Home > His Secret Treasure(6)

His Secret Treasure(6)
Author: MINK

My thoughts are consumed with her, but I can’t see her for the bright spotlight that shines in my face. She’s out there, though. It’s like I can feel her.

“Let’s get the bidding started at a modest $1,000,” Trent calls.

The bids start rapidly, women staring at their phones as a huge screen lights up behind us over the stage. The $1,000 opening number is long gone, and each second that ticks by shows a higher amount, with the name changing based on who’s the highest bidder.

The spotlight finally abates so the partygoers can see the screen. I blink away the dots in my vision and find the mysterious woman sitting where I left her, her eyes on me. My blood heats as I look directly at her, taking in her form.

Her dress hugs her ample breasts, nips in at her waist, then flares out again at her hips. She’s built like a goddess, and I would be more than happy to worship at her altar. Filthy thoughts swirl in my mind as the number keeps going up. What will she say when I tell her I want her in my bed? The thought should shock me, but I’m over my initial surprise. She was unexpected, but now that I have her in my sights, I’m not letting her go.

She’s a treasure that, for once, I intend to keep for myself.

“Whoa, ladies, already at $100,000 and still rising?” Trent claps. “Save some for the rest of us!”

Some of the men laugh or shift uncomfortably in their chairs. There are plenty of Hollywood stars and corporate titans here that are more than happy to be bought by the hungriest of society ladies. But they’ll have to wait. Once my mystery woman wins my bid, they’ll get their turn on the stage, and I’ll whisk her away to my home.

Mrs. Pettyford might have a stroke when she sees me with a guest. But it can’t be helped. There’s no way in hell I’m letting Pansy get away.

Her name flashes up on the screen behind me, but is quickly drowned out by a Melinda, a Caroline, and, the most frequent bidder of all, Selena.

The amount is rising higher than even the previous years, the dollar amount quickly approaching a quarter of a million. The names start falling away, and I keep my gaze on Pansy. She glances up at me, her fingers still at work on her phone. Her eyebrows lift, as if she’s questioning whether she should keep bidding.

I give her a nod.

She shrugs, the swells of her breasts rising with the movement. Fire lights through my veins again, and I can imagine running my tongue along her fair skin, then delving lower and tasting the ripe buds of her nipples. Desire rides me hard, the sensation so foreign yet no less intense.

“Looks like we’re down to two big spenders.” Trent whistles as the names flip from first Pansy, then Selena. The bidding continues rapidly.

Selena doesn’t have this kind of cash. There’s no way she can win, but she isn’t giving up. I grit my teeth as the room falls into a hush. Disappointed bidders turn to their drinks or sit back and wait for the next bachelor. But not Selena. She’s standing, slowly moving toward Pansy.

My hands clench into fists as she gets closer and closer, the bids still going.

“We’re going to have to shut this down.” Trent laughs. “Blowing our load too early.”

The bids keep flickering.

Ms. Lane, the stately matriarch of this charity event, pantomimes a slash across her throat from the side of the stage.

Trent takes the hint. “All right folks, we need to move along. Let’s all count down together, and whoever has the highest bid when we get to zero, wins.”

The crowd cheers, and Trent leads them in a countdown.


Selena is getting closer to Pansy.


I don’t like it one bit.


Pansy is still bidding like crazy.


But Selena is beating every bid in rapid fashion.


Right when the crowd takes in a breath to say the final number, Selena slaps my phone from Pansy’s hand. It topples to the floor as Pansy jumps from her seat.


The final bid was $425,000.

The winning bidder’s name flashes in bright pink letters.










Well, that was unexpected.

I take a breath, glad I hadn’t made a scene. I’d simply picked up the phone and watched as Selena stood there with a look of victory on her face after winning Gaines.

She cheated. But I can’t even be mad at her. I, too, was here trying to run a con. Though I think she wants something very different from Gaines than I do.

I’d still wanted to take her to the ground, but that would only draw attention to me. The kind I don’t need. Stay the course, I remind myself. Not that I have a course mapped out. There’s really only one goal at this point. Get my box, and get the hell away from Gaines before he catches me.

“You can take me home for free.” The man next to me leans over and grins.

I would smile at his joke, but I’m too mad. I may have kept my cool so far, but I’m not great at losing. Why do I even care? So what if he has to go on a date with her? I should be long gone before that date ever takes place. Wait. Was that date happening tonight? Is he supposed to spend the rest of the night with her?

“Why would anyone pay that much for a date?” I say loud enough for Selena to hear me.

She’s still gloating. I realize that money is nothing to these sorts of people, but to me this screams how desperate to get at Gaines these women are. Why bid on a man to date you? Selena is beautiful. She shouldn't have to pay for someone to take her out. I’m guessing her insides aren’t as pretty, and that’s why she’s having to pay half a million for a date.

Another man is already on the stage. I watch as the bidding begins going up. Not as quickly as when Gaines was up there, but still the bids come in heavily.

“At least it’s for a good cause.” The only thing I can think is that I’ve missed my opportunity to go home with Gaines. I school my expression, knowing that plenty of people are still looking at me. My eyes drop to my dress. The small stain is still there. A little reminder of just how much has already gone wrong tonight.

“Selena isn’t here for any cause,” the man next to me says.

I turn my head to look at the beautiful blonde. For someone who won, she doesn’t look very excited now. If anything, she’s nervous. Almost worried. Which makes me think that she got so wrapped up in the battle for Gaines that she overbid. Is it possible she doesn’t have the money? I’d say it’s highly likely by the way she’s wringing her hands together.

I’m not here for a good cause either. I shouldn't be so judgy. Still, a sense of jealousy gnaws at me that she’s getting to go out with Gaines. He’s my target. I have plans for that man. I don’t think Selena’s and mine are anything alike. My stomach turns thinking about what they’ll be doing together in their alone time.

I pick up Gaines's phone off the table and type in a bid. The man next to me throws back his head and laughs.

“We have a new bidder!” The showboat on the stage shouts. The same one that was talking to Gaines earlier. I glance at the man I’m actually bidding on, not sure why I’m doing this to begin with. Right, this is a good cause, and it’s Gaines’s money, not mine.

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