Home > Let Me In(4)

Let Me In(4)
Author: Ali Parker



Chapter 3






I picked up a tool that I had no idea what it was. I examined it and put it back down on the table alongside Charlie’s workstation. I looked around the massive warehouse with various parts of cargo ships being manufactured or repaired. I knew exactly what I was looking at when it came to the bits and pieces of the ships.

“This baby is almost finished,” Charlie said, lovingly patting an engine housing.

I walked around the massive piece that would eventually be a part of one of the cargo ships I had designed. “It looks good.”

“Of course, it looks good. I made it.”

“I designed it,” I reminded him.

He grinned. “Damn straight you did. And I’m glad you did. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t be working as much as I have been. Look at this place. We have work lined up for the next two years. Your fancy ships are the bee’s knees.”

I rolled my eyes. “When did you turn ninety?” I asked, referencing his very old, outdated phrase.

“Do you want a tour?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Nah, once you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.”

He flashed a smile. “That isn’t even remotely true.”

His mind was in the gutter. “Please do not regale me with tales of your latest girlfriend or whatever it is you call these women you date for a few weeks.”

“I call them my ladies,” he said with his boyish grin. “How was the trip to LA?”

I groaned. “As expected.”

“What exactly were you doing up there?”

“I was presented with an award. I wasn’t going to go at all, but my assistant told me it was a big deal. Then other people told me it was a big deal. I went to get it fucking over with.”

“What kind of an award?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, some environmental thing or something.”

He slapped a hand to his forehead. “How do you not know what it is for?”

“Because,” I answered. It was a lame answer, but I had no good answer. “I went, I got it, and that’s that.”

“Where is it?”

“In the backseat of my car, I suppose.”

“It’s pretty clear you have never actually got an award before,” he mused.

“Why do you say that?”

He smirked. “I bet the best award you ever won was one of those pretty little participation ribbons.”

“Fuck you.”

“It’s an award, man! A really cool bit of recognition. You did good! Celebrate it. Be proud of what you have accomplished.”

I supposed I was proud. Somewhat. I just didn’t see the need to boast. “I am proud,” I argued.

“You are a billionaire, and don’t deny that you are. I know you are. You don’t act like it, which is a good thing, I guess, but damn, be proud.”

I scowled at him. “You want me to act like a peacock? Should I strut around boasting about my wealth?”

He slowly shook his head. “Never mind. I’m just glad I knew you when.”


“Before you became this guy. You are one step away from a big, bushy beard and living off the grid in a tiny little shack.”

That made me smile. “That isn’t a terrible idea.”

“Living is a good thing,” he started the lecture he usually doled out.

“Don’t,” I warned. “I’ve heard it. I like my life just the way it is.”


“Unencumbered,” I shot back.

He laughed. “That’s a big word. But I guess coming from a guy that designed the ships that are changing the world, I would expect nothing less.”

“How is business?” I asked as my eyes scanned the massive building once again.

“Good. Like I said, I’m not worried about being laid off anytime soon. In fact, I talked with the plant manager and he and I are going to discuss hiring more people.”

“Damn, that’s awesome.”

“It is awesome. I can’t wait to see what else you have up your sleeve.”

I smiled, shrugging a shoulder. “Not a lot. I should probably get going though. I am supposed to meet with a private client that wants to hire me to design a boat for him.”

“Wow, you still do that?”

“Not like I have a lot going on.”

My phone started ringing in my jeans pocket. I pulled it out, expecting it to be the man that I was going to be meeting with. It wasn’t. It was one of my top clients. “Hello?” I answered, praying there wasn’t an issue with one of my ships.

I felt like they were all my babies. I had designed every element of the cargo ships and felt a connection to them. There were times, not often, when there was an issue. The people who bought my ships, although I didn’t technically build them, trusted me to fix any problems. That was why I was successful.

“Xander, this is Al Sampson.”

“Hi, Al,” I said as I took a few steps away from Charlie. “What can I do for you?”

“We are having a party, a celebration to thank our hardworking crews and employees in all facets of the company. I wanted to invite you to celebrate with us. After all, it’s your ships that have given us our most profitable year in the company’s history.”

I grimaced and looked over at Charlie. “A party?” I repeated.

Charlie’s eyebrows shot up. “Where?” he mouthed.

I frowned and shook my head. “I can check my schedule,” I said, ready to makeup an excuse for not going.

Charlie’s eyes grew round. I didn’t get a chance to hear what Al said because Charlie pulled the phone from my hand. “Hello, this is Charles. I’m Xander’s personal assistant. He had to step out for a moment. What is it you wanted to ask him?”

I shook my head as Charlie nodded, grinning big. I waited while Al spoke.

“You know, that is an excellent idea,” Charlie said. “He would love to attend. There will be a plus one included with the invitation I gather?”

I groaned, putting a hand to my head. Charlie turned his back to me. “He will be there. Thank you so much. Take care.”

Charlie turned back to look at me with a very satisfied expression on his face.

“What did you do?” I asked.

“We’re going to a party! Free alcohol and food.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t need free food and alcohol.”

“But I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Okay, maybe I don’t need it, but I want it. I like to party. It will be a great way to meet new people.”

I let out a long sigh. “You mean new women. I think you’ve about run through most of the women in San Diego.”

“Not even close, my friend, not even close.”

“What did you get me into? When is it?”

“Saturday,” he answered.

“This Saturday?” I asked with surprise. “What if I had plans? That’s not a lot of notice.”

“You don’t have plans. You and I know both know that.”

I didn’t have plans. I never had plans. It was why I liked my life.

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