Home > Dark Matters(7)

Dark Matters(7)
Author: Michelle Diener

As she gave Lucy one last parting glance, the woman lowered her eyes, as if she was embarrassed at their retreat, then she walked quickly back the way she'd come, the man close on her heels.

A moment later, Lucy was alone again, with nothing but the low moan of the wind and the spectacular view along the cliffs for company.

Those two had recognized her.

Or if not her, specifically, people from Earth. The woman had even made the connection with the facility.

Which meant, if they spoke to anyone, word would get out that she was here. And that would lead those hunting her right to her.

She had to go.

Go now.

She walked along the side of the building, keeping close to the wall again as the wind swirled around her, tugging at her cloak.

The ledge dropped off to the sea far, far below.

When she turned the corner, relieved to have solid ground in front of her, she saw the two people who'd found her talking to another Tecran, both of them gesticulating wildly to the newcomer.

They all went silent at the sight of her, and Lucy realized she was still clutching the crossbow.

She'd shot crossbows, and even longbows, for fun, but what was she going to do? Shoot someone with a grapple hook?

The idea was so ludicrous, she bent slowly and set it down on the ground at her feet.

The wind had kicked up another notch, and it blew her long, curly hair wildly around her. Her cloak streamed behind her, revealing her body in her thin pajamas, and she could see from their expressions she was the strange, alien creature here. Not them.

“Please,” she said, hearing the weariness in her own voice, “just tell me what you know about me and I'll be on my way.”

“Do you have a credit bank?” the new Tecran asked.

“No.” She didn't even know what the system of money was here. She'd been tucked up in the facility the whole time.

“I'll give you mine. It's got enough to last a couple of days on it. Go into the city. You'll find help there. For us . . .” He flicked a look at the other two. “It's a tricky thing. We might be seen as traitors if we help you.” He lifted his hands, the fluff on his feathery arms ruffling in the wind.

“I have a credit bank on me.” The woman who'd walked away from her dug into a pocket, and the man with her did the same.

They gave them both to the third man, who'd pulled out a colorful rectangle from his own pocket. He leaned forward and set them on the ground, as if scared to get closer.

Like they were afraid to touch her, or get too near her.

She frowned. “Are you frightened of me?”

She would need to know this if she was going into the crowds of the city.

They looked at each other uneasily.

“The scientists and doctors at the facility weren't afraid of me.”

The woman closed her eyes. “Don't tell us anything about the facility.”

“We aren't afraid,” the new man slid both hands into his pockets. “It's just . . .” He eventually shrugged, unable or unwilling to explain.

“Good luck.” The man who'd found her originally shuffled back toward the door of the building. “The zipu comes every five minutes and it'll take you all the way to the city. It's only a short walk along the path.” He gestured to a meandering path that disappeared between two low, stunted trees. Then he turned and walked into the building.

After a moment of silence, the other two followed him, the woman glancing at her with a frown more than once.

Lucy waited until they had disappeared and then she scooped up the credits they'd left her.

It felt a little icky taking the thin, bright rectangles, each a colorful rainbow made of something similar to enamel, but she couldn't be picky. She hadn't eaten or drunk anything since last night, and the Tecran's version of money had to make things easier for her.

She contemplated the path, guessing the zipu they'd referred to was some form of public transport.

Did she take it, or did she use the hover?

She decided to have a look at the zipu first. She might stand out more on the hover.

And she knew where to find it if she wanted it back.

She looked over her shoulder at the closed door of the building, caught a glimpse of the three Tecran watching her through a narrow window, and turned back to the path. She straightened her shoulders and started walking.



Chapter 6



“That little confrontation earlier was a little too dramatic for my tastes.” Filavantri Dimitara stared at Dray from across her desk, her big, dark brown eyes set in a slender, elongated face.

He didn't move, but Yolandi squirmed a little beside him.

Zutobi just made herself more comfortable in her chair.

All three of the Grihan leadership team members had been called into Dimitara's office after her conversation with the Tecran envoy, and no one needed to be a genius to guess why.

Dimitara sighed. “If only Bane had contacted me instead of you.”

“Is his contacting Dray causing problems for you?” Yolandi asked.

Dimitara lifted her shoulders. “Everyone, from the Tecran to the UC team, already think you're too closely aligned with him, and this just reinforces that. Has he contacted you before?”

“Only once.”

Everyone looked at him.

“Regarding Pilto, actually. The Fitalian ambassador was trying to get Yolandi to tell Bane to hang back when we met the Tecran envoy. Bane said he wouldn't.”

“That's all?” Yolandi asked, eyebrows raised.

“That's all. A few words at most.”

“All right.” Dimitara blew out a breath. “I'm going to ignore that, then.”

Dray folded his arms over his chest. “Given what happened when Bane did meet them, you'd have to wonder why Pilto wanted that. Did he know what was going to happen?”

Dimitara frowned. “What reason did Pilto give for wanting Bane to make himself scarce?”

“He said Bane's presence would be antagonistic, and if he hung back we'd make more progress with the Tecran than if he accompanied us,” Yolandi answered.

Dimitara nodded. “That's what Pilto was saying to me just before we realized the back two Levron had their weapons trained on Bane, so I believe that's all there was to his request.”

They were all silent a moment.

“Why are we here?” Dray stretched out his legs.

Dimitara lifted both of her slim, four-fingered hands. “The thing is, like Pilto, the Tecran have made a similar request that Bane stay out of sight. They are asking for him to hang back when we arrive at Tecra. They think him looming over the planet will cause panic.”

“That wasn't the agreement.” Dray had read every word of the contract that gave him and the rest of his colleagues the right to investigate the Tecran military and set up a structure to run Tecra for the next five years.

“I know, but I actually agree with them in this case. The Tecran are suffering a massive loss of face over this takeover. They also have some understanding of why the Class 5s might bear them ill will. Having Bane literally casting a shadow over their planet is going to really inspire fear and resentment, and that's going to make our jobs a lot harder.”

“What did they say about the planned ambush on Bane?” Zutobi tapped a finger on Dimitara's desk.

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