Home > A Little Bit Wicked(5)

A Little Bit Wicked(5)
Author: Melissa Foster

“You must be excited.”

“I am. I can’t believe it’s finally happening. Teenage exuberance is contagious, and these new friendships should go a long way to alleviate loneliness for the residents here. Something as simple as being read to, playing a game, or even taking a walk could brighten their spirits and give them something to look forward to each week.”

“You know, those people who live there are lucky to have you. You’re always trying to make their lives better.”

“Thank you. You should see the collage I made for Louis Flessinger’s ninety-second birthday last week. I had taken pictures of him with other residents, his grandchildren, and his daughter and put them on a large board that I decorated with fabric and cute embellishments. He cried when I gave it to him.” She loved making keepsakes like picture boards, albums, and cards for her friends, the residents at LOCAL, and for herself and Serena.

“You’ve always known that the small things make the biggest differences,” Serena said.

“Well, I hope this program makes a difference because I’ve been researching another program I’d like to mention in my meeting with the board next week, just to feel them out. If this one does well and the board doesn’t shut down my next idea, I’m going to put together a formal proposal and pitch it to Alan. It can’t hurt to strike while the iron’s hot.”

“You’d know best,” Serena said. “What’s the other program?”

“Do you remember that puppeteering article I told you about a few weeks ago? The one about the benefits of using puppetry as a form of therapy for dementia patients?”

“Yeah, that sounded really cool. You should talk to Justin’s sister, Mads. She’s a puppeteer. Remember, we met her at his gallery opening last summer? I really liked her. She’s so sweet, it’s hard to believe she’s got all those tough brothers.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Although now she was also thinking of one particularly tough and brawny brother of Madigan’s. Trickles of heat moved through her. Why did the thought of him have that effect on her? She tried to push those thoughts away, but they lingered like the apple in the Garden of Eden. “Mads travels all the time, but I heard she was back in town and looking for work. I thought I’d pick her brain and possibly pitch a test puppetry program. But the Junior/Senior Program really needs to go smoothly if I have any hope of getting another program funded.”

The door to the conference room opened, and Alan Rogers walked in. Her boss was an unremarkable middle-aged man of average build who had probably worn his short brown hair in the same boyish style since he was a kid. But he was good at his job, and he held the key to program funding. Luckily, he’d always shown interest in Chloe’s ideas, and he usually supported the new programs she pitched. Unfortunately, he was also a close talker who stepped into people’s personal space and stared into their eyes as he spoke. He’d never done anything inappropriate, but having anyone invade her personal space uninvited was unsettling.

“Serena, I’ll call you later. I have to go.” Chloe set down her phone and said, “Hi, Alan.”

“Getting ready for orientation?” he asked as he walked around the conference table toward her.

“Yes. The kids should be here soon.” She began placing the folders around the table, putting distance between them, a strategy she’d developed early on.

“There’s an assisted living conference coming up in Boston next month covering a gamut of topics that could help our residents. They’re featuring women in management, which I thought you’d enjoy since you’re my shining star.”

“Well, thank you. That sounds interesting,” she said, setting down another packet.

“You know how much I admire you, Chloe. Conferences like this could help us become an even stronger team. I’ll email you the information. It’s a two-day conference, Friday and Saturday. We can drive together and stay at the hotel where the conference is being held, so we don’t miss the morning meetings.”

The idea of driving in the same car with the close talker made her want to decline the offer, but she didn’t want to miss a conference that might be good for her career and the facility. “I’m pretty busy with new program development, so I’m not sure I can afford two days away, but I’ll check it out and let you know.”

“Sounds good,” he said, following her around the table. “I met the men you referred me to for the work on my patio. They’re a little rough around the edges. I thought you said they were friends of yours.”

“They are. They’re good guys, and they do great work.” She set down the last packet, and when she looked up, Alan was right there.

“You trust them?” Alan asked.

“Yes, I do.”

His expression turned serious. “Are you dating one of them?”

“I don’t see how that’s relevant, but no, I’m not.”

“That’s good.” A slow smile lifted his lips. “A woman like you deserves a man fitting your professionalism. A man who can afford to treat you right.”

“I’m sure the Wickeds make fine livings, and you know, not everyone can be as lucky as your wife.” She wasn’t above blowing smoke up the guy’s ass in hopes of ending the conversation so she wouldn’t have to smell his acrid breath anymore.

He held her gaze and said, “There’s enough luck to go around. It’s all about timing.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and took a step back. “Yeah, well, I feel like I’ve been waiting forever.”

“Chloe, you’re not one to rush and make mistakes. The right man at the right time is worth waiting for, don’t you think?”

“There she is!” Rose Masters exclaimed as she barreled into the room, right past Alan, and embraced Chloe. Rose was Chloe’s friends Dean and Jett’s grandmother and a longtime resident of LOCAL. As always, she was with her two best friends, Magdeline and Arlin.

“Mr. Rogers, I have been looking for you.” Magdeline, a tall, wiry woman who possessed enough gumption for ten people, stepped between Chloe and Alan and said, “My daughter has been trying to reach you to discuss financial matters. Did you get her messages?”

“I, um, no. I don’t recall getting them,” Alan answered as Magdeline and Arlin ushered him toward the door.

“Why don’t we go with you to your office,” Arlin suggested. She must have just had her hair done, because it was even brighter orange than usual. “We can call her together.”

Alan glanced at his watch and said, “I have a meeting now, but I’ll look into it as soon as I’m free.”

“Perfect!” Magdeline exclaimed, and she closed the conference room door behind him. She and her friends chuckled like they’d just pulled off the greatest scheme.

Rose shuddered, her snow-white hair bouncing with the movement. “That man gives me the creeps.”

Chloe tried to keep a straight face, but laughter spilled out.

“How did he get this job?” Arlin asked.

“I’ll tell you how. He’s Darren’s son,” Magdeline said. Darren Rogers was the CEO of LOCAL.

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