Home > Monster Academy(11)

Monster Academy(11)
Author: Catherine Banks

“The humans responsible have not been caught. The most troubling question we have is: how are they finding our villages? At this time, we do not have any answers, but we want to remind everyone not to panic. Reinforce your barriers and ask the high witches to create new ones if you want, but we are still safe.”

“For how long?” I asked softly, my heart beating rapidly at the sight of all of the fire and the dead nagas.

How many had burned alive? How many children had been killed?

The reporter continued, “The investigators are working extra hours to track down any information they can find. If you see or hear anything, be sure to report it immediately. Stay safe, monsters.”

Loralie turned off the television with a scowl. “There were no human bodies there. That means that if it was humans that attacked, they all got out alive. Or, they took their dead with them.”

“They are known for taking their dead,” I whispered, swallowing thickly.

“Yes, but how could humans defeat a nest of nagas like that?” Tsukiko asked. “That nest had at least thirty adults. Unless a few hundred humans attacked, they should have been able to defeat them. Plus, they should have been alerted by their magical barriers of intruders. Or patrols.”

“Yeah, this sounds suspiciously improbable unless they had help,” I whispered.

“Who would help humans?” Loralie asked, disgust evident in her tone and the sneer on her face.

“That is the question that needs answered,” I whispered. “Sadly, we won’t have any answers.”

“Dad is totally going to add security tomorrow,” Tsukiko whispered. “Just be prepared for it.”

I nodded and whispered, “Honestly, I welcome it. Even though it means moving around for parties and things will be almost impossible, it will mean we are safe.”

“And I’d rather be safe,” Loralie whispered.

“It’s time for bed,” I said and stood, stretching my arms up over my head. “I’ll see you girls in the morning.”

We hugged each other and went to our separate rooms, but as I lay on my bed, I knew I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t get the burned village out of my mind. All of those creatures...dead. And for what? Why?

I hoped we would find out.









Sitting in the middle of our glamour class, I realized something.

I was a total lost cause.

Bogden sat on the opposite side of the classroom, chatting with a few of his zombie and tengu friends. I could have gone over and talked to him, but I had no idea what I would even say.

“You’re not being very discreet,” Frances whispered in my ear.

“Cat!” Ms. Felonias yelled. She was a tall, slim woman with dark, black hair that hung to her waist, feline ears, and a silky black tail that swayed behind her as she walked around the classroom.

With a wave of my hand, I changed the glamour over my body so that I appeared as a cat to anyone looking at me.

Everyone else in the class did, too. Everyone except Darla who had transformed into a goat instead.

Ms. Felonias walked over to Darla and glared down at her. “Are you insulting felines? Or are you just awful at glamour?”

Darla bleated pitifully.

With a wave of her hand, Ms. Felonias removed Darla’s glamour. “Try again and this time, a cat. Not a goat.”

Darla tried again and this time turned into a cow.

I suppressed my laugh by pretending to groom one of my paws.

Ms. Felonias gave me a glare and smacked Darla on top of the head with a closed hand fan I hadn’t even seen her holding. “No! You will stay after class and practice until you understand what a cat is.” She walked away muttering angrily in a different language and the occasional meow.

“Revert,” Ms. Felonias ordered us and plopped down in her chair. “Can someone tell me why glamour is so important?”

“To help us hide from humans,” a female satyr answered.

“Yes. I’m sure you’ve all seen the news of the horrific events happening. It is important that you keep your guard up and do not let the humans catch you. The wolf clan has provided us with additional guards, which I am very thankful for. You children are the most important for us to keep safe. You are our next rulers and if you do not survive...well...we do not survive. I want you to remember that what we teach you here may be boring or frustrating, but it is meant to provide you with a necessary skill for surviving out in the world.” She closed her eyes and said, “Class dismissed.”

We packed all our things up and hurried out of the room.

A tall chupacabra stood in the hallway, spit dripping down his open jowls as he stood in a terrifying mixture of wolf and human.

Tsukiko nodded once at him and he fell into step behind us.

“Your dad really went above and beyond overprotective this time,” I whispered.

She sighed. “I know. I told him a chupacabra was overkill, but he refused to budge. I decided it wasn’t worth arguing over and left it. If he tries to keep him as my guard for longer than a month, I’ll fight back, but for now, I will let him protect me.”

Fighting back meant she would have to fight and defeat the chupacabra. Looking at the tall, muscular, male had me wondering if she could actually do it. Tsukiko was a really good fighter, but she wasn’t as strong as her male counterparts. And, the chupacabras were known for being really bloodthirsty and to have high levels of stamina. It didn’t seem like an even match. Definitely not one I could see her winning.

“You’re doubting me right now, aren’t you?” Tsukiko asked, her cheeks puffed out.

“What? No,” I lied.

She huffed. “You haven’t seen me truly fight in at least a year. I’ve improved and have some new tricks up my sleeve.”

“Oh?” I asked. “What tricks?”

She shook her head. “I can’t tell you. That’s no fun. You’ll see, like my opponent does, during my fight.” She tilted her head towards the chupacabra and I picked up on her hint. She didn’t want him overhearing how she planned to defeat him.

“Got it. I’ll never doubt you again,” I said with a serious nod.

Frances laughed.

“Good,” Tsukiko said, completely serious.

I rolled my eyes.

We stopped at our next class, History, and I groaned. “Can’t we skip this one?”

“No,” the chupacabra growled.

I turned and gave him my best glare. “I wasn’t being serious and don’t order me around.”

He snarled and suddenly my scythe was in my hand.

He took a step back, eyes wide.

“Loralie,” Tsukiko growled.

I tossed the scythe back to its place in the in-between. “Sorry. That was a reaction. I’m sorry.” I looked at the chupacabra who nodded his acceptance.

Tsukiko and Frances watched me as we walked inside.

“Since when can you do that?” Frances asked.

“Since this break,” I whispered softly.

Frances opened her mouth to ask more questions, but our teacher, the grey-haired owl shifter we lovingly called Mr. Who, barked, “To your seats!”

I ran forward and took my seat beside Bogden who smiled at me.

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