Home > Love Redesigned(29)

Love Redesigned(29)
Author: Jenny Proctor

“We can still find a way to make this right, Dani. You can’t stop fighting.”

I shook my head. I could stop fighting. And that’s precisely what I was going to do. Because Sasha was right. I would never be cutthroat enough to make it in fashion. Especially not if cutthroat meant lying and cheating and stealing. “I can’t do this anymore, Chase. I’m so tired of her. I’m tired of pouring so much energy and time and hope into a job that has literally given me nothing in return.”

“Don’t say that. It gave you me.”

I managed a half-smile, then reached up and cupped my hand around his cheek. “That’s true. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything. But . . .”

“Enough is enough?” he finished for me.

“Enough is enough,” I agreed.

Chase didn’t leave my side while I quickly gathered the few personal items I had on my desk, shoving them haphazardly into my fortunately oversized purse. A scarf slipped off the back of my chair and fell to the floor, and Chase picked it up. “I don’t like to see you giving up,” he said. “You might have lost the battle, Dani, but—”

I held up a hand, cutting him off. “If you tell me I can still win the war I’m going to kick you in the shins.”

He draped the scarf around my neck. “But maybe you still can. It might take a little time, but we’ll think of something.” He glanced over his shoulder, lowering his voice. “That woman is building a glass castle. Remember, she still has to launch an entire line of wedding gowns—now, without you. Eventually, someone important will see her for who she truly is. Lying can only get you so far.”

“I appreciate your optimism, but she’s sleeping with the boss, Chase. She can lie all she wants, and no one will stop her.”

His shoulders slumped, but he perked right back up, shaking away his doubt. “No. Truth has to prevail eventually. I’ll talk to the other designers. Sasha may be in Alicio’s bed, but if enough of us are on your side, well, he can’t exactly run the company without us.”

He was sweet to try. But I was a nobody. And in a place like New York City, there was always another nobody ready to take your place the second you lost your footing. Chase cared because he was my friend. But everyone else? They wouldn’t think of me again the minute I was out the door, which meant they definitely wouldn’t go up against the boss’s bride-to-be for my sake.

I was halfway across the design floor, aiming for the elevator, my burgeoning purse over my shoulder, my coat draped over my arm, when I ran into Sasha. I stopped in front of her and the room around us grew silent, all eyes turned toward us.

“I am so sorry to see you go, Dani,” Sasha said. She reached out and adjusted my scarf, her perfectly manicured fuchsia nails a nauseating contrast against the deep, winter-green. “Of course, I understand these things happen, and like I said”—her voice grew louder, like she wanted to make sure the entire office could hear her—“the minute you need a recommendation, you let me know. You know I have nothing but the kindest things to say about your work as an assistant.”

I clenched my jaw. In a move almost bolder than when I’d quit in the first place, I shoved past her, ramming her with my bag. “Go to hell, Sasha.”


“Do you really have to leave?” Paige sat on the end of my bed while I pulled things out of my bureau, shoving them haphazardly into the suitcases and boxes lining the floor against the wall. “You know Chase would let you crash on his couch. At least until you find another job.”

I shook my head. “I can’t do that to Chase and Darius.” It was possible I was running away. But I’d tell my made-up truths as long as I could if it meant not having to face my real ones. And my made-up truths were this: Our lease was up at the end of the month. I could not afford to renew a lease and live in New York without a job. With Paige mostly moved out already—bouncing between Reese’s place and her nannying job—it didn’t make sense for her to renew the lease without me. Moving out was the only option, which actually fit my needs perfectly. Because leaving was all I felt like doing. “Another job as what, a secretary? No way.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re being so stubborn about this. LeFranc is not the only designer in town. You could find another job in fashion.”

Maybe she was right. But LeFranc had been my dream. And with that dream completely shattered and ground into powder, it was hard to think about working anywhere else. Not when I’d come so close. “You know I don’t have the cash to stay, Paige. I have two hundred dollars in my savings account. Even if I did manage to find a job and a cheaper place, there’s no way I could cover a security deposit and first month’s rent.”

“But I could help,” Paige said. “Go in for the first couple of months until you can find another roommate.”

“You’re sweet to offer, but you know that doesn’t make any sense. You’re getting married in less than three months. You need to save as much cash as you can. And you’re basically living at Reese’s now anyway. There’s no reason to keep this place.”

Paige collapsed onto the bed, pulling me down beside her and weaving my arm through hers. “I could call my dad. I wouldn’t even have to tell him it was for you. I can fake a reason to need a few thousand dollars. You know he’d send it.” She propped herself up on her elbow, shooting me a pointed look. “Or you could just ask your parents. Why haven’t we discussed that option yet?”

“No. Absolutely not. If I ask my parents for cash, they’ll freak out and panic and race home from Europe to save me. Which is exactly what I don’t need. And we can’t ask your parents because they’ll tell my parents. I don’t want anybody’s help, Paige. This was my dream. My choice. That means it’s my failure, too. I have to own it.”

“You haven’t failed, Dani. It’s just a little setback.”

I shrugged, pulling her back down so we lay side by side again. I leaned my head onto her shoulder. “Maybe. But either way, a break might be good for me. I miss Charleston. Going home could be good.”

“Except you aren’t going home. You’re going to Isaac’s. That’s totally different.”

I’d actually checked the availability on my parent’s house to see if it was vacant, but it was booked solid until Christmas. At least Isaac had a house big enough to accommodate me. At least, I hoped he did. He did have five roommates. “Isaac’s will just be a place to sleep. Charleston is home. The beach is home. I need that right now.”

We lay there silently for a few moments until Paige asked, “How are you going to face him, Dani?” She didn’t have to explain that she was asking about Alex.

My head started pounding, a nauseating thump thump reverberating in my ears and behind my eyes. Showing up on Isaac’s doorstep was going to be hard enough. He’d probably howl with laughter, but he’d eventually be nice. But Alex? How would I ever admit that all along, he’d been right about Sasha?

“I have no idea,” I finally answered. “He’s too good to say I told you so, which is almost worse.”

“You still haven’t called Isaac yet, have you?”

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