Home > Ms. Off Limits(5)

Ms. Off Limits(5)
Author: Loni Ree

I’ll feel relieved after Tony gets back to me with ideas on how to get by Joel Roberts and his rules.



Chapter 6






We’ve been keeping our relationship a secret for over a month, and the constant hiding is getting to me. After the first week, I knew I was falling in love with Sebastian. I’m more than ready to move on in our relationship, but I’m not sure how to tell him. I keep wondering if I should just strip and attack him during one of our nightly torture… I mean make-out sessions. It’s Thursday night, and he dropped me off at home an hour ago after we spent the evening together. I’m getting ready for bed when I get my nightly text from him

Miss you already. Think of me tonight.



Like I could think of anything else. I spend a restless night and wake up to the room spinning. My stomach gives me very little warning before I realize I need to rush to the bathroom. After throwing up several times, I lie down on the cool tile floor and let the chill soothe me. Almost immediately, I start to feel a little better, so I sit up and test the situation. I’m able to stand without falling over, so I walk into my bedroom and call the school. I hate calling out this early in the year, but I don’t want to give the students whatever illness I’ve got.

I don’t want Sebastian to find out at school about my illness, so I text him. The phone rings almost immediately. “Hey,” I answer.

“What’s wrong?” He sounds frantic, and I feel terrible for calling in sick, especially now that I’m feeling so much better.

“I think I have a little bug. It’s really no big deal,” I attempt to assure him.

I can hear he’s talking to someone, and there’s shuffling on the line before he comes back. “Do you need me to come over?”

My heart warms at his overprotectiveness, but I try to reassure him I’m okay. “I’m not bad at all. I probably could have worked today, but I didn’t want to take the chance of getting the kids sick.”

He gives me tons of instructions and lets me know he will stop by after work. I try to discourage him since I could be contagious, but he ignores my arguments and tells me to text him if I need anything. I’m left reeling when he ends the conversation with, “I love you.” I’m not even sure he realized he said it.

A few hours later, I’m wondering if I have some weird bug or food poisoning. The smell of certain foods makes me queasy, and I’m super tired but don’t have a fever. I’m sitting on the sofa, looking up my illness on the internet, when I get a shock. The one condition that fits all of my symptoms isn’t a sickness at all, and it’s not going away any time soon.

After rushing to the bedroom and throwing on some sweatpants, I pull my hair up and try to make myself presentable. I’ll have to drive to Jacksonville because if I buy a pregnancy test in Bay Isle, word will get around. And fast. I decide to cover all my bases by texting Sebastian and telling him my doctor in Jacksonville wants to see me to be sure nothing is up.

He freaks out and texts back, wanting to take me. That was a huge mistake. It takes three texts and a phone call to reassure him that I’m not in bad shape, and he doesn’t need to leave school in the middle of the day.

Two hours later, I’m sitting in my bathroom, staring at the word “pregnant” on the little screen, wondering how this will change things. Wow.

I’m not going to have to wonder for long. There’s a loud banging on my front door, and I know it’s time to explain a few things to the father of my baby. I lay the stick on the counter and take a deep breath.

When I open the door, I can’t believe my eyes. Sebastian is pale, and there are lines etched into his handsome face. He pushes past me and kicks the door shut. As his arms close around me, I lean against his strong body and take a deep breath. Sebastian kisses the top of my head. “Whatever is going on, we’ll take care of it. We can get a specialist. My family has resources…”

I lean back and press a finger against his lips. “I’m not sick. I need to show you something.” His eyes narrow, but he follows me without arguing.

When we walk into my bedroom, nerves suddenly overtake me, and I begin to shake. Sebastian stops and wraps his arms around me. “I don’t care what’s going on. We can get through this together.” His reassurance gives me the courage to lead him into the bathroom.

Without stalling, I grab the pregnancy test and hand it to him. He looks at the plastic stick in his hand for a second, then looks up at me. I watch as he turns pale then steps back to lean against the counter. I’m starting to worry when a huge smile covers his face. “Holy shit. You had me terrified. This is the best news I’ve ever had.” Before I can react, his lips are covering mine, and we’re spinning. My stomach instantly rebels, and I groan. Sebastian stops and sets me back down. “Sorry. I lost my head for a second, but I’m so fucking happy.”

I’m able to take a deep breath for the first time since the word pregnant appeared in the window. As Sebastian keeps staring at the test, then back at me, I know he’s truly happy about the baby. I head into the living room to sit down. The excitement is a little too much for my iffy stomach right now.

“What can I do for you?” Sebastian is standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face.

The room is spinning a little, so I lay my head back. “Not much. I think I have to be tough and survive this part of it.” Even though he looks unhappy with my answer, Sebastian doesn’t argue. He walks over and sits next to me, then rearranges me, so I’m lying on the sofa with my feet in his lap. After removing my flip-flops, he gently massages my feet, and I forget about the queasiness in my stomach. Before long, I drift off.



Chapter 7






The next thing I know, Sebastian is placing me in my bed and crawling in behind me. He’s removed my sweatpants but left my t-shirt and underwear on. As he pulls me close, I feel his huge erection cradled up against my ass and realize he’s only wearing his underwear. I wiggle a little closer, and he groans behind me. “Please don’t torture me. You’re not feeling well, and I’m not sure it’s healthy to have an erection as long as I’ve had this one.”

I’m feeling pretty good and decide it’s time to show my man. Reaching behind me, I slip my hand under the band of his underwear and wrap it around his huge dick. His breath hisses out against the back of my neck as I begin to slide my hand up and down while running my thumb over the head, using the liquid on the tip to ease my way. He lightly kisses the back of my neck as his hand finds the bottom of my t-shirt and slides underneath.

As Sebastian gingerly runs his fingers up my ribcage, I feel goosebumps break out all over my body. When his hand stops inches from the underside of my breast, I hold my breath, waiting for him to continue his path. “Are you trying to torture me?” After a few seconds, my patience runs out.

Sebastian chuckles behind me. “You’ve been torturing me for weeks. Turnabout is fair play.” His pinky finger lightly grazes the bottom of my breast as he moves his hand slowly along my ribs without actually touching them. I’m suddenly hit with the urge to return the favor.

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