Home > Love to Hate You(28)

Love to Hate You(28)
Author: Melissa Schroeder

“If you insist,” I say taking the tub from her and sliding it in my truck. I lean close and give her a peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Mrs. Peterson.”

She giggles. “Of course, dear. Now don’t eat them all today.”

With the amount of sugar in them, I would end up in a diabetic coma if I did that. “Yes, ma’am.”

I wait for her to cross the street back to her house, then I get in my truck. As I’m driving away, my phone starts dinging with Nancy’s text tone. I know she knows I got the coveted double chocolate cookies from Mrs. Peterson. I smile and ignore the texts. She’s probably pissed that I didn’t offer to share any of them with her. I make my way through town as I keep getting texts from Nancy.

My mind goes back to my conversation with Josh.

“We have to tell her, Travis.”

“I know that. I just think we need all the facts. I also need to talk to Grady. He needs to know. If this isn’t random, it might have something to do with the show, so he needs to be on board.”

“Just so you know, I am not agreeing to this. I’m gonna talk to her later today.”

“I get that. Just give me a few hours.”

I sigh and realize that I need to make sure I talk to Grady. Once I get back to the office and I’ve stored the cookies, I look at my texts.

Nancy: You better bring in some of those cookies.

Nancy: You slimy MOFO!

Nancy: I deserve those cookies. I have put up with Mrs. Peterson for years. Those should be mine. In my mouth. RIGHT NOW.

Nancy: *angry girl with brush* gif

Nancy: You are dead to me. Also, I’m telling your sister how mean you’ve been.

I roll my eyes.

Me: You snooze you lose. You should have come out when she walked across the street.

I know that she saw everything that was going on, but she didn’t want to deal with Mrs. Peterson. I call Grady.

“Travis, is something wrong?”

“Not really.”

“That doesn’t bode well. Do I need to call Syd in here?”

“No. Please, not yet. Nancy had a flat tire last night.”

“Yeah, she and Syd talked about it.”

“What she doesn’t know is that it was deliberate.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I mean, Josh and Mitch told her it was deliberate, but not that she might be targeted. Fuck, I saw the video. Guy walks up and knifes her tire.”

“Dammit. And what does Josh think?”

He thinks Nancy is going to kick my ass and he’s probably right.

“Not sure yet. We didn’t get a look at his face. And it could be some asshole mad at the world. But, he’s worried. As hot as it was last night, the asshole was wearing a hoodie and jeans. And he looked a little older. Most vandals are teenagers.”

“Shit, yeah.” He sighs. “Either way it would probably be good to have someone from At Home take a look at her security system.”

“She doesn’t work for you anymore.”

There’s a beat of silence, and I know what he heard. Hell, I recognize the bitterness dripping from every word.

“Listen, Travis, I know that it’s been a shit few days, but let’s keep our heads on straight, all right? What we have to worry about is Nancy’s safety. If there is someone stalking her, then we need to know. First, because we love her. Second, we are the ones who put her in the predicament.”


“I’m going to hold you off right there, Travis. We are. We helped make you stars and if something happens because of the show, my family would be beside themselves. And then there’s your sister. She loves Nancy as much as she loves you. She’s her sister.”


“So, I need to make sure Nancy’s safe.”

I think about it. “If she knows I told you, she’s gonna be pissed.”

“Then, let her be. You’re just trying to keep her safe. I’m going to talk to Josh—because I want to talk to Syd’s ex-boyfriend so badly—and see what he suggests. I can’t force Nancy to take any kind of security.”

“She’s not going to accept it unless there is a definitive stalker.”

“You know this for sure?”

“Yeah. Syd said that Nancy was considered a kidnapping target for most of her life. The Howards are definitely one-percenters, and there were a lot of oil families that became targets. She had security for a while but in college, she got fed up and got rid of them.”

He sighs. “Okay. The big thing is that she needs to have people around. I know from being at her house that she has a good security system.”

“Yeah, if she remembers to set it,” I mutter.

“Just keep an eye on her while I talk to Josh and see what he says.”

“He might not release information to you.”

“No, but he’ll release it to Syd, you know that.”

True. “And then she will end up here.”

“If it keeps Nancy safe, I don’t care.”

Shit, he’s right. But… “It would put her in the line of fire. I can’t have two women I…”

My voice trails off as I realize I almost admitted to loving Nancy. Granted, most people would think it was brotherly love, but that is definitely not the feeling I have for her. And if I say it out loud, I’m worried that Grady will figure it out.

“I get it. I do. Hell, the idea of Syd being around Nancy right now has me more than a little unsettled. But this is her job, and by not telling her is disrespecting her, Travis. You should know that better than anyone.”

Dammit, he’s right. This is what Nancy was probably referring to. I respect both Syd and Nancy. I don’t know two smarter women. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to protect them. And while I don’t really mind Syd knowing, I know what the result will be.

“Let me talk to Josh about it, then I’ll let you know when I’ll tell Syd. Truth is, if there is even a slight chance of an issue, she needs to know for her job, but also because Nancy is her sister in spirit.”

“Okay but let me know before you do it. Text me a warning because Nancy is going to be pissed at me and I need to be prepared.”

He chuckles. “You might as well start because we both know how this is going to go. I’d suggest you contact her now, let her know now. Sort of rip the bandage off.”

“Thanks for the advice,” I say, not trying to hide my sarcasm.

“Hey, just trying to help you win Nancy back.”

Immediately, the fine hairs on the back of my neck rise up. “What do you mean by that?”

“Um, the fact that you want her back on the show.”

I relax and release a relieved sigh.

“Oh, and the fact that you’re in love with her.”

I don’t say anything, and the silence stretches out so long that I wonder if he hung up on me. Then I hear the squeak of his chair as he shifts. “Listen, Travis, I have experience in loving someone who has no idea. Your sister was not easy to deal with. It was…unnerving. But, once I admitted it to myself, it was easier to come to terms with my feelings for her.”

“And when did this turn into a therapy session?”

“Ugh, right? Your sister. She’s turned me into this person who talks about feelings. So annoying. I’m going to call Josh and ask him about this mess.”

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