Home > Risk Taker(10)

Risk Taker(10)
Author: Kelly Collins

“That I’ll have because I have a test tomorrow and will undoubtedly stay up late studying.”

We sit tucked in the corner of a tiny Italian bistro sipping coffee. Damon drinks his black while I take mine with a dash of cream. Not enough to make it white, but enough to cut the bitterness.

“Thanks for having dinner with me tonight.” He turns his cup round and round on the saucer, then stops and pins me with a questioning look. “Can we talk about earlier?”

I play dumb and pretend like I don’t know what he’s talking about, although I know it’s the intoxicating kiss we shared in his office.

“What are you referring to?”

“You can’t sit here and pretend we don’t share a physical attraction. Kissing you is like being hit by a train.”

“Is that supposed to flatter me? If so, you need to work on your wooing.”

“A lovely woman once told me flattery will get me nowhere.”

I made a pfft sound. “She was crazy. Flattery from you might get you somewhere.”

He placed both hands flat on the table. “Herein lies the problem. I want to see you again, but I can’t give you what you want.” He moves one hand to take mine in his. “I enjoy the time we spend together. You make me feel something I haven’t felt in years.” Looking into my eyes, he asks, “What would it take for you to consider seeing me regularly? Not dating, but something we can mutually agree on.”

I sit at the checkered table, shocked. This man can’t possibly be that stupid. I mean, he runs a multimillion-dollar company for God’s sake.

Pulling my hand from his, I respond, “We’re back to a business transaction?” My heart plummets to the pit of my gut. “I’m not interested. You’re a nice man and an excellent kisser, but I’m not for sale or rent.” I toss my napkin on the table. “I’m ready to leave if you’re still willing to take me home. Otherwise, I’ll have the restaurant call me a cab.”

“No, I’ll take you. You should study and get rest before your class tomorrow.”

I nod in agreement. What an idiot I was to think I could have someone like him. I don’t know if I’m angrier with myself or Damon.

He helps with my sweater, letting his hand linger on my bare arm while he slides up the sleeve. A buzz of energy runs through my body where he touches me. Reaching up, he pulls my hair out of the sweater, so it hangs loosely around my shoulders. With his hand placed firmly at the small of my back, he walks me outside and helps me into the car.

We drive in silence all the way to Emma’s house. Once we arrive, I throw the door open and dash up the long walkway to our front door. I’ve had enough of Damon Noble for the night.

But his long legs give him an edge as he catches up with me. Reaching out, he grabs my arm and spins me around to face him.

“Wait. It doesn’t have to be like this. We could see each other, go out to dinner, and attend various functions, then you could quit your job at the coffee shop and invest time in your studies. It’s a win-win.”

“Nothing about that scenario is a win for me. You get what you want, and I get a new boss. I trade my time for money and my soul for time with you. I like you, and I think there is definitely something between us that could have been explored, but we have different needs. I can’t give you what you want, and you won’t give me what I need. I’m sorry.”

Looking at him, I see understanding in his sad eyes. Resignation is written all over his face.

The tall, proud man gets smaller with every step he takes back to his car. He stops at his door and glances my way before he climbs inside and drives off.



Chapter Six



Em returns from Catalina on Thursday. Her skin is tanned to a golden brown, and her hair lightened to a strawberry blonde, but the most notable change is her eyes, which are bright and happy.

“Oh, Kat, I think I’m in love. You wouldn’t believe what I experienced in Catalina.” She flops on the couch in front of me. “We stayed in a house by the seaport, sailing by day and snuggling at night. He cooked every meal for me. There is nothing sexier than a man in the kitchen.” She gushes nonstop, then asks, “How did your meeting with Damon go? Tell me everything.”

I sit next to her, turning my body to face her. “Nothing happened. Just the normal stuff, like school and studying. I returned his money, we had lunch and dinner, and then he propositioned me again. He wants to rent me regularly. I told him no.”

Her eyes bug out at my statement. “He didn’t!” Em knows me like the back of her hand and seems as appalled as I am.

“He did.” I nod in affirmation. “Listen. He’s a complex man who kisses like a master, but I can’t settle for so little when I know I’d want so much more. There’s no reason to set myself up for such a disaster.”

“Wait, I’m still at kisses like a master. You kissed him?” Em’s eyes looking for a clue to what I’m not telling her.

“Yes. I kissed him twice in his office. The first was an experiment, and the second was to confirm my belief that he’s an excellent kisser.” A sigh deflates me. “When somebody kisses you like he kissed me, something happens to your insides. My toes curled, Em. I couldn’t survive too much of that and then have him dismiss me when he grew tired of me. I wouldn’t be able to stop my heart from getting involved.”

“It sounds like you’ve given it a lot of thought.” She looks mildly disappointed. “Too bad, because we could have double-dated.”

“Speaking of dating, what are you going to do about your escort service? How is Anthony going to respond when you dress up and accompany other men to various functions?”

“We talked about it, and I decided I’m closing up shop for the time being. He’s okay with me doing what I do, as long as I promise not to wear the blue dress.” She laughs. “He has claimed that dress for his eyes only.” A dreamy look blankets her face. “After giving it thought, I couldn’t imagine spending time with any other man. All I’d be thinking about was Anthony.”

“We have three months of school left before we graduate. I always planned to quit after graduation, anyway. It’s time to find a real job. My savings account is solid, so I can afford to be out of work for a while.” Her fingers twirl a strand of her hair as she talks. “Speaking of graduating, Anthony mentioned they have temporary job opportunities at Ahz. The opening will be huge, and they need all the help they can get. You should apply. Besides, it would give you experience, and it’s an excellent resume builder.”

“I’d be afraid of running into Damon.” While Ahz is a perfect fit for my degree, being in the same building as Damon would drive me crazy.

“I’m sure you would never run into him. It’s a large corporation that employs hundreds of people. You could get lost in the crowd.”

“Damon told me about the positions when we had dinner, but I’m still hesitant to apply.”

Emma is right. I’m sure I wouldn’t even see him, but if I did, I’d thank him for suggesting I apply for the job, then I’d move on.

“Thanks, Em. You are right, I should apply.”

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