Home > Up Close and Personal(32)

Up Close and Personal(32)
Author: Kathryn Freeman

‘Yeah well, guess what, you’re still not my fucking mum, so you still can’t tell me what to do.’

Zac winced as he heard footsteps thump up the stairs, followed by a door slamming.

Gingerly he opened the door to his room and walked out onto the landing.

‘I suppose you heard all that.’

Kat’s voice sailed up to him. Deciding it was an invitation, he went down to join her. ‘It was hard not to. Even with my door shut.’

She sighed deeply, her dark eyes full of misery. ‘Sorry.’

‘Don’t be. I’ve heard plenty of rows in my lifetime, though teenage ones are new to me.’

‘They’re the worst, because they’re so flaming stubborn.’

Kat’s body trembled as she inhaled, and Zac ached for her. It was obvious to anyone who saw Kat and Debs together how strong their bond was. How much Kat loved her niece. ‘Am I allowed to hold you?’ Not giving her time to answer, he wound his arms carefully around her very still body. ‘Just like this. Nothing more.’

He held his breath, aware there was a high chance she’d push him away, but after a few seconds she surprised him by exhaling softly and resting her head against his chest.

He had no idea how long they stood like that. Only that everything seemed to melt away and the only thing that existed was Kat, and how good she felt in his arms. How right, even though everything about it should feel wrong. They had nothing in common. Were only here, together, because he was her assignment.

Yet despite being effectively homeless, and with a stalker who seemed to be turning more and more sinister, he was, in that moment, the happiest he’d ever been.


Kat took a moment to just be. To breathe, relax her shoulders and appreciate how good it felt to be held by a strong pair of arms. Okay, by Zac’s arms. His heart thumped steadily, comfortingly as she pressed her head against the muscled wall of his chest. His smell wrapped around her; essence of Zac, mixed with a dose of expensive cologne. A combination both heady and reassuringly familiar.

How long had it been since anyone had done what he was doing now? Taking some of the strain away, just by holding her.

His hand began to move in slow circles along her spine, and Kat melted into him that little bit more. God, that felt good.

This – the enforced intimacy – is exactly what Mark warned you against.

Guiltily Kat jerked away. Mark was right, if she went down this path it was all likely to blow up in her face again. Worse, she realised sickeningly, it could be Zac’s face it blew up in.

Aware of Zac’s confused eyes on her, she moved over to the sofa, almost falling on it as her legs buckled. ‘Thank you,’ she managed, desperately fighting off the rising panic. When he raised an eyebrow, she added, ‘For the hug.’

‘It was hardly a hardship,’ he answered dryly, coming to sit next to her. Close, but not touching. ‘Do you feel any better for it?’

‘Sadly, Debs is still mad at me for not being her mum, and I’m still mad at her for being so stupid.’ But God help me, I enjoyed every moment of your arms around me.

He eased his long legs out in front of him, and Kat tried not to notice that he’d taken off his socks. How was it fair that even his feet were attractive?

‘Is she still hanging around with guys she shouldn’t be?’

Kat dragged her eyes from his slender feet, to his face. ‘Of course. Why would she take any notice of me? I’m just the pain-in-the-neck aunt who keeps on at her to do her homework, tidy her room.’ Seeing Zac smirk, she added, ‘I know, I know. Seems like double standards, but at least I don’t leave my clothes lying around.’ Another twitch of his lips. ‘And you can take your mind out of the gutter, Mr Edwards.’

‘Noted.’ They shared an amused smile and for a few grateful beats Kat thought they’d waded out of the emotional minefield. But then he sighed and leant back against the cushion. ‘Have you told Debs what happened to you?’

Feeling defensive, Kat drew her knees up to her chest. ‘I’ve told her I hung about with boys too old for me, yes.’

‘And the rest?’ There was so much compassion in his eyes, she found it hard to look at him. ‘Maybe if you tell her about your own experience, she’ll take more notice.’

‘I should never have told you that.’ Kat stared down at her hands. ‘It was way too personal a conversation to have with a client.’ Yet she’d blurred the line so many times now.

‘I’m more than a client, and you know it.’ There was no anger in his voice, just a statement of fact.

‘You shouldn’t be, and that’s entirely my fault.’ She jumped to her feet, frustrated at how badly she was handling the situation. Hadn’t history given her enough warnings of how dangerous it was to get involved with a man she had a responsibility to keep safe? ‘Anyway, thanks for the advice. I’m sorry you had to hear the shouting match.’

‘No problem.’

The shrewd look he gave her made her feel off kilter. ‘I bet you miss your hotel room now, huh? All that peace and quiet, no clutter.’

‘You think it bothers me to sleep in a house with noisy inhabitants and clutter?’

Calm green eyes zeroed in on hers and though she wanted to move away, she found it impossible to untangle herself. ‘I think it must do, yes.’

‘You’re wrong.’ He unfurled his long, lean body from the sofa and her heart gave a powerful thump as he walked towards her – no, stalked towards her. ‘This is what bothers me.’

Before she knew what was happening, his mouth was on hers.

It was like a repeat of their last kiss, only better. Hotter. Longer. His hands held her head steady, his lips teasing and nibbling before his tongue plundered. The heat of him, the soft feel of his mouth, the sounds he made, the press of his taut, hard body against hers. She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Could only absorb everything he gave her like a parched flower, deprived of water for too long. She needed to stop him, this wasn’t helping either of them, but she didn’t have the willpower. Fighting him, fighting this, was too hard when all she wanted to do was give in.

His hands dropped to her hips and he angled his body, thrusting unsubtly against her. Holy hell, the feel of him. It was like a fire had been lit inside her. Yet as her fingers curled into the softness of his hair, and her body pushed back against his, it was he who eased away. His fiery gaze that trapped hers, his ragged breaths echoing around the room. ‘The knowledge that you don’t want me to do that,’ he said, his voice rough with unfulfilled need, ‘is what bothers me.’

Panting heavily, Kat took a step away, and then another, until she could lean her weak, trembling body against the kitchen breakfast bar. Would she have stopped, if he hadn’t? To her shame, she didn’t know. ‘Just because I don’t want you to do it, doesn’t mean I don’t want it.’ Want you. ‘And you kissing me like that, and looking at me like you are now, doesn’t help.’

His mouth curved and there was mischief in his eyes now, alongside the heat. ‘It doesn’t? Good.’

She ignored the flutter in her chest. ‘But neither does it change anything. You and me … it can’t happen. I need to keep an emotional and professional distance to do my job.’ A fact she’d conveniently forgotten a few minutes ago.

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