Home > If We Dare(23)

If We Dare(23)
Author: J.H. Croix

“Got your coffee,” he said as I began moving again. I hadn’t even noticed I’d come to a complete stop when I caught sight of Jade. That was not good, not good at all.

When I reached Jackson, I took the mug of coffee he offered. “Thanks.” As I took a sip, I felt his assessing eyes on me. I didn’t look away, but damn if I didn’t sense he knew exactly how much I wanted Jade.

If I was wondering about it, he clarified immediately. “Be careful. Jade doesn’t date, and Lucas will be plenty pissed if he thinks you’re after Jade for just a little fun.”

“I’m not after anyone for just a little fun.” My words came out sharp, and I knew I sounded defensive.

Jackson leaned his hips against the counter as he took a slow sip of his coffee. “Okay then. I guess you might wanna be careful how you look at Jade then,” he replied with a chuckle.

“What the hell does that mean?” I countered.

“It means you look at her like you’d like her for dinner. And before you go thinking I’m policing your sex life or love life, or what-the-hell ever, I’m not. I’m just giving you a little background.”

“While we’re on the subject, what’s the story behind Jade not dating?”

Jackson chuckled again. “For someone who’s not curious, you sure are curious.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I am curious,” I admitted, surprising myself. I trusted Jackson and knew he wasn’t one to talk, so I figured I might as well ask.

Jackson eyed me for a long beat, but then shrugged. “Some shit went down when she was in college. I don’t have all the details, but I do know a good friend of hers, a guy, spiked her drink with one of those date rape drugs.”

Anger slashed through me, burning hot and then icy cold, the kind of cold that stings. I lowered my mug before I’d almost taken a sip. “A friend of hers raped her?” My words were low and laced with fury.

“Pump the brakes, man. No. At least, not that I’m aware of. They were just hanging out at a bar, and one of the waitresses saw him spike her drink when Jade went to the bathroom. He was arrested at the bar. So, nothing happened, but Lucas says she hasn’t dated since. She’s pretty open that she’s not interested in dating. That’s all I know.”

“Do you know who the friend was?”

Jackson took another sip of coffee before he replied, “I can’t recall. I don’t think it’s going to do you a damned bit of good to go down that road. I don’t think Jade will appreciate it. Especially from some guy who’s supposedly not interested.” His gaze held a knowing glint.

I forced myself to take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Although I was still fucking furious, there wasn’t a single thing I could do about what happened to Jade. Not now and maybe not ever. “Fair enough,” I finally replied.

Jackson gave me another assessing look before he dipped his head in a nod. “You’re a good man, Walker. I may not have known you all that long, but I know that. Proceed with caution is the only advice I have.”



Chapter Seventeen






I felt a bead of sweat roll down between my breasts. Restless, I reached for the glass of ice water Dani had just handed me and took several gulps. I hoped, rather pointlessly, that no one could see how flushed I was. Considering how hot my cheeks were, I prayed no one was paying attention. It was crowded at the table, and I was seated between Walker and Valentina.

It was all Valentina’s fault that I was here to begin with. My soon to be sister-in-law had invited me to have dinner and drinks with “the girls.” Ever since Valentina moved in with Lucas, she’d become a dear friend. Which was awesome because I loved my brother and my niece. It would have been mighty inconvenient, and it might’ve possibly come to blows, if my older brother had fallen for a woman I didn’t like.

Not that I had a right to dictate what happened in my brother’s love life, but I sure thought I did. Valentina hadn’t been aware this wasn’t just a girls’ dinner. She’d thought the guys were going out to the bar. Instead, the guys, including Walker, decided to grab dinner at the lodge before heading out to the bar.

As it was, now I was stuck with Walker practically plastered to one side of my body because the bench was crowded. That was definitely a minus to the whole bench seating option. When there were actual chairs, people could only get so close.

“Oh sorry!” Valentina said, her red curls bouncing when she faced my way. She cast an apologetic smile after elbowing me in the shoulder while she was attempting to serve herself from a platter of herbed roasted potatoes.

“No problem,” I replied. “I’m sure I’ll return the favor.”

Walker’s knee shifted, nudging my thigh. That subtle touch sent fire licking up my leg. “Sorry.”

His low, sexy drawl set my body alight. My belly did a slow flip with flutters spinning inside. I took another gulp of my ice water before replying, “Just like I told Valentina, I’m sure I’ll return the favor.” In Walker’s case, I couldn’t resist nudging my knee against his thigh.

“That didn’t seem like an accident,” he murmured, low enough that no one else could hear.

Considering the murmur of voices around us and how many people were talking, it was unlikely anyone would notice if we had a semi-private conversation. Minus the actual expectation of privacy, of course.

Beyond Valentina and Lucas, we were surrounded by other couples. Dani and Wade, Shay and Jackson, and Dawson and Evie. In fact, the only single people at the table were myself, Walker, and Skylar, the vet tech. I told myself it was a relief not to be the only single person at the table. Of course, Walker’s presence beside me had me so stirred up, I could barely think.

I resisted the urge to lift my ice-cold glass and rub it over my neck. Instead, I served myself some food and unintentionally bumped Valentina with one elbow and Walker with the other.

“Proving your point?” Walker teased.

This time, I gave in to the urge to look his way. Major mistake. The moment I met his eyes and saw the heat banked in his gaze, my stomach spun, and another wash of heat rolled through my body.

“No, it’s just crowded.” I forced myself to look away.

“So how is Dave?” Dani asked Walker.

Walker looked over. “He’s doing okay.”

“Can’t believe the guy had a heart attack on his wedding night,” Dawson offered in between bites.

“What exactly happened? I haven’t had a chance to ask,” Jackson chimed in.

Dawson replied, “Dave had a heart attack right after the reception.”

“Damn.” Jackson’s gaze swung to Walker. “So he’s okay?”

“Oh yeah. Now he’s gotta get used to eating healthier,” Walker said with a wry smile.

“We never did hear how your fake date went,” Dawson interjected.

“Clearly, I’m not up to speed on anything. What the hell is a fake date?” Shay asked.

I felt Valentina elbow me, and I returned the favor.

Dawson grinned. “Walker needed a date, so Jade went to keep his old girlfriend off his back.”

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