Home > The Predicament of Persians(30)

The Predicament of Persians(30)
Author: A.G. Henley

When the line is about half the size it was at the beginning of the meet and greet, I look up to see Maya over to the side, watching us. She waves and claps silently, congratulating Joe and me.

Maya’s loving our cooperation. The fans love it. The cats love it. Joe’s probably loving it.

The only person not loving it is me.

Toward the end of the meet and greet, I see Viv and Jess standing toward the back. They wave to catch my eye and point at Joe with astounded faces. They’d seen us together multiple times through the conference. I’m not surprised they’re shocked. No one could have been more so than I.

The line of fans eventually dwindles away, leaving Joe, me, and the cats sitting awkwardly together on the couch. The other Instagram CelebriCat owners stand, holding their cats, and talk casually with each other. Joe shifts on the seat. I can tell he wants to say something.

“Thanks for sharing with us. I thought it went pretty well,” he finally says.

“It did. But it doesn’t change my mind.” I adjust Juliet’s dress. Her tiara had to be scrapped halfway through the meet and greet. It kept falling off with all her struggling. “Here’s the bottom line, Joe. I can’t work with you because I can’t trust you. Not just from this weekend, either. I don’t like how you stole my idea or how you ran your account. Granted, my fans and I weren’t always angels in return, but frankly, you and the Meowtagues started it.”

I mentally slap my hand to my forehead. Although true, it sounded totally juvenile.

Joe’s shoulders slump. “I understand. I don’t have anything else to say that might convince you to give me another chance, but I do have one question.” He swallows. “I know how you feel about everything I did, but . . . how do you feel about me?”

Wasn’t I clear enough? I start to repeat myself, but he shakes his head.

“I mean me. The man who took you on a birthday date, who gave you Joe Junior, who spent every moment he could with you since the minute he met you. The man who’s here, now, begging you to reconsider.”

I take a very long breath. Him, I liked, I think. But—

“He wasn’t real,” I say.

Joe nods and picks up Romeo. “That’s that then.”

I pop Juliet in her carrier before she can object and stand. “That’s that. I’ll . . . see you online.”

I stride away, hopefully looking a lot more confident than I feel. Because deep inside, something splinters and cracks wide open. I recognize the feeling.

My brain is certain I made the mature choice.

While my heart very clearly disagrees.



Chapter Twenty-Five



“A glooming peace this morning with it brings;

The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head.”

- Romeo and Juliet (Act 5, Scene 3)






Well, that is that. It was clearly Kathleen’s last word, and I’m out of time. I’m leaving Colorado in—I check my watch—two hours. And although it will feel like yanking my heart out through a keyhole to do it, I’ll be going as planned.

I said everything I could, and I meant everything I said. Now, I have to respect Kathleen’s decision.

I won’t bother her anymore. I’m not a stalker. But I can hope and pray she’ll change her mind. And I have one last important task to complete before I go to pack my suitcase and get Romeo ready to fly home with Boyd.

Kathleen walks straight out of the room, not even stopping to talk to Maya. After I’m sure she’s not coming back, I meet the Purina rep at the side of the room.

“That was wonderful, Joe,” she says. “The way the cats bonded, and how you moved over to sit with Kathleen and Juliet . . . your fans loved it, and it’s clear our offer to support both of you is the right way to go. Have you two had a chance to talk?”

“We did, and I’m afraid it’s not good news. Kathleen doesn’t want to work with me.” Or even speak to me. “Tell me something, if I turn down the sponsorship, will you offer it to Kathleen?”

Her dark brown eyes pinch together. “Maybe . . . but I like our idea much better. Maybe I can persuade her. Do you know why she objects so strongly to working with you?”

“She feels I’m not trustworthy . . . and she has her reasons. The only thing that feels right to do is turn down the sponsorship and hope you’ll give it to her.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that,” Maya says. “I think you two, and your accounts, would be stronger together.”

“I agree, but Kathleen doesn’t. And I don’t think a one-sided partnership will work.”

Maya thinks about it. “I wish you’d wait a bit. People have been known to change their minds you know.”

“I don’t think Kathleen will. And this is the only way I’ll be able to sleep at night. I’m very grateful for the opportunity, Maya, and I hope we might have the chance to work together in the future.”

She shakes my outstretched hand, but she looks unhappy. “If you’re sure, then I wish you all the best.”

I cradle Romeo and make for the elevators and my room, where I’ll pack up all my dreams of a fully entrepreneurial life—with Kathleen—and leave them neatly on the bed.

Outside in the second-floor lobby, those women that Kathleen introduced me to, Viv and Jess, wait. When I make eye contact, they come closer, coo over Romeo, and say hello. Then glance at each other.

“We didn’t know you were Romeo’s owner,” Viv says.

“No one really did,” I admit.

Jess raises an eyebrow. “How did Kathleen take it?”

I sigh. “Not well.”

“That’s what we thought,” Viv says. “We have an idea for you.”



Chapter Twenty-Six



“So shalt thou show me friendship. Take thou that:

Live, and be prosperous: and farewell, good fellow.”

- Romeo and Juliet (Act 5, Scene 3)






After dramatically sweeping out of the event room following the meet and greet, I can’t seem to make myself get in an elevator. My body is drawn by some invisible force back toward the door I last walked out of.

I return and peek back through. Honestly? I’m looking for Joe. Just one more glimpse of his glorious features. And it doesn’t help that Juliet is howling and mewling like I recently ripped her heart out.

Joe talks to Maya, Romeo in his arms. They speak for a minute and then shake hands. The deal is done. The spoils go to the victor. And the loser? She’ll go home with her heart-broken cat and rude brother to lick her wounds and try to find a way through the gloomy future.

“It’s okay, Juliet,” I whisper as I trudge away again. “You’re the Best Newcomer in my book.”

As the elevator doors close, I see Jess and Viv waving to me from the second-floor lobby. The doors shut before I can stop them. Just as well. I don’t want them to see me cry.

James is asleep in our room, the TV blaring. Of course. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon; what else would he be doing? I’m about to shake his foot to wake him up, but a direct message notification comes in, distracting me. My heart rate speeds for a moment. Is it from Joe?

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