Hall, stop in, and I’ll share.”

“You might be willing to share, but your boy over there, he doesn’t look too happy about us dancing together.”

I don’t look back, because I’ve seen the look he’s talking about. I used to get my hopes up and think that it meant Coop wanted more. However, time has shown me that his look, although intense, is just him looking out for me. “Nah, he’s just protective.”

He leans in close, and once his lips are next to my ear, he whispers, “I think you’re wrong about that.” His hot breath caresses my ear as I struggle to comprehend his words. Then he’s gone and talking to someone next to us.

“Reese.” I snap out of my fog when I hear my name. I turn to see Coop and some dark-haired girl hanging off his arm. “You okay?” He lifts his hand as if he’s going to touch me, and then drops it to his side.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask with more snark than he deserves. I can see a small tic in his jaw, and only because I know him well enough to know that my words hurt him. “I’m fine, Coop.” I give him a bright smile. “I was just giving Levi here a little lesson in dancing.”

“Oh, you think so?” Levi laughs. “I want a rematch.”

“You really think you can show me up?” I tease.

“Yo! Dustin, gimme something good,” he calls out.

Dustin thrusts his arm in the air giving him a thumbs-up, then bends his head to his phone. The music stops, and then an old school tune blares through the speaker on the back of what I assume is Dustin’s truck.

“Color Me Badd? Really?” I laugh as the beginning chords of “I Wanna Sex You Up” begins to play.

“You backing out? I get it. You’re worried you can’t hang. It’s fine.” He slides his arm around my waist. “I understand, Reese. I would be worried too if I were you.”

“Oh, that’s cute. You think you can out dance me.” I turn so that my back is to his front and look at him over my shoulder. “Watch and learn, Levi. Watch and learn.” Bending over at the waist, my hands touch the ground. My ass is now firmly pressed against his crotch, and I do a little shaking before standing up and turning to face him.

He’s smiling and shaking his head. “You don’t play fair.”

I shrug. “Show me what you got, footballer.”

“Tight end.”

“That’s yet to be determined,” I quip. I know he was talking about his position, but I can’t help but mess with him.

“Coop’s an idiot,” he mumbles.

“What’s that?” I ask, even though I heard him loud and clear as if he were shouting the words.

He shakes his head and does this slow sensual sway of his hips against mine that has a cheer breaking out among the group. I let myself get lost in the music and just groove with him. He’s got moves, especially for such a large guy. I guess all that time on the field really does help with coordination.

Levi and I hang out the rest of the night. A few members of the team join us, trying to show up our moves, but I must admit he and I killed it. “We make a good team.”

“You’ll do,” I tease.

“All the time busting my balls.”

“Well…,” I say, and we both laugh. What I thought was going to be a dreadful night, turned into a great time. I’m glad I let Cooper drag me out. Maybe, just maybe, college is going to be different.

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