Home > From Then Until Forever(50)

From Then Until Forever(50)
Author: Kitty Berry

“Or maybe she did.”

Teyler opened his fridge and handed Jake a water. They could have both used a relaxing beer after sitting through the scene at the nightclub, but it was only the middle of Teyler’s season and neither one of them could ever break from the rules instilled in them from their early coaches. “Yeah, with her husband and three point two kids.”

Jake put a comforting hand on Teyler’s shoulder. “Or maybe she’s still thinking about the guy that she fell in love with that one summer but let go so he could focus on his dream of one day playing in the NBA like his father.”

Teyler scrunched his features as he let that thought percolate. “You think she blew me off for me, not because she met someone else or didn’t want to do the long-distance thing? I always worried if it was the bi-racial thing. It wasn’t as accepted back then.”

Jake waved that concern off. He didn’t know Colleen, but from what his friend told him of her, he couldn’t see that being the issue.

They walked out to Teyler’s back deck and sat in cushioned chairs.

“We’re old,” Teyler said. “A few years ago, tonight would have ended a lot differently.”

Jake took a long sip of his water and agreed with a nod of his head.

“I’m so fucking over the girls, man,” Teyler admitted.

And he was. He was sick and tired of the models, actresses, singers; you name it, he dated them. Young, old, from every race and background. But by dated, he meant took them to an event, or a handful of dinners. All Teyler ever needed or wanted them for was sexual relief. And they’d all been more than happy to oblige.

But now, he was sick and tired of that game. He didn’t want to fuck some random woman that he couldn’t even bring himself to find the pleasure of orgasming inside of. Teyler wanted a connection with someone he could finish growing old with. Someone he could trust to be there for him, not his fame and money. He wanted to settle down in a quaint, quiet town and eat saltwater taffy and fudge with the only girl he’d ever love.









Falls Village, Maine



Callan and Jordan’s wedding arrives and is as beautiful as any fairy tale; the castle filled with the people closest to them.

Jordan’s sisters stand by her side wearing the classic yellow gown like the princess from their favorite fable while she says her vows. They hold bouquets of red roses in their arms, the petals never threatening to fall off and cut the happy couple’s love affair short. Callan has Ace Lyons and Elliot Montgomery next to him, looking better than any fairy-tale hero could ever hope for. Joey Collins and his new wife, Morgan, look just as in love as the newlyweds as their eyes tear up when Jordan finally says, “I do.” Teyler Walker has his fingers laced with his future wife’s as Callan returns the vow.

“I do,” Callan Black says with the most honest smile he’s ever had on his face. Then he’s forced to laugh when Beast, Jenny’s dog, sneezes on his shoe. Lucas Hart runs up to grab the pup, but Callan stops him and lifts the dog into his arms.

The ceremony is followed by an informal cocktail time that offers a tavern like atmosphere fit for the arrogant male hunter from the girl’s favorite fable with fried chicken wings, pigs in a blanket, and bacon bourbon caramel corn. Beers overflow as the guests await the return of the bride and groom who have snuck off to change and sneak in a few private moments before the formal sit-down meal.

As Callan and Jordan return, most likely from a session of the hottest sex Falls Village has ever seen, which is saying something with its inhabitants, everyone gathers in the main dining room to find the table set with deep red linen napkins atop a crisp white tablecloth.

“Lucas, look at the candelabras,” Jenny whispers to her boyfriend, the one that she finally gave her innocence to. “Maybe they’ll come to life.”

“Arf!” Beast makes himself heard and Jenny scoops him into her arms and plants a kiss to his head as Lucas Hart pulls her into his side and does the same to her.

As the guests find their seats, Elliot Montgomery calls their attention with a clang of his fork against the fine white china. “Callan and Jordan,” he begins as his wife raises to stand by his side, her fingers slipping into his, “there is a time in everyone’s life when the person made for them arrives.” Elliot looks at his wife and plants a soft kiss to his one true love before continuing. “Their soul mate, the person they will love for the rest of their life. That person walked into Callan’s life about eight years ago when he met me.”

The people sitting at the large table laugh in unison and Adams smacks her husband’s chest.

Elliot chuckles then picks up where he left off. “When Callan asked Ace and I to be his best men, I volunteered to say this speech, because let’s face it, I truly am the best man.”

Ace Lyons stands and takes Elliot into a headlock while rubbing his knuckles on his scalp. Elliot pushes him back into his chair so he can continue his speech. This trio of men will never grow too old to brawl like teenage siblings on a twenty-hour road trip.

After Elliot breaks free from Ace, he continues with a hand going through his hair to straighten it out when what he really does is mess it up more than Ace just did. “Look at my man, doesn’t Callan clean up well? He couldn’t be at my wedding because he was crouching up in my attic with the squirrels…”

“Why would you mention them?” Callan asks as a tremor runs through his body and Jordan climbs into his lap. She whispers into his ear, something only Callan hears that makes him smile then takes his bride in a heated kiss that has her father growling and looking the other way while her mother beams and clasps her husband’s arm.

“All joking aside, doesn’t my sister-in-law look amazing?” Elliot asks. “Why, too good for this asshole, am I right?”

“Monti,” Callan scolds. “Shut the fuck up.”

Elliot, of course does not listen to his best friend. “I mean, she even manages to make Callan appear better looking than he is. Not as hot as me, but…”

“Isn’t this speech supposed to be you saying nice things about me, not acting like a fucking dick? I think her dad would do a better job.”

“Okay, okay, okay,” Elliot says. “No more fooling around.” He grows serious and even tears up before the next words leave his mouth. “You are my brother, man. Not by blood, so it makes it more special. Cal…you, Ace, and I, we’re family. Not because we did this weird shit and married sisters”—the girls roll their eyes at each other—“but because we fight each other hard and love each other harder. Our family isn’t complete yet and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together with the women we love and raising our kids together. I just pray to fucking God, man, that yours take after Jordan because the world can only handle one Callan Black.”

Adams interrupts her husband as he wipes his eyes. “Please raise your glasses to my sister and Callan.”

The group raises their French wine to their lips with words of love for the happy couple as the waiters arrive with the beef ragout, cheese souffle pie, and green beans with mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes. Jordan created this menu with her sisters to match the famous song from their fairy tale of choice.

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