Home > The Rebel(22)

The Rebel(22)
Author: Kelsey Clayton

“Don’t come any closer, or I swear to God, I’ll rip your dick off and feed it to you,” I threaten Javi and then turn to Uncle Dom. “What do you need me to do?”

“It’s simple. Help me get your sister and her little shithead of a boyfriend here,” he sneers.

My breath hitches, and I instantly shake my head. “No. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll lure Knox. I’ll entertain your little brigade of goons. I’ll even let you use me as your pawn. But you have to leave Delaney out of this.”

He narrows his eyes on me but the corners of his lips raise. “I thought you’d say that, but you don’t call the shots here.”

In on quick move, he tosses what looks like a crowbar to one of his jacked-up idiots, and I don’t even have time to duck as he swings it at my head and everything goes black once again.

I jolt awake, sitting up and clutching my head. The memories are vivid and play havoc on my nerves. I try to calm my breathing, but it only gets harder as everything tightens.

Short, rigid breaths are all I can seem to take, and each one hurts more than the last. I press my fist against my chest to put pressure on the pain but nothing seems to be helping. This panic attack is going to rip through me, and all I can do is let it happen.



THE NEXT MORNING, I wake up and realize I slept through my alarm. I’m not surprised, being as I was awake for hours after that nightmare. Usually, I would go into Delaney’s room and be able to fall back asleep without too much issue. Unfortunately for me, she’s about three thousand miles away and therefore not able to calm me during my 2:00 a.m. freakouts.

I head down into the kitchen to get something to drink, only to find my dad sitting at the island with an angry look on his face.

“What are you doing home?” he questions.

I shrug as I walk around him and head for the fridge. “I slept like shit last night. I had another nightmare and a panic attack.”

“And that makes you think you can just skip school? Didn’t you learn anything from having to watch your sister graduate and go off to college while your ass is stuck here?”

“No, but it just got to me. You have no idea what I went through that day.”

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. “It was six months ago, Tessa. Suck it up and move on.” Walking out of the room, he stops and turns back to look at me. “And get your ass to school, now.”

I will the tears to stay back. When everything went down, my dad was actually supportive for the first time in my life. He put his opinions of Knox and Easton aside because he knew we needed them. He checked on me every night for three weeks. He was caring, loving, and sweet. But, as I predicted, he eventually fell back into his normal, cold-hearted self.

Ugh. I glance at the clock and notice class has only just started. If I hurry, I’ll probably make it there with still half of first period left. Since not going apparently isn’t an option, I may as well get to see Asher. Otherwise, it’s just another boring day in Haven Grace hell.



TO SAY I LOOK like shit is putting it nicely, but after the night I had, I really don’t care. The only thing I want right now is a tub of ice cream and a six-hour nap. Instead, I have to spend the next six hours at school, listening to lectures I couldn’t care less about.

I take the late slip from the secretary and head to first period. As soon as I open the door, the whole class goes quiet. Handing the slip to Asher, he eyes me curiously but doesn’t say anything. Then, I go take my seat between Lennon and Oakley.

“Well, well, well,” Kellan teases. “Look who’s falling into old habits already, and only a few weeks into the school year.”

“Fuck off.”

He smirks. “Mr. H! Did you hear what she just said to me?”

Asher rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “Yeah, she told you to fuck off, and judging by the mood she seems to be in, I’d do as she says.”

Everyone chuckles as I give Kellan my sweetest I win smile. Once the commotion dies down, we’re all told to start doing the worksheet for chapter sixteen. However, being as I haven’t read a single word of this stupid book, I take out my phone and start texting Delaney instead.

Tessa: Had a nightmare last night. I miss you.



Lennon, being the godsend she is, fills out the worksheet in a matter of minutes and hands it to me. I copy the answers down onto my own and hand it back just as a response from my sister comes through.

Delaney: Ugh. I’m sorry I’m not there. Next time, FaceTime me. Maybe it will help.



Tessa: Oh yeah. I’m sure Knox would just love that.



Delaney: He’ll deal. You’re my sister. You come first, always.



I can’t help but smile, feeling slightly better just by talking to her, until I get another text that has me confused for a second.

Asher: Get off your phone, Tessa.



What the fuck? Since when does he have my phone number? Since when do I have his? I don’t know whether to be excited or freaked out. Then, it clicks.

Tessa: Okay first, Pot meet Kettle. Second, you put your number in my phone? Isn’t that a little stalkerish?



I look up to see him smirking down at his phone. A little thrill runs through me that I was able to put that look on his face.

Asher: Coming from the girl who showed up at my house for a party she wasn’t invited to. How’d you even get past security?



Tessa: It’s all in the attitude, babe. Act like you’re meant to be there and people will believe you. And speaking of getting past things, how’d you figure out my password?



Asher: 674276. Orgasm? Really?



A bark of laugher leaves my mouth, and I quickly move to cover it. Still, everyone side-eyes me for interrupting the silence.

Asher: Smooth.



Tessa: Shut up. Don’t you have a class to teach?



Asher: Don’t you have a worksheet to do? Oh, no wait. That’s right. You copied off Lennon.



I roll my eyes and glance up at him just long enough to see him wink.

Tessa: Your stalker tendencies are getting a little extreme. You should see about getting some help for that.



Asher: Ha. Ha. You’re just such a comedian.



Tessa: I know. I’m hilarious.



Asher: So, with the risk of sounding concerned, is everything okay? Why were you late?



The thought of him caring enough to ask is heartwarming. I wonder if he realized I wasn’t here before I came in late. Instead of being vulnerable, however, I keep that side of me hidden away.

Tessa: Aw, look at you caring about my wellbeing.



Asher: Tessa.



Tessa: I’m fine, worry wart. I overslept. That’s all.



As I press send, the bell rings and we all gather our things. I purposely take my time so that I’m the last student to leave the room. Asher is standing by the board and stops me just before I step out. He lightly wraps his fingers around my wrist. Just the touch is enough to ease some of the pain.

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