Home > Sweet Dreams(11)

Sweet Dreams(11)
Author: J. Clarice

She walked down the hall and followed behind the crowd of students when someone came up beside her.

“The name’s Jasper.” He held out his hand and Scarlett slowly reached out to shake it.


“Yeah, I know and I was serious about what I said back there. Your secret is safe with me.”

Scarlett raised a brow at Jasper and tried to appear nonchalant even though he hit spot on.

“I’ve been here three weeks already. I’ve got two more before I’m released from this place.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Scarlett asked before she shut her mouth and stared ahead. Jasper smiled and bumped her shoulder with his.

“She speaks,” he snickered.

“Very funny.” Scarlett rolled her eyes and gave him a small laugh.

“We only do history and the background part of this school for a few weeks. Then we get duty and go out into the fields. We continue our physical training until we graduate, plus it depends on what field we go into also.” Scarlett widened her mouth into an O and went to say something when she’s bumped into Jasper from the side.

“Watch it.” The sneer reached Scarlett’s ears and she whipped her head to face the one who shoved her.

A girl wearing dark purple armor hardly glanced at Scarlett as she walked past. Her brown curly hair had dark purple streaks running through it and perfectly matched her armor. She was thin and the same height as Jasper who was a good foot taller than Scarlett.

Scarlett dipped her chin as a simmer began in her chest. She was about to take a step toward the girl when Jasper placed a hand on her arm as if he knew she needed it.

“Ignore her,” Jasper smoothly said. “Jayden’s always been the bitter one out of us two.”

The pieces clicked in Scarlett’s mind at the brief sight of Jayden. They shared the same emerald eyes and hair color.


Jasper nodded and Scarlett lowered her tensed shoulders. The tug in her chest disappeared as if it were never there. “It takes some time for Jayden to warm up to the recruits.”

The rest of the students stayed silent or whispered, they weren’t as forthcoming as Jasper.

“It’s all seriousness when becoming a Dreamer. The excitement wears off when they realize how dangerous this thing actually is. They’re the lucky ones that didn’t die in their sleep.”

Scarlett understood because she’d been feeling it herself.

They reached the Activities gym and the students inside were already getting started.

Scarlett slumped her shoulders as they walked inside. “I won’t be able to do anything.”

Jasper had walked ahead and whipped his head at Scarlett’s words. He glanced at her right arm.

“Outrage!” He shouted while pointing his index finger in the air. “You’ll be able to work with me and build some basic fighting skills. Even if your right arm is in a sling.”

Scarlett’s heart jumped as a smile spread across her face. She’d begun towards Jasper when Chad stepped in and blocked her path. His arms were crossed across his chest with a quirked eyebrow in Scarlett’s direction.

She’d forgotten.

“Where do you two think you’re going?”

Jasper flashed Chad a grin. “I’m going to show Scar here some basic fighting skills.”

Chad stayed silent and looked over at Scarlett. She stared back with a plea in her eyes. A small sigh left his lips. “You can do it, on two conditions. One, your mother doesn’t find out or else she’ll have our heads and two, I’m training with you.”

Scarlett widened her eyes as a small smile graced her lips. She mouthed ‘thank you’ while Chad slowly shook his head.

She needed this.






Heaves left Scarlett’s chest as she leaned against a pole for support. “Weren’t we supposed to take it easy?”

Jasper and Chad barked out a laugh. “What are you talking about? That wasn’t even half of what we normally go through,” Chad informed.

Two hours passed as they went over basic one-handed defenses and how nightmares were fought. Dreamers relied on the use of their minds, the most powerful weapon they had. How they used it exactly? They told her she’d learn over the next few days once her arm was fully healed.

Scarlett didn’t bother to correct them on the injured part. Even though her arm was in a sling, she hadn’t felt any pain since she woke up in Ever Realm. A few tingles were left here and there but she was too caught up in everything else to mention it. Maybe rapid healing was common in Ever Realm? Her arm was broken, but now, she somehow knew it was not.

The time at the gym came to an end and Chad needed to return to his duties.

“Your mother should be here soon, just wait at the front office.” Scarlett nodded at Chad’s instruction and watched him walk out of the gym. Whatever she had against him before was gone from her mind.

Scarlett was the only one that felt the practice. She had sweat lining her back while the guys had looked fresh as ever and she wondered.

“How do you do it?”

Jasper laughed at her question. His curls bounced across his forehead as he shook his head. “You get used to it. You should’ve seen me the first time I got here, I was worse than you. If you want to clean up, the showers are back there. Don’t worry about the armor, they clean themselves.”

He cocked his head towards the other side of the gym where Chad left through. Beside the exit was another doorway where female Dreamers were walking in and out of.

“Thanks, Jasper.” Scarlett smiled at him and headed towards the showers. She cleaned up and was grateful for the freshness the water brought. As Jasper had informed, her armor slid itself from her body and dried. The showers weren't actually showering either. It'd felt like air that slicked any sign of her struggle off her skin. Once she was done, her armor moved through the air and rearranged itself back on her body.

Scarlett watched in awe at the way it moved into place. Still stuck with wonder, she walked out to find Jasper alone and the gym almost empty.

He wanted to stay behind and wait with Scarlett but some of his friends were calling from the gym doors.

“It’s alright, I’ll be fine. My mom won’t be too long so go.” Scarlett shooed him away and he flashed her cheeky smile.

“Alright, alright. See you tomorrow, Scar.”

At Jasper’s leaving, warmth spread through Scarlett’s chest. She bit her cheek in an attempt to stop the oncoming smile.

‘My first friend.’ Scarlett rolled her eyes at her thought and started towards the front office. She didn't do friends, but he quickly wormed his way with her.

The front desk was empty when Scarlett entered and she searched around hoping her mother was in one of the halls. No one was there.

Scarlett stood in front of the entrance and observed the chaotic painting on the right wall. A heavy sigh left her lips as she reminded herself of the fact that her parents were basically King and Queen of Ever Realm. They were the leaders. She, for sure, had things to discuss with them.

Scarlett glanced away from the art and saw the bustling stars. Cocking her head, she shrugged her shoulders and decided to wait outside.

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