Home > Colt : An MC Romance (Outlaw Souls Book 6)(26)

Colt : An MC Romance (Outlaw Souls Book 6)(26)
Author: Hope Stone

I saw the hint of sadness in his eyes, but he covered it well.









When the day of redemption comes, you pray. You drop to your knees and pray for everything good in this world. Today was the day. The operation started at the crack of dawn before the sun broke over the back of the California mountains. I stood with my cup of Joe on the porch as a pocket of orange filled the sky, and the dewdrops hit the tips of the sweet-smelling blades of grass.

I practically gulped my coffee down, then I called Mikakov.


“Morning, champ.” Mikakov’s thick Russian accent made a wry smile lift over my face.


“Okay. Here’s how we run. You’re out of this. Know this—they are coming for blood. These bitches think Hector is going to be there. Me, Vlad, Moracov, and Pedro are going to go in. We are going to settle the price on the young man’s head, on the proviso that you take him under your wing. He’s yours now. Understand? But we got you covered.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

“No. Colt, thank you. We know the price you paid. You put your life on the line. We respect that.”

I watched as a bird flew to the closest tree and called out. “See you tonight.”

“Colt, keep Hector away from the scene, just in case. Sit high on the hill if you are going to be there.”

“Done, and no problem taking the kid under my wing. It’s what I planned to do all along.”



So it was done. Hector joined me outside.

“Hey, Colt. I wanted to ask you something.” He had a cup of coffee in his hand and stood on the porch beside me.


“Do you think I could work with you? I could use a job. I want to stay out of trouble.” Hector posed his question without reservations.

“We all find ourselves in positions in life we shouldn’t be in. I know that for certain. Give me some time to work on things.”

“Okay. For now, let’s see this thing through. I’m going in tonight,” he said. “I want to be there.”

“The Russians don’t want you there. They’re trying to save your ass. It’s a bad idea.”

“I know it is, but I can’t just let you go into that situation, knowing that I was the cause of it in the first place.”

“Yes, you can. I’m seasoned. If, for any reason, one Las Balas member sees you, they might not get you right away, but they will get you. Trust me.”

“I get it. I don’t want to be walking around watching my back through Merced.”

I looked out as the sun broke over the hill. My little sleepyhead Bella would be up soon. “You won’t. Once the Russians stand in for you, not one person will harm a hair on your head.”

“Thanks, Colt.”

“You’re family now, and that’s what we do.”

I left Hector standing outside and went to Bella’s bedroom to see her face and hear her little snores as she snuggled deeper into the covers. She had pretty hair, like her mother, a face like a little angel, and a heart as big as a lion, my little girl. I wanted a better future for her.

Hector was still sitting on the front porch, and the frown on his face told me he had a lot on his mind.

“Hey, Hector, let me take you down to where the guys work. It’s not crop season right now, but let me show you how it works.”

I hadn’t stepped foot in the farming side of the business since I’d been back. Mom had handled that side of things, so I would be seeing it for the first time along with Hector. We walked to the production warehouse as the sun’s heat started to warm us up.

“What are you going to do? Are you gonna go back to working at the chop shop? I heard that’s what you were into,” Hector asked as we walked.

I flashed back to being hauled off in handcuffs. “No. They want me to, but in a different way. I’m an Outlaw ‘till I die. I just can’t do that right now. Diego runs a legit motorcycle chapter here. He made an offer. I know the cops are going to be on my ass if I do, though.”

“Yeah, but if you can make money at it, why not?”

I glowered at Hector. “Have you learned your lesson? It seems like you haven’t. I don’t know if they took it easy on you inside, but prison life will eat you alive. When I first went in, I had to establish myself just like you do on the streets on the outside. People came at me every day. In the yard. In the shower. With homemade shanks. I got sliced a couple of times. Hangings in the jail cells, and friends murdered. You want nothing to do with that life.” I looked him up and down and saw the shame in his face. “You’re not cut out for it. You wouldn’t last when they send you to the hole. Where you’re locked in, darkness and rats are coming out of the corners, and the cell smells like rancid piss. No, my friend, that’s not what you want, I can assure you.” I gave him a hard stare.

I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as I delivered the day’s sermon. “You have a point. By the way, you don’t have to put me up or nothing. I have a little money for a place. I’m just waiting for this shit to blow over. You know?”

He rubbed the back of his neck as we entered the production warehouse. A few empty barrels of grain feed were standing in the back corner. The makeshift conveyer belt was dusty, and the rubber was worn out. I would need to replace it.

“You can help me in here for starters. I need to prepare for crop season and fix some fences around the property. It’s not glamorous work, but it’s a good, earnest living and will keep you busy.” I shifted my gaze to him as the overwhelming smell of hay, crops, and grains permeated the warehouse.

“I can deal with this.” Hector’s face changed to one of hope.

Maybe my prison stint had a bigger purpose, after all. I set Hector to work on the back fences, which needed some attention.

“Okay, Hector. I have to drop Bella off at school. What you can’t do just leave, and we’ll work on it when I get back.”

He saluted and took his tools to the back fence. I smiled, glad I was doing some good.

As I entered the main house, Bella was in the kitchen with a cup in front of her. I saw the steam coming out and peeked into it. “What you got in there?”

She snubbed her nose at me in a cute way. “I have some tea. Grandma taught me how to make it.”

“You know how to cook on the stove, and with the water?”

“Yes. I do.” Her little lips blew on the hot drink, and she sipped cautiously. Her hair fell just below her shoulder blades. Long hair like her mother.

“You are amazing, Bella.”

She threw her hands up. “I know! Daddy, I’m excited to go to school today. I’m going to take a picture of Moonlight for a show and tell.”

“That’s a good idea, baby. I like it.” Nothing like a Bella in your life to lift your spirit. “When you finish that, Daddy is going to take you to school.”


Bella finished her drink and grabbed her book bag from the couch.

“Okay, I’m ready to go, Daddy.”

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