Home > High School Romance(16)

High School Romance(16)
Author: Penny Wylder

My chest eases. At least for now, there will be a next time. That’s something, at least. “See you at dinner?”

She nods, staring at me for a moment and blushing before unlocking the door and slipping out. I lean back on the bed, taking a deep breath. Holy fuck. This day has been a whirlwind and it’s not over.

I need to make a time to go into town, I can pick up a replacement tire for the bus and I’ll check with the kitchen staff if they need anything for meals and the bonfire this Friday. I need to put my clothes on and check on everybody and make sure everything is going smoothly. But the only thought that’s filling my mind right now is the way that Seph tastes and how I want to bury myself in her again and again until we’re both so exhausted that we can’t move from the bed.

Ducking into the bathroom, I take a quick shower. It’s a decently large shower, and it might be fun to bring Seph in here and…fuck why is this so complicated?

I’m not even sure where we fell apart. When we were here that summer, we were so in love. And we were those teenagers that I have to keep an eye out for, sneaking off to have sex whenever possible. And then later, when by some miracle Seph and I ended up at the same high school, it was like the summer had never happened. No spark at all. Thinking about that still hurts, and I fucked up. I rebounded with the worst person possible for Seph.

Maybe if I hadn’t, things would be different now. But Leena was bright and shining and at the time she was a balm for how much I was hurting. And as stupid as it was, we continued to be that for each other over the years.

But we were never meant to be, and now that we’re not together I can only hope that I can repair the damage that the two of us did, and find out what really happened between Seph and me. Why did she give up so suddenly? What did I do?

Even after everything we just did, the thoughts of her in this shower with me have me hard and stroking my cock hard enough that I see stars when I pour my orgasm down the drain. I need her again. Always.

I dry myself off and try to untangle the thoughts still in my head, though it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be possible.

I pull on my pants and try to shove the unanswered questions from my mind so that I’m able to function and do my job. But it’s still an echo.

What did I do? What can I do now? How can I make her mine?









Six Years Ago




I startle at his voice, wrapped up in the writing as I was. Eric presses a kiss to my cheek as he bends over my shoulder, a secret, hidden kiss. We’ve had to be careful, and yet not too careful. Because ever since we kissed at the waterfall it’s like a match was lit to waiting gasoline. That was both of our first kiss, and we weren’t great. But over the past few weeks we’ve gotten better.

And Even though we’ve been trying not to be too obvious, I think it would be clear to anyone who sees us together. The same way that Leena and I were last year, Eric and I are inseparable. And she might not forgive me for saying it, but hanging out with someone you can make out with is a lot more fun.

“Hi,” I say. “You got me.”

“Whatcha doing?” he asks, sitting down on the bench beside me. “Oh wait, I know.” He’s grinning though. I know he doesn’t care that I’m writing. More often than not he asks me to let him read it, and more often than not I let him. I blush anyway, though. It’s a reaction that I can’t seem to control when I’m around him.

“You know.”

“I do.” He looks around to make sure that no one’s watching before leaning in for a real kiss. I love his kisses. Soft and sweet that somehow morph into hot and hungry at a moment’s notice. I’ve never felt like this about anyone.

And it’s not just the physical stuff, though that’s been amazing so far. I’ve done stuff in the last weeks that I never would have considered doing before. Sneaking out so I can kiss Eric until I’m breathless, his hands and my hands roaming until we’re both gasping and wanting more, but not quite ready for it. But I’ve felt the way he’s hard beneath his clothes, and he’s felt the way my breasts swell and the heat at the seam of my pants, and I know we’ll get there. It’s inevitable.

But we’ve also been talking. About anything and everything. Eric has told me how much he loves music and how that’s what he wants to do. I’ve told him the list of places that I want to travel and that I want to be both a novelist and a travel writer. Writing about places and times in a unique way. I feel like I know everything about him now, from his favorite color to his birthday and his favorite foods.

This summer has been way better than I ever hoped, and I don’t want it to end. I consider myself lucky that he tackled me that first day. If he hadn’t, maybe we would have gone the whole summer without really talking. But now…well…this is better.

“How was basketball?”

“Good. About to go swimming and wanted to see if you’d join me.”

I make a face. “I have archery in a few minutes.”

“Cool. That’s okay. I have a plan.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, trying to make me laugh.

And I do. “What’s your plan?”

“Sneak out and meet me.”

I roll my eyes. “I do that almost every night.”

“True. But this time meet me at the waterfall. Or rather, meet me at the lake and we’ll go to the waterfall together.”

Something about the way he says it makes my stomach flip. “Why are we going there?” We’ve been back quite a bit, sneaking past the closed off path to have privacy. But we’ve never ventured out there in the dark. It somehow seems vaguely alluring and dangerous.

“It’s a surprise.”

I stare at him, trying to figure it out, but he gives nothing away. Just smiles like he has no other cares in the world. “Okay.”

“Okay.” He kisses me quickly again. “Shoot straight.”

“I’ll try.”

Nerves jump in my gut. Anticipation and curiosity and a touch of anxiety. This seems different. I could be ready for different. When it comes to Eric, I’m ready for it all. I’m ready for everything. Not a huge chance that I’ll be able to shoot straight now, not when I’ll be thinking about what he has planned. But I’m going to try anyway.


I don’t know for sure what will happen when I leave my cabin tonight, but I have a hope. And it’s that hope that makes me put on the only set of matching underwear that I brought to camp. I do what I’ve done every night I’ve snuck out. Worn clothes under my robe and hide under the covers until everyone is asleep, and then leave.

This time, I don’t quite make it out. “Where do you go every night?” Lisa says quietly. She’s one of my roommates, and a nice girl. I don’t think I have to worry about her reporting me to the counsellors.

“Oh, you know,” I whisper. “I just like to look at the stars.”

There’s a snicker from the other bed in the room, and Anna sits up. We’re the only three in here. Might as well stop pretending. There are still people in the other rooms, and we need to be quiet, but I relax. “Please,” Anna says. “She’s going out to meet Eric.”

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