Home > Secrets of the World's Worst Matchmaker(48)

Secrets of the World's Worst Matchmaker(48)
Author: Piper Rayne

I hold up my hands, telling her to go ahead.

“Weeks later, you were closing your business. I thought that’s where your doubt in yourself came from. Because you kept asking if your mom would lie to make you feel like you belong. So I did some research.” She opens one of the books. There’s a tree with names on it. “I had both sides of your genealogy done, and to my surprise, your red hair comes from our side too.”

“Really? You did this?” I lean in to see the book better.

She shoos me with her hand because we both know it was probably Mr. Miller at Northern Lights who did this for her. He’s always asking me where my red hair came from. He says it’s rare and he loves to trace down recessive traits with his genealogy hobby.

“It turns out that Aunt Etta was a redhead but look at all these Baileys with red hair too. And then I thought I remembered something, and I searched back to find some pictures. Sure enough, your grandpa was born a redhead, although it turned blond soon after as he grew up.”

I pick up the book and look through the pages of all our ancestors. “You did all this to prove that my red hair is a Bailey trait too?” Tears well in my eyes.

“You’ve always been a Bailey. No other Bailey talks back to me the way you do. Who do you think you get that from? Yours truly.” She thumbs at herself.

I swipe my eyes.

“And I had a matchmaker on my side too. A few generations ago and I’m not sure who she ever matched, but Mr. Miller found it.” I laugh and she rolls her eyes because she slipped up by mentioning Mr. Miller.

“And the other book?” I ask, nodding toward it.

“Oh, well.” She looks around the treehouse. “I’m not sure it’s necessary after I see all these. Colton is one special guy.” She picks up the book and hands it to me.

I open the first page, and it’s filled with pictures of my siblings and me. There are none of my parents. There’s Austin and Savannah helping us other five look into the two cribs of Sedona and Phoenix. There’re more images of fights, huge fort builds, swimming in the lake, game nights, plays we put on.

“This is the best way I felt I could prove to you that you think you don’t rely on anyone, don’t let anyone get close in case you’ll get hurt, but that’s not true. You do.” Grandma flips a few pages and there’s more.

All of us at weddings, baby showers, new business openings. Rome there to give me that ridiculous matchmaking vehicle. Kingston there to help me move. Savannah cleaning the bathroom in my old office.

“They’re my family, of course I love them. And they have to love me no matter what.” I swipe another tear.

“Do they? Because up until five minutes ago, you thought you weren’t related to them.” She laughs. “If I ever see that Hank Billings, I’m going to give him a junk-punch.”

I chuckle.

“I think you’re missing the one other person who is at all these functions.” She pushes the book closer to me.

“I know, I see how Holly joined, Wyatt—”

She shakes her head. “Look harder, Juno.”

I look harder at the pages and smile because Colton’s in every image. At Austin’s wedding, he’s in the background, helping to pass out wedding programs. He’s helping Wyatt build the deck on his and Brooklyn’s new house. He stands by my side as we watch Rome cut the ribbon at the opening of Terra and Mare. And it goes on and on. Colton always there, always present, always by my side.

“You’ve already been leaning on him and him leaning on you. Nothing’s going to change that just because you wear a ring and you hold his last name. Although I do think Colton Bailey has a nice ring to it.”

We both laugh.

“I wish I could promise you that nothing bad will happen. All of you deserve a lifetime of happiness, but life doesn’t come with guarantees, Juno. But I can guarantee the universe won’t conspire against you just because you’re happy.” She gives my hand a squeeze. “I have one question for you. Will it hurt any more or less if you lose him right now with your stubbornness than it will years from now when you’re wearing his ring and living as his wife?”

I feel as if a band is growing tighter and tighter around my chest. “I’m just so afraid that if I’m too happy, something will happen to destroy it. Look what happened with Mom and Dad. They were so happy one minute and then they were gone.”

Grandma Dori smiles, but sadness fills her eyes. “I hate to break it to you, but you don’t have any control over that. No one does. All we can do is live our life.” I lay my head on her shoulder, and she runs her fingers through my hair. “Life keeps happening to you whether you choose to live it or not, Juno, my strong one.”

I burrow into her a little deeper. “I thought Savannah was the strong one?”

She laughs. “Savannah’s hard-headed, for sure. But I see now that you’ve always kept up the façade of being strong, even though inside you needed someone to make you see it would all be okay. You and Savannah have something else in common too.”

“What’s that?”

“You both kept those boys away from you for so long. Had those arms locked out in front of you and would not bend to let them close.”

I giggle.

“I’m serious. You were blessed to find love so young, and you both squandered it for years.” She draws back and her finger lands under my chin, bringing my face up to look in her eyes. “My question is, how many more years are you going to lose by dodging fate?”

I shake my head. “It’s too late. He hates me. If you saw how mad he was… he’s never yelled at me like that. I hurt him.”

“Well, I have no doubt you hurt him. All these pictures are proof of how long he’s loved you. Lovesick puppy dog that he is. But you know Colton’s not perfect. I wish he’d pushed you sooner. He’s chased you his entire life. What do you think you should do now?”

The truth of her words hit me. “Chase him.” I sit up straighter. “I have no idea where he is though.”

“That’s a nice excuse.”

I pick up my phone and call him, but it goes right to voicemail. “I’m going to get him.” I kiss her cheek. “Thanks, Grandma. Do you need help down?”

“You’re welcome and no, you go. One of your siblings will help me.”

I smile at her after stepping down one rung on the ladder. “We’re so lucky to have you. You know that, right? We give you hell, but if we didn’t have you, we never would’ve survived.” Tears tumble down my cheeks and my vision grows blurry.

She pats my head. “I know, but it’s nice to hear. You go now.”

I nod and climb down the rest of the way.

“Now, Juno,” she says.

I look up to the top of the ladder, my body buzzing to run. “Yeah?”

“You owe me one if you get him back. I expect Stella’s phone number in return.”

I shake my head and she smiles, although I don’t think she’s joking.

“Let me get him first.” I run up the side of the house to the driveway until I reach my car.

“Juno!” Austin yells.

I turn around and he tosses me Colton’s ring box. I catch it, confused as to why he has it. But instead of asking, I say, “Thanks,” slide into my car, and roar down the driveway.

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