Home > Up Close and Personal(19)

Up Close and Personal(19)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

It was too late to change now, so she’d just have to go as his overdressed bodyguard. With heels that were too high to do anything useful in, like walk or run. But apparently not high enough when it came to looking elegant.

As she hurried towards the door, Debs’s voice carried over to her. ‘You don’t look elegant, but you do look okay. You know, for you.’

Kat burst out laughing. ‘Thanks, Munchkin.’


As Kat waited outside Zac’s hotel room she knew she was fidgeting but she couldn’t help it. The dress felt too tight, the sandals too uncomfortable. She wanted her boots. Then the door swung open, and all thoughts of how she looked, how she felt, flew out of her mind.

‘Oh my flaming God.’ She gaped at the vision in front of her, dressed in an immaculate fitting black tux, crisp white shirt unbuttoned at the collar, black silk bow tie loosely hanging round his neck.

He gave her a quizzical, highly sexy smile before his eyes made their own bold appraisal.

‘You don’t have to say anything nice,’ she told him quickly. ‘You’ve seen this dress before and besides, Debs has already told me I look okay, for me, which I’m taking as a compliment.’

‘I think I can do better than that.’

His dryly amused charm woke the dormant butterflies in her stomach. ‘No, that’s the whole point. You don’t need to. I know I look okay.’ She hoped she didn’t sound as flustered as she felt. ‘Now, are you ready? I mean, you look ready, well apart from the sexy undone tie thing you’ve got going on.’

‘Sexy, huh?’

‘Please, you know perfectly well how sexy you look. So let’s just … go.’ Breathe, Kat, breathe. He’d turned her into a rambling, hormonal mess and she wasn’t happy about it.

‘By all means.’ Still looking amused, he ducked back inside to pick up his wallet, tucking the hotel key card inside. ‘I assume you’ll want to lead the way?’

Nodding curtly, she opened the door, taking her time to check the corridor. The routine action helped calm her, a timely reminder this was far from a date. It was work.

She’d taken a step towards the lift when she felt the warmth of his body press lightly against her back, and the classy smell of his expensive aftershave drift up her nostrils. ‘You look stunning, Kat Parker.’ Her knees buckled and as she stumbled, he smirked back at her. ‘Everything okay?’

Inhaling sharply, she gathered herself. ‘Fine, thank you. I’m not good in heels, as you already know to your cost. They should come with a health and safety warning.’ As should he, she thought crossly. It was one thing telling herself he was a client, a job. Now she needed to make sure her body understood it, too.


Zac took another long sidelong glance at the lady driving him. And she really looked like a lady tonight. Not a slick, highly polished lady with hair artfully styled and make-up professionally applied. No, Kat, with her stuff convention, this is me attitude, was her own woman. It gave her a vibe, an edge, that was so sexy, it was impossible not to keep staring at her. He itched to tear down the barriers she’d put up. Ached to explore both the body and the mind of this fascinating, unique woman who could floor a man in the blink of an eye, yet who couldn’t take a compliment on her looks.

Who acted so tough, yet who came over soft and sentimental when it came to her niece.

Kat didn’t feel the same pull towards him, though. The excuse she’d given by the river, of him being her client, simply didn’t ring true. A woman who had no compunction pinching a car park space, who’d blithely turned up late to a client meeting, wasn’t someone cowed by rules.

So though she was attracted to him – he could read those signs – she didn’t like him enough to want to cross the line she’d drawn. He needed to respect that and stop fantasising about her.

Fuck, it was hard though. Especially when she spoke to him the way she was now.

‘So, tonight. I don’t really have to go as your date.’

The question, which should have been there, was buried deep beneath the combative tone. It made him want to kiss the attitude right out of her. ‘We’ve agreed this already. You, Kat Parker, are my date this evening.’

Her huff was one of pure annoyance. ‘Fine. But what about your parents? We’re not going to lie to them, surely.’

He was grateful she was driving, so wasn’t watching him too closely. ‘They know you’re my bodyguard, but nobody else does.’

‘They’re Helena and William Edwards, yes?’

‘Yes.’ It was so close to the truth it actually felt like it was, which was why he had no qualms repeating the story whenever he was asked about his background. So why did the lie now stick in his throat?

‘What about any other family? I think you said you had a brother and a sister?’

‘I’m not sure if they’re going.’

Dread seeped through him. Why the hell had he agreed to come? Because William and Helena asked you, and you can never say no to them.

Damn it, this was why he hadn’t wanted a bodyguard with him. Hadn’t wanted anyone from his new life, mixing with his old.

‘You’ve gone all quiet on me.’ Kat’s amused voice broke through his panicking thoughts. ‘And you’re looking all … twitchy.’

With a determined effort, he relaxed his shoulders. ‘I’m not.’ He flicked her a glance. ‘I’m remembering how unspeakably dull these occasions are, so if you want to drop me off and go somewhere more exciting for a few hours, feel free.’

This time she was the one who appeared to tense. ‘You know I can’t do that, so repeating the wheedle isn’t going to work. But I can go as your bodyguard if, you know, you’re having second thoughts about the date thing. Which I totally understand and actually think would be a far better idea—’

‘Why would I be having second thoughts?’

She indicated to turn down a narrow country lane, and his heart beat a little faster. They were nearly there. ‘Well, something’s worrying you. I thought maybe you were thinking it was a bad idea to pretend I’m your date.’

‘Whatever is going on in that head of yours,’ he rebuked mildly, ‘stop it. I’m proud to have you on my arm, as my date.’

He could have sworn there was a hint of a blush on her cheeks, but it was too dark to tell for sure. ‘I hope you’re still saying that when I’ve tripped over the shag pile rug because of these ruddy shoes.’

Laughter burst out of him. ‘I can promise you there will be no shag pile rugs. Only very expensive wool rugs from Persia.’

That elicited a groan. ‘Did I mention how clumsy I can be?’

‘I’m well aware,’ he answered dryly.

‘Ah, yes, I’d conveniently forgotten that little encounter. And I have to warn you, if the choice is spilling drink all over your parents’ Persian rug, or all over you, you’re in for another dousing. I will take it easy on you, though, and stick to water, so at least you won’t stink like a wine cellar while you’re schmoozing with your parents’ honoured guests.’

He started to laugh again, but then the Edwards Estate came into view and the laughter died. One glance at the shock on Kat’s face, though, was enough to shove him out of his worry pit. To think she’d actually believed the reason he was acting so twitchy, as she’d called it, was because he didn’t want to introduce her as his girlfriend. Did she really think he was that shallow? Or was this vital, sexy woman not as confident as she let on? One thing he was certain about: no way was he going to let his own unease about the situation lead her to think she was anything less than the rather amazing woman he was fast discovering.

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