Home > Dark Matters(20)

Dark Matters(20)
Author: Michelle Diener

They had come to immediate attention.

“Do you think that's likely?” He asked after a long silence.

“I don't know what to think.” Subre's tone was short.

“Are there any visual comms to confirm?”

“I've been hunting for confirmation since this thing started building up. No luck so far. Some of the people claim there was an electronic pulse that interfered with their handhelds just after the woman was seen.”

“And do you know why this possible sighting of an Earth woman is having the effect of a near riot?” Dray looked down and decided he wasn't exaggerating.

“Some say she's a plant. Conveniently arriving the same day you got here, to make us look even worse. Some say she escaped, looking for help from your team. One woman gave a statement that the Earth woman said she was being kept at the military facility that was destroyed yesterday.” Subre faltered a bit when he said that, and with sudden understanding, Dray realized Subre considered that at least plausible.

“And the people in the square who talked to her today just let her walk off?” He couldn't see that happening.

“No. According to some witnesses, two hovers came out of nowhere, shots were fired, and she ran away. That's when the pulse wave occurred, as well.”

“And it wasn't your people on the hovers?” Dray kept the question light.

“No. More than one person insisted they were military, but there were no insignia, so that isn't necessarily true.”

“Why is this the first I'm hearing about this, Captain?” Dray had been in military headquarters for three hours. They'd been given an office at the rear of the building, looking down on the square rather than out across the sea, which he knew from his study of Tecran culture was an insult.

The best offices would be at the top, looking out over the ocean.

A mid-level office at the back was a gesture of disrespect, but it had the benefit of a good view of the growing unrest in the street below.

“I didn't have any proof of the claims, and I would prefer to be sure before bringing something this explosive to our new administrators.” Subre's words were stiff.

He obviously didn't like the deal that had been struck between the Tecran and the rest of the UC, and Dray knew in his place, he wouldn't, either. But tough.

That's how it was.

“Has the woman been seen again?”

Subre hesitated. “No.”

Cossi lifted her gaze from the handheld to catch his own, and he nodded. Subre was lying.

“You're sure about that?” Dray asked softly.

“Yes. And while I'm happy to talk to you at another time, in case you are unaware, I've got a crowd control problem on my hands, so I'll have to end this now.”

“Wait.” Dray threw all his authority into his voice. “Who shot at that hover a few minutes ago?”

“Good bye, Commander.”

The comms cut off.

“Could there really be an Earth woman here?” Chep asked, skepticism in every word. “Just running around Fa'allen?”

Dray's instinct was no. He forced himself to lift his shoulders. “Unlikely. But obviously some people believe it.” He looked back down at the square.

“I'm just glad it wasn't sparked by our arrival,” Cossi said.

Dray shook his head. “Or it was, and someone made up an elaborate story to agitate those who weren't already onboard.”

Chep made a sound. “That's a good possibility.” He looked down at the protests. “They seem to be onboard now.”

“I need you down on the street.”

The words in Dray's ear were so surprising, he froze.


The thinking system sounded the least in control Dray had ever heard him.

“Why?” Out of the corner of his eye, Dray saw Cossi and Chep go still as well, and turn to stare at him.

“There's an Earth woman down there. She needs your help.”

“Do you know this, or have you heard the rumor like everyone else?” Dray asked, but he had a sinking feeling Bane did not deal in rumor.

“Her name is Lucy Harris, and she is currently running for her life from Tecran military officers through the tunnels under the city.”

“Tell me where.” Dray grabbed his jacket and checked his weapon.

Chep and Cossi watched him warily.

“Bane knows where the Earth woman is,” he told them. Then he ran out the door.



Chapter 16



There was no easy way to get through.

Dray stepped out of the back door of military headquarters right onto the square and was immediately shoved by someone in the crowd.

He looked back at Cossi and Chep and wondered if it would be better if Cossi stayed in the building.

Like all Bukarians she was much shorter than him and Chep.

“I can see what you're thinking. The answer is no.” She moved to stand beside him, and stumbled as someone pushed her into his side.

The Tecran who'd pushed her fell inexplicably to his knees, gave her a startled look, and then scrambled up and disappeared into the crowd.

“We should have gone out the front entrance and come into the square down one of the side streets,” Chep said, looking over the chaos.

Despite the crush, there was something so alien about him, he wasn't so much as touched by the Tecran.

“There's a Tecran military team waiting for you outside the front entrance,” Bane said in Dray's ear. “The Fitalian is correct, it would be faster, but you'd lead them straight to Lucy.”

“Can you transmit to Cossi and Chep's earpieces as well?” Dray asked.

“All right.”

From their startled looks, Dray guessed he'd included both his colleagues in his answer.

“Now, go right, keep to the edge of the square, and then continue past the first building and take the first street to the left after that.” He paused. “Hurry. She's not . . . well.”

“What do you mean, not well?” Cossi asked as they started pushing their way through the swaying, shouting masses.

“I mean the few times I've had eyes on her, she keeps stopping and leaning against the wall, and she doesn't look healthy.”

“She's injured?” Chep asked.

“She had to fight a military officer a little while ago to get away, and she's favoring her left hip, so I think so.”

“Can you talk to her?” Dray asked.


“Ask her what's wrong. It will help us to know her limitations when we find her.”

Bane was silent, probably speaking to Lucy Harris, and that was fine with Dray. He needed all his concentration to get through the crowd without being knocked off his feet.

More than one Tecran did fall, but he was relieved to see people stop to help them up. It wasn't a stampede.


“You!” The shout came from his left. “You're one of them!”

Dray's hand closed over his shockgun as he turned to face the Tecran pointing at him.

There was a sudden hush as the crowd around him went quiet.

“I'm part of the UC team, if that's what you mean.” He kept his voice at a moderate level, forcing those who wanted to hear him to keep their silence.

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