Home > Aiden(5)

Author: H.L. Swan

“Honestly, I don’t care.” He laughs. “Maybe she’ll give it up to you. Good luck with tha–”

Aiden’s knuckles connect with Ian’s jaw, cutting him off.

I watch in awe as Ian lands flat on the ground, his eyes slightly open, and turns to spit out blood. He smirks arrogantly up at Aiden and I realize it’s a stupid decision, as Aiden violently jumps on top of him and begins to bash his face into the damp grass. His muscles flex with every rapid movement, threatening to rip his fitted white T-shirt.

“Aiden, please stop. Please!” I plead through muffled sobs.

A deep rage swirls in his green eyes when Aiden looks back at me.

I stare in horror at the sight of Ian. Unable to help myself, despite all the awful things he did, I kneel beside him and examine his wounds.

Aiden stares at me in disbelief. “You can’t be fucking serious!” He exclaims through ragged breaths. I see him move to walk away but hesitate.

Ian winces as I prod his face. He glares at me with so much anger, before pushing me off him and onto the grass. “Get off me, you stupid bitch.”

Aiden’s long legs glide back to us.

Instinctively, I throw myself over Ian to protect him.

Why did I do that? I don’t know. Pretty much the entire house is outside, and I probably look like an idiot. But there must be a reason for this. The alcohol is muddling my ability to think.

I stare down at his face, seeing nothing behind his blank blue eyes.

“Nope, fuck this. You’re not doing this,” Aiden mutters into my ear.

In one swift movement, I’m no longer on the ground but slung over Aiden’s shoulder as he heads towards his car. I can feel his arm securely below my butt, preventing any accidents from happening. Oddly, it warms my heart. I kick a little, but I’m suddenly exhausted.

“I’ll let you down once you calm down, but I’m not allowing you to embarrass yourself. Did you even hear what he just said to you?” His tone is laced with disgust.

“I do, I do remember. But I love him, and he lo–”

“You’re too sweet for your own good.” Aiden sighs. “I don’t know what you see in him. I only met him for two minutes and I already despise the guy.”

“You don’t even know me!” I scoff, hitting his back.

He opens the passenger door and carefully deposits me in the seat. He reaches around and buckles me in while I put my hands over my face in embarrassment of everything that has just happened.

I see Ashley rushing through the chaotic scene towards us through my fingers.

“Get in and don’t talk about it.” He orders, gesturing towards his side of the car.

Ash simply nods and climbs in the back from the driver’s seat. She peeks around my seat, her emotions raw, and rubs my shoulder in console.

Aiden glances towards Ian who is now standing, breathing heavily, as he glares in our direction. His fist is balled but he doesn’t dare to come closer.

Worried, I reach out the open window and grab Aiden’s shaking arm. His eyes meet mine and I watch as the rage tries to calm. There’s an internal struggle behind his eyes, but I see the resolve when his face finally softens.

Aiden shakes his head once, coming around to the driver side.

Then he yells menacingly, pointing his finger accusingly at Ian. “Fuck you.”

I’m thankful when he cranks the car up and the engine drowns out the scene we are driving away from and my sobs.



My thoughts run through my head as though they’re trying to win a race. So lost in thought, I haven’t realized we are in the driveway.

It’s pitch black outside. Aiden flips on the interior light, the color is a warm tone. I’m thankful it’s subtle, and it doesn’t worsen my headache. He opens my door and kneels, staring at me with a worried expression.

My head tilts to the empty backseat. “Where is she?” My small voice is sore from my screaming earlier.

“I told her to go inside.” Aiden brings his large hand to rest on my knee in a comforting notion.

The warm touch is nice; it makes me feel less alone in the wide cab of his car. His large hand splayed out on my knee looks almost sinful. I can feel his rough callouses brushing against my soft skin as he trails his palms in circular motions in a comforting manner.

The hands of a man, something I’ve never experienced. Adjusting to the warm light I notice for the first time that his knuckles are busted, bleeding from his altercation with Ian.

“Your hands! Are you okay?” I bite my bottom lip with concern, guilty he got hurt because of me.

He looks down and a smile creeps up his face. “Don’t worry about that. Were you two together long?” His tone is light.

I ponder the question. It isn’t about the time we were together. I’m more upset that I believed he cared for me when he obviously didn’t.

“We weren’t together long at all. Maybe three months between us meeting to dating and now...this.” I gesture to my tear-soaked face, mascara undoubtedly falling on my cheeks.

“He doesn’t deserve you.” He states, concern thick in his voice.

The sentiment causes a light smile to spread on my lips, but the overwhelming embarrassment crashes down overhead. “I can’t believe he said those things to me. Everyone must think I’m so naive. I really thought he liked me for me, like really liked me.”

Saying it out loud makes me feel worse about myself. How blind am I?

“First off, being naive isn’t a bad thing, as long as you have people around you who won’t take advantage of you. I think your trust is just in the wrong people.” His thumb gently rolls circles on my leg, trying to console me.

Between his warm and calming tone, and his soothing touch, I calm. “I should have known better, really.” I shake my head. “He is a star Lacrosse player and a senior, and I’m this.” I gesture to myself, feeling less confident than I did when I left.


“No man would want to wait to have sex anyway,” I remark absentmindedly.

“He is not a man.” A sound emanates deep in his broad chest, as his deep jade eyes pierce me.

He quickly composes himself. “No man would have spoken to you that way, or pushed you off of him. Those things should be saved for the bedroom, with a real man, when you want those things to be done to you, for fun.”

My cheeks burn with the intensity of his stare and the seductiveness of his words. “I’m just glad I didn’t give him my virgi–”

I cut myself off. He may be Ashley’s brother, but I don’t really know him. I’m not sure why I’m so comfortable around him. Maybe it’s because of his concern and how closely he’s listening to me.

“I’m sorry. I need to go,” I rush out as I go to grab the handle.

“Absolutely not.” He commands. I sit back against the leather seat, taken back by the change in mood. “It’s his loss. I’m happy he didn’t. You saved yourself from that whole situation. Besides, you shouldn’t have to sleep with someone just to get them to stay with you.” I stare at him with mild shock at his frankness.

“Thank you?” This is embarrassing.

“You needed to hear it. You ready to go in now?”

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