Home > Undaunted(10)

Author: Shirleen Davies

Fuse wondered if she was still proficient with firearms. He’d taught her how to use a SIG 9mm, 12-gauge shotgun, and Ruger mini-14 rifle. Their last Christmas together, she’d found the first two under the tree. He’d enjoyed her gratitude for several nights afterward, until he had to return to his team. If he’d known she’d soon call it off…

The sound of voices outside had him straightening. Fuse scanned the screen while watching Mitch walk Brittany to her door, saying a quick goodbye. He waited for her to go inside before returning to his. Several minutes later, Mitch entered the first floor apartment.

“How did it go?”

Mitch set his sunglasses on a table before taking a seat close to Fuse. “Pretty sure I’ve gained her trust without giving her any reason to suspect me of being anything more than a neighbor. What’s happening here?”

Fuse took several minutes explaining the calls with Blackmore and Kell, never taking his focus off the computer screen.

“What are your thoughts on letting Brit know about us?” Mitch asked.

“Do you think your cover is solid?”

“Right now, yeah.”

Fuse rubbed his short beard. “Then there’s no reason for her to know about me.”

“Understood. How do you want to handle the latest threat?”

“Since they don’t yet know her schedule, there are only two places they can hit her. At the apartment or office. We can cover both locations. The issue will be the time in between. Did she buy a car?”

“A used Chevy SUV.”

Fuse lifted a brow. “Red?”

“How’d you know?”

“I don’t know if she’s ever owned a car that wasn’t red. Will she be driving it to the office?”

Mitch massaged the back of his neck. “Most of the time. I’ll go early and set up while you wait here and track her progress to the building. I was able to attach GPS trackers to her purse and in the car when we drove back here. It’s a straight shot east to her office.”

Fuse nodded. “Half a mile. I’m uncomfortable not keeping close, even if it’s a short trip. I’ll follow her in my truck until she pulls into the parking garage. Then she’s yours.”

“We need her phone records. What if this has something to do with her breakup with the lobbyist in D.C.?”

“Carl,” Fuse answered. “Maybe, but I don’t see it. These are people who want complete control over Blackmore. Their demand isn’t connected to any particular legislation. They want to manipulate him as long as the senator’s in office.”

“Takes a great deal of planning…and balls…to pull this off.” Mitch rubbed his brow. “The FBI needs to be brought in.”

“Blackmore has refused their involvement.”

“All because of the new director.” Standing, Mitch went to the kitchen, grabbing two beers from the refrigerator. Handing one to Fuse, he opened his, taking a long swallow. “Having met the guy, I can’t say as I blame him. The head of the Phoenix office is a real decent woman. I’d call her, but there’s no chance she could help us without notifying the director.”

“We’re on our own, man. Kell can supply someone else and I’m certain Wrath will. I told both to hold off for now.”

Mitch lowered himself into a chair, swallowing more beer. “You and I can take care of this.”

Fuse agreed. If anybody was going to protect Brittany, it would be them.


Brittany slipped on her heels, checking herself in the mirror. Satisfied with the outfit she’d selected for her first day, she slung the purse over her shoulder and pulled out the keys to her new car.

Turning into traffic, Brittany didn’t notice the black truck pulling out right behind her. She could see the office building down the street. Two minutes later, she drove into the parking garage, parked, her tail driving right on by.

Fuse touched his earpiece. “She’s in the parking garage.”

“I’ve got her.” Mitch’s voice sounded far away.

The answer should’ve comforted Fuse instead of making his gut twist. It should be him watching her instead of Mitch.

Stopping for coffee, he returned to the apartment, resuming his seat in front of the computer. He’d been gone a total of fifteen minutes.

Setting down his coffee, he reviewed the images. Nothing drew his attention. He tapped his earpiece. “Anything, Mitch?”

“No. I’m checking everyone using the elevator and stairs. So far, it’s another Monday at the office.”

Chuckling, Fuse stood, depositing his empty cup in the trash, adjusting the earpiece. “What would you know about an office?”

“Not a damn thing.”

“Roger that.”

Checking with Dani, he confirmed she’d arrived at the office and would be taking over camera surveillance so he could make a turn around the building.

A dark van with a logo for mobile D.J. services sat at the far end of the parking lot. A white van advertising plumbing services was at the other. He’d seen neither on Sunday.

Fuse took his time, pretending to talk on his phone, bending down to study specific plants, and acting the same as any resident who needed a break from the confines of his apartment.

“Hey, you there.”

Lifting his head, Fuse saw a man a few years younger approach. He had the posture of someone who’d been in the military. The sneer of a cop. Watching him approach, Fuse readied himself for whatever rebuke the man planned.

“What are you doing wandering around out here?”

Fuse held out his hand. “Tom Bonner. And you are?”

Eyes narrowed, he took the hand. “Officer Tony Reyes with the Phoenix P.D. Answer my question.”

“I live here. Been on the computer since before dawn and needed a break. You? I see you aren’t in uniform.”

A blotch of red appeared on Tony’s face. “It’s my day off.”

“Well, it’s not mine. Time for me to grab lunch and get back to the computer. Good to meet you.” Fuse walked in the opposite direction of his apartment. He’d get a sandwich at the deli a few buildings away, then after a quick check around, enter the apartment through the back patio door. Something told him Officer Tony Reyes was going to be a real pain in their asses.


Brittany slid the last file into her computer case, zipping it shut. She often preferred working with hard copies when at home, making notes in the margins, comparing what she saw with documents open on her laptop.

The last person left half an hour earlier, leaving Brittany to work in blissful silence. She’d noticed the difference between this job and her analyst position in D.C. right away.

Other than the occasional wave over the top of the divider, single cubicles didn’t encourage much interaction. The work was solitary, the area quiet with the clicking of keys and ringing of a phone the only background noises. Even the voices came out on a whisper.

Senator Holden’s office couldn’t compare. The constant buzz signaled unrestrained energy and encouraged interaction. Brittany couldn’t count the number of times she’d been interrupted to discuss something of critical importance. She’d been told it would be worse when the senator was in town.

Brittany loved it.

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