Home > Risk Taker(38)

Risk Taker(38)
Author: Kelly Collins

He holds up the bag, and I reach inside and grab a scrap of paper. Written on it is the word: Bondage. I crumple it and throw it away.

“Hey, you can’t throw away the ones you don’t like. That’s not fair.”

“It said bondage. We’ve done that already. I want to try something new.” I reach in for another and pull out a note that says, ‘Watch Katarina pleasure herself.’

“Oh, my God, Damon, really?” I toss the paper at him and give him a suspicious look.

“I’m so excited you got that one. The odds were in my favor since I wrote it over twenty times.”

“You cheated!” He tipped the scales to his side. Damon is a man that always gets what he wants.

“You didn’t outline any rules. You said to write the things I found intriguing in the book. The subject was discussed, and it’s at the top of my list. You also didn’t put a limit to the number of times we could write something down.”

“Fine.” I strip down naked and sit cross-legged with the pizza box open and lying against my chest, but each time I close it, I give him a peek of what’s coming.

“Do you want a slice? It’s hot and steamy and waiting for you,” I tease.

“What are you doing?” He reaches into the box to get a piece.

“I’m having fun. You wanted to watch, right? What’s in the brown box? Anything I should use?” I pick the toppings off one slice and move the pizza box to my dresser.

I open the brown box and find everything under the sun inside it. The items range from handcuffs to vibrators. Reaching in, I grab exactly what I need to make my man’s fantasy come true.



I honestly didn’t think I could do it, but when I looked into his eyes and saw the anticipation, I couldn’t let him down. As I come down from my high, I snuggle and ask, “Was it everything you thought it would be?”

I’m embarrassed in the aftermath. It was bold and wanton, but Damon makes me do things I never considered before.

“It was more.”

We settle into bed and talk about the book.

“What did you think about this week’s chapters? What about the scene with the beads?” I didn’t think people used things like that.

“Nothing shocks me more than what you did for me just now. It shows if someone cares for you enough, they’ll go out on a limb. I thought for sure you’d flat-out deny my request.”

“I thought so too, but I couldn’t refuse you when it would cost me so little. Love has a strange way of giving you courage.”

“Thank you for leaving your comfort zone.”

“I left my comfort zone the day I met you.”

He undresses and climbs under the covers with me.

By the time I wake the next morning, Damon is showered and dressed. He sits on the edge of the bed with a bag of pastries in his hand and a cup of steaming coffee placed next to my bed.

“Time to get up. It’s your last day of classes, and I have to get to work.” Leaning over to kiss me, he says, “Let’s go out to dinner tonight to celebrate.” He holds up the bag. “I bought you a cheese Danish. You once told me it was the way to your heart.”

I stare at his gorgeous face and know I love him way too much. “A cheese Danish? You’re pulling out all the stops.” I peek inside. “You had my heart before the Danish.” I smile at him. “The question is, how do I get to your heart?”

He leans over and kisses me once more before he dashes out the door. He’s a master at deflection. It wasn’t long ago that he told me he had no heart. There’s no doubt he has one, but it’s a shame he’s protecting it like Fort Knox.



I turn my term paper in and close my student accounts. It feels weird knowing I won’t have another homework assignment. I don’t have to walk onto this campus again for anything other than graduation.

Giddiness and sadness fill me in equal measure. Everyone moves on with their lives.

If I don’t get a going, I’ll be late. Taking the morning off already put me behind.

Trevor waits in the lobby with arms crossed. This isn’t normal behavior. “What’s wrong?” I look at his face for a hint, but there’s nothing.

“Follow me to Della’s office. She has paperwork for you to sign.” He hurries to the elevator. “If you haven’t had lunch, I’d like to take you.”

I have several things planned for my afternoon—having a meeting with Della and lunch with Trevor was not on the list.

I follow him to the fifth floor, where he basically pushes me into Della Fields’ office.

She grins as we enter, and she slides her paperwork aside. “Can I get you something to drink, Ms. Cross?”

Something is going on that makes my insides knot. Who gets called into the Human Resources Director’s office without warning if it’s not bad?

“Why am I here?” There’s a quiver to my voice. “Did I do something wrong?”

Trevor remains silent.

“No. So far, you have done everything right,” Ms. Fields says to my relief. “Trevor tells us you’ve become quite an asset to Noble Enterprises. Good people are hard to find, Ms. Cross. I understand you graduate on Monday.”


“Zenith has grown exponentially, and now that we’re co-branding with Anthony Haywood’s, we expect to double in size over the next few years. We need good people to help us get to where we want to be.”

I see her mouth is moving, but nothing makes sense. Why is she talking to me—an intern—about growth and development? And then I realize. She’s offering me a job.

“I’m glad you’re pleased with my contribution. Why am I here?” I tuck my hands behind my back and cross my fingers.

“We’d like to offer you a permanent position at Noble Enterprises. It’s lower level, but I expect rapid promotions. The position would be a permanent assistant to Trevor.” She looks in his direction, and they smile at each other. “You’d have your own office, although he would like you to spend a lot of your time overseeing Ahz. Even though we are co-branding with Anthony Haywood’s, Zenith will manage the facility. Therefore, everything but the kitchen falls on our shoulders. What do you say?”

I look at Trevor, then at Della. Who gets offered a job like this straight out of college? I do. I swell with pride, so much so that I’m sure I’ve grown several inches.

“This is where I exit,” Trevor says. “Thanks for letting me sit in, Della. The shock on her face was priceless.” He chuckles all the way out the door.

“Ms. Cross, these are the specifics concerning the job offer.” She hands me a job description that includes my beginning salary. Yes, salary—not an hourly wage, but a mid-level five-figure income.

“Please call me Katarina.”

“Only if you call me Della. Take whatever time you need to think about it.”

I glance down at the proposal and back up to Della. It’s a great offer, but I need to know if I earned this on my own. “I have one question. Does Mr. Noble have anything to do with the hiring process here?”

She shakes her head. “He gets involved with upper-level management like directors. I handle all other hires.” She chuckles. “Could you imagine trying to sit in on every interview or promotion? We have thousands of employees worldwide.” She tilts her head. “Is there a reason you ask?”

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