Home > Sweet Dreams(27)

Sweet Dreams(27)
Author: J. Clarice

“Answer me this one other question.” Scarlett clenched her jaw and fists. “What am I and why am I not like the other Dreammares?”

Cain opened his mouth but before he could respond, a shake from the ground dropped Scarlett’s shield. She backed away from Cain and squinted her eyes as a bright light emitted from the edge of the Refuge barrier. It dulled and revealed Scarlett’s father who had white flowing from his bracelet.

He wasn’t able to get in and from the looks of it, he was fuming.






Roger wasn’t allowed to enter The Refuge. Cain’s power had forbidden any other to enter unless they were a Dreammare. Roger knew that Cain had known exactly when he arrived. His power alerted him whenever someone got close to his haven. He purposely lured Scarlett here.

Their argument earlier confirmed it.

“She has a right to know.” Cain held his ground and not once bowed to Roger. Even though Roger was Leader of Ever Realm, Cain was born in it and therefore older. He experienced things Roger had only heard of.

“I don’t want her to know any more about this than she already does. It’ll put her in more danger and I won’t risk it.”

“You and your ‘not wanting to risk it’ is what’s going to get her killed. Being ignorant of the fact that you already know they’re after her and yet you still hide.” Roger ground his jaw and pound his fist on the table.

“I said no! Leave it be!”

A realization dawned on Cain. “You haven’t even told Cher, have you?”

Roger let out a shaky breath as he sat back in his seat. “I have not.”

“At least your man enough to admit it.” Cain rose from his seat, sympathetic towards the man that sat across from him but that would get them in a worse place if something’s not done.

“If you don’t tell your women of the on-goings and what Scarlett truly is, I will do it myself.”

Roger snapped his head up and glared at Cain’s retreating form. “Cain! Dammit!”

Roger’s blood boiled at the sight of him next to his daughter. Cain walked ahead of Scarlett and told her to follow.

“Mr. Blackdall, what a delight to see you here.”

The two men stood at the same height and the tension couldn’t be missed.

“What’s going on? Dad?” Scarlett asked as she glanced between the men.

Roger didn’t want to cause a scene in front of Cain. “Scarlett, come on, we’re going home.”

“I was in the middle of training –.”

“Go with your father, Scarlett. We’ll continue this another day.”

Roger saw Scarlett snap her mouth shut and nod. She crossed the barrier and moved to his side. Roger visibly relaxed and without another word walked away from the Refuge.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

Roger ignored her question lost in his turmoil of thoughts. “Dad!”

He blinked at Scarlett. “Not now Scarlett, we’ll talk when we’re with your mother.”


Roger slowed his stride as Scarlett’s response reached his ears. “What?”

“I said, no.” Scarlett stopped walking and faced him. “I’m tired of this waiting for answers. I have questions and I want to know what’s going on.”

Roger’s irritation grew. “Scarlett now is not the place nor time.”

“Place or time?” Scarlett threw her hands up and scoffed. “There’s no one around and we’re at the edge of the Dark Realm. You and mom disappeared for days and left me with important unanswered questions. So yes, now is as good as any time to tell me what is going on.”

Roger didn’t want to see his daughter’s spirit flicker once she found out she was the key to possibly the end of all the Realms. The hidden mark on her armor announced her so. He blamed Edgar, the son of a bitch that messed with power that shouldn’t have been awakened. He traded his sanity all for the taste, only for it to be his downfall. Edgar didn’t go down alone, he made sure to drag everyone else down with him.

Shaking his head, Roger refused to answer to Scarlett. He’d solve the problem before it could harm her. Even if he’d die trying, as long as his family was safe. Nothing was out of bounds.

“What is going on with the nightmares?”

“How do you know about that?” Roger shot his eyes at Scarlett. “Did Cain tell you?”

“I’ve heard around and so what if Cain told me? He’s letting me know more than you are.”

“Your training with Cain is to cease and you’ll continue training with your mother.”

Scarlett stopped dead in her tracks. “No, you can’t do that I won’t let you.”

“I am your father and the Leader of Ever Realm. Yes, I can.” Roger ground his jaw and ended with a tone of finality. “I am doing this to protect you and I need you to trust me.”

Scarlett turned her head and clenched her jaw. It was hurting her and he knew it, but he couldn’t get himself to say the words.

“How can I trust you, when every time you don’t tell me anything, something bad happens?” Scarlett whispered as Roger’s resolve cracked. It pained him to see her this way.

Before Roger could respond, the white light on his collar brightened and Official Samsus appeared before him as his voice filled his ears.

“Sir, something has come up and your presence is needed urgently.”

The worry in the Official’s voice caught Roger’s immediate attention. “I’m on my way.”

He glanced at Scarlett. Her arms were crossed and she kept her head turned away.

‘I’m sorry, my beautiful girl.’

“I’m taking you to the edge of the Realms before I leave. I have urgent business to attend too.”

Roger stepped towards Scarlett and tried to touch her shoulder.

Scarlett inched away. “Please, don’t.” She bit the inside of her cheeks and Roger sighed.

He’ll fix this and they’ll all be fine.

They always are.






After her father left, Scarlett made her way to Jenna’s and went back to Earth. She didn’t spend much time there but when she did, she needed to make sure her body was still healthy and did extra practice. All ties had been cut off and she only looked forward to being in Ever Realm. She loved it but didn’t want to be in the same realm as her father. She was sure he’s going through with his order. It’s how he was.

She hadn’t seen her mother or Jenna but knew they were overseeing Ever Realm and keeping everything in check. She thanked Cain for telling her. Her father wanted to keep his lips sealed closed.

Lessons on Ever Realm were ending in a week and Scarlett was coming to her three-week mark in Ever Realm. Not even a month yet but to her, it felt like months. Training would continue as normal until graduation but the lessons wouldn’t be necessary.

Night fell over Earth as Scarlett laid on her bed and closed her eyes. She was determined to get something, no matter what her father said and there was only one person who could tell her the answers she wanted.


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