Home > The Predicament of Persians(19)

The Predicament of Persians(19)
Author: A.G. Henley

He scratches Juliet, whose eyes close with contentment. “I was in the lounge. He was in the lounge. We talked.”

I lean closer to my brother. “James, marriage and children do not come up out of nowhere in casual conversation. Why did you two talk about it?”

He scratches his head. “He might have said he liked you a lot. And that he doesn’t have kids. So, I told him you liked kids and you want them. And he said he did, too.”

I gasp. “You talked about all of that with Joe?”

“And some other stuff. Like I said, he seems like a good guy.”

I lean back again, my thoughts swirling. Joe spoke to my brother about marriage and children. Is the guy I just met seriously thinking about those things? With me?

We’ve had exactly one date. And it was superb. But do I really believe in true love at first sight?

I’m not sure. I only know . . . I want to. I really do.



Twenty minutes later, Joe knocks on the door. James is in the bath, singing at the top of his lungs and so far off key he would’ve already fallen off a piano keyboard. As I open the door, my first instinct is to apologize for the howling, but I pause when I see the astonishment on Joe’s face as he takes me in.

His gaze starts at my face and hair and travels slowly down to my painted toenails and back up. He shakes his head.

“Kathleen, you’re a goddess. I . . . I feel like the only reasonable thing I can do right now is throw myself at your feet and worship.”

I giggle. “That won’t be necessary, kind sir. Maybe you could hold the door while I get my bag and wrap instead?”

“My lady.” He takes the door with a flourish.

I step back inside, wishing I’d picked up a little before Joe came. James’ dinner plates from last night sit on the dresser, the closet door is open, and Juliet’s litter box has a few gifts on offer.

I retrieve my things and say goodbye to her. But she follows me to the open door and eyes Joe. He eyes her back.

“Hello again, gorgeous.” He bends over to hold out his hand to her.

She approaches him cautiously, sniffs, and then rubs herself against his pants, twisting and winding around his feet. She purrs at him like she’s in love. He squats and pets her, scratching her between the ears and running his hands down her body.

I can only stare. Juliet isn’t an unfriendly cat, but she’s usually a little aloof with strangers. Often, she hides under the bed or some other likely spot until they’re gone.

“Wow,” I say. “She took to you right away. I wonder why?”

Joe throws me a wry grin. “Is it that hard to understand?”

I laugh. “No, of course not. I’m just surprised. She sometimes does this with people whose cats she’s met, but . . . that isn’t the case with you.”

He stands abruptly. “Nope. No way that could have happened.”

I tilt my head. “Huh, well, at least she likes you. And she seems okay with Joe Junior, too.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Joe says, but he sounds different. A little . . . guilty, maybe? I can’t be sure. I don’t know him well enough to read his voice accurately yet.

I pick up my cat and carry her to the bed, but she strains to get back to Joe. Odder and odder. Finally, I have to hold her away from the closing room door with my foot to keep her from darting out and following us. Just in time, too, as James throws open the bathroom door and steam rushes out. Knowing him, he’s probably naked.

“Ready?” I say to Joe as I tug the door closed in a hurry.

He smiles and holds out his hand for me to take. “Couldn’t be readier.”

“You look very handsome, by the way,” I tell him. “That’s a great suit.” It’s dark gray, almost black, and he wears a white collared shirt with no tie.

He smooths his shirt and gestures to my dress. “I wish I’d brought my tux for the occasion.”

“I don’t know, I might have swooned,” I joke.

“Then I’m especially sorry I didn’t.” He kisses me.

People gather in the lobby, clearly ready for the awards ceremony. And they’ve taken the advice to dress however they want to heart.

Cat cosplay is on full display. The sheer number of cat ears, tails, and whiskers sewn on to bodysuits is astounding. Others default to all black outfits with painted cat faces, or even dresses and jackets with cat ears. The people who aren’t here for the convention stare, probably wondering what kind of cat fantasy they’ve wandered into.

I spot Viv and Jess. They’re wearing dresses, but in much shorter lengths and more vibrant hues than mine. Viv wears a lacy violet number, and Jess has on a bright red satin crop top and black skirt. They both wear ears. They wave jauntily, and I wave back.

“Do you have your acceptance speech ready?” Joe asks as we leave the hotel and head for the convention center.

I twitch, as my nerves receive a jolt. The short speech is folded neatly in my clutch. I’ve practiced it several times, too. But talking about it feels like it could jinx the results, so I change the subject.

“I heard you hung out with James this afternoon. Now, I know you’re a real gentleman, but that’s going above and beyond the call of duty.”

He laughs. “He’s very—”

“Rude?” I say. “Immature? Slappable?”

“Honest. I admire that in a man.”

“Brutally honest.” But warmth creeps through me that Joe dug deep and found something to like about my brother. James is very honest . . . as honest as you can stand.

Joe opens the giant outside door of the convention center for me. I walk through, and as I turn to wait for him, I realize Boyd is behind us. He’s wearing a simple jacket and tie.

“Good luck tonight,” he says, winking at me.

“You too.” The frost is crisp in my voice.

“Hey, we haven’t met,” he says to Joe with a smile that almost looks mocking. “I’m Boyd Da—er—Boyd.”

Joe’s eyes narrow as he shakes the man’s hand. “Joe Davis.”

“Very happy to meet you, Joe. You’ve got a gorgeous date there. You’re a lucky guy.”

Joe’s jaw clenches and his eyebrow raises dangerously.

“Well, you two have a great time tonight. Enjoy the dinner.” Boyd slaps Joe on the back and saunters off.

“Thanks, Boyd,” Joe says after him.

I study my date’s bunched shoulders as he glares at him. I mean, Boyd was a tiny bit scornful, but why in the world is Joe so tense?



Chapter Sixteen



“I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire:

The day is hot, the Capulets abroad,

And, if we meet, we shall not scape a brawl;

For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.”

- Romeo and Juliet (Act 3, Scene 1)






Okay, if looks could kill, my cousin would be dead. Or at least disabled.

But then he couldn’t impersonate me. I need him to be me tonight and once Kathleen and Juliet win the award and the sponsorship, I’ll tell her the truth.

On the other hand, . . . I could wait a few more months to tell her. After Romeo and I move to Colorado to be with her and Juliet. By then, we’ll all be so deeply in love that she’ll forgive me for the small deception.

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