Home > One Night of Sin(68)

One Night of Sin(68)
Author: Elle Kennedy

“What?” he said thickly.

“You’re a really good guy, Reed.” Her voice wobbled. “Like, a really good guy.”

He couldn’t fight the rush of pleasure that flooded his chest. He’d been waiting for weeks to see that shift of emotion in her eyes, for her to realize that he was more than a good lay.

That he truly did have more to offer her.

“Yeah, I guess I’m not so bad,” he said lightly.

Her expression softened as she reached for his hand. She laced her fingers through his. “No, I guess you’re not.”

Reed dipped his head and gave her a soft, fleeting kiss. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go back to your place. Your afternoon schedule seems to have cleared up, which means it’s officially become my job to make you forget everything that just happened.”

Darcy smiled through her tears. “I’m holding you to that.”



Chapter Fourteen

That Friday, Darcy didn’t leave the school until two hours after the final bell. To her annoyance, the monthly staff meeting had run late, thanks to an argument between two teachers about whether Wikipedia was considered a legitimate citation source. Personally, she didn’t give a shit as long as her students only used Wiki pages with multiple sources, but Marge, the history teacher had refused to let up, effectively putting a damper on everyone’s TGIF.

“Holy cow, how much did you want to punch Marge in the face?” Shannon demanded as they crossed the empty parking lot.

“So frickin’ bad,” Darcy replied with a sigh.

“See, now if I said that?” Shannon’s husband Tom piped up. “I’d probably get thrown in jail for even talking about hitting a woman.” His brown eyes flickered with amusement. “But goddamn, someone needs to tell that broad that screaming like a banshee isn’t the way to get what you want.”

Darcy wholeheartedly agreed—her ears were still ringing from Marge’s high-pitched shouts.

The trio reached Shannon and Tom’s SUV, stopping so Darcy could exchange quick hugs with both her friends. “Are we still on for girls’ night next week?” she asked Shannon.

“Absolutely.” Shannon poked her husband in the arm. “It’s the only time I get some peace and quiet.”

Tom raised his eyebrows. “Says the woman who takes hour-long bubble baths every night. Where’s my bath time, missy?”

“If you’re nice, I’ll let you join me in the tub tonight,” his wife answered.

“Define nice.”

“Hmmm. Well, cooking me dinner would qualify. And then doing the dishes. And then taking out the garbage. And then—”

“Forget it. I’ll just catch a quick shower,” Tom interrupted. “See you Monday, Darce.”

He hopped into the driver’s seat so fast Darcy couldn’t help but giggle. “That man seriously hates chores, huh?”

“Tell me about it. But the threat of chores is the only way to get him to back off about the bath thing. It really is my favorite me-time activity.” Shannon winked. “Did I tell you about that new waterproof vibrator I bought?”

Darcy rolled her eyes. “Yes. Many, many times. And no, I’m not interested in procuring my own. Big green Bob is all I need.”

“Oh really? Are you sure you don’t mean big not-green Reed?” Shannon wiggled her eyebrows. “Because your fling doesn’t seem to be ending, hon.”

Nope, it certainly, mind-bogglingly wasn’t. Darcy still had no idea how it happened, but somehow the fling had reached the one-month mark. She’d expected it to fizzle out by now, and yet…it hadn’t.

“So when are you going to admit you’re in a relationship with the guy?” Shannon teased.

Alarm skittered up her spine. “I’m not. I mean, we’re not. We’re still just—”

A loud honk interrupted her incoherent stammering.

Darcy turned her head in time to see an unfamiliar white sedan speed into the lot. She peered at the windshield, then relaxed when she recognized the driver.

“That’s Devon’s mom. I should go over and say hello.”

“Uh-huh. Wonderful diversion tactic,” Shannon said with a smirk. “But don’t think you’re off the hook, hon. I plan on going over this topic in depth next Wednesday at girls’ night.”

Laughing, Darcy’s co-worker hopped into the SUV, and then Shannon and Tom were gone, leaving her to stride over to Monique Pearson’s car alone.

“Ms. Grant, it’s so good to see you.” The pretty African-American woman greeted her with a smile as she got out of the car. “I’ve been meaning to call you for weeks now, but work and Devon keep me so busy I keep forgetting.”

She offered a warm smile in return. “I understand. Devon’s waiting for you inside.” She paused. “By the way, I wanted to ask you—do you have another son? I heard Devon talking with some of the other kids the other day about his older brother, and I was surprised because I didn’t think he had one.”

Monique chuckled. “Oh, he was referring to Reed.”

Confusion washed over her. “Reed?”

“Yes. That’s actually what I wanted to speak to you about. I wanted to thank you for setting up that self-defense workshop. Devon learned a lot, and he got a big brother out of it, too. I got in touch with Reed after Devon wouldn’t stop gushing about how ‘awesomesauce’ he was.” The woman used air quotes, her mouth twitching with humor. “When I mentioned to Reed that Devon was in the Big Brother program, he agreed to join up.”

Darcy’s bewilderment only grew. “He did?”

Monique nodded. “He takes Devon out every Sunday.”

“He does?”

“The arrangement seems to be working well so far, and I really wanted to thank you for introducing them. My son absolutely adores Reed.” The woman glanced at her watch. “Anyway, I need to grab Devon. Thanks again, Ms. Grant.”

Darcy watched the other woman walk away, stunned by what she’d heard. Four Sundays had passed since the workshop, but Reed hadn’t said a word to her about signing up to be Devon’s big brother.

Why the omission, though? She’d quickly discovered this past month that Reed didn’t shy away from any topic, and the two of them had had plenty of conversations about her students, so why hadn’t he mentioned his arrangement with Devon?

The fact that he’d kept it from her was totally mystifying.

Frowning, Darcy headed to her car and unlocked the doors. She would definitely have to ask Reed about it tonight. He was coming over after he finished work, which meant she’d have to take a very long nap when she got home so she wouldn’t be a zombie when he showed up at three in the morning. But she honestly wasn’t complaining, since Reed always made sure to reward her for her staying-awake efforts.

It was actually kind of scary how the sex only seemed to get better, and she knew that had contributed to her complete lack of motivation to end the fling. She’d gone into it craving passion—well, the passion kept coming. And coming. And coming.

Maybe if the sex was bad, she could find the willpower to call things off, but each time Reed kissed her, or touched her, or fucked her to yet another mind-blowing orgasm, she seemed to forget that their arrangement was supposed to be temporary.

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