Home > All My Loving(51)

All My Loving(51)
Author: Marie Force

“Thank you, honey. It was twenty years ago now. I miss him every day, but I’ve made a nice life for myself. I’m very thankful to still have my work. Hunter keeps me very busy.”

“Can you tell me about your specific role within the company?”

“I oversee all the accounts receivable. In other words, the money coming in.”

“I see.”

“I also prepare quarterly sales reports for Hunter and give him advice on things he needs to know, such as when one of our vendors is experiencing hardship or if one of our accounts is in arrears. That kind of thing.”

“How do you feel about working for someone so much younger than you?”

“Oh, I love working with Hunter. He’s so smart and savvy. I’ve learned so much from him. He’s like a beloved grandson to me. I can’t wait to meet his little one. I’m going to spoil him or her rotten. I’ve already crocheted two blankets for the baby.”

“That’s lovely.”

“It’s been a lovely life.”

“Could I ask you something else?”

“Anything. I’m an open book.”

“You grew up in Butler, lived here your whole life. Have you ever wished you lived somewhere else?”

“Not for one second. I have everything I need right here.”

“Did you travel?”

“My Herman and I went somewhere every year for ten years straight because we thought we ought to see the world. Without fail, I’d no sooner get there than I couldn’t wait to come home. After the tenth year, I confessed to him that I didn’t want to travel anymore. You know what he said?”


“He said, ‘Oh, thank you, Jesus. I don’t either.’”

Amanda laughed. “I love that!”

“I was so relieved! For the rest of his life, we were two homebodies who were perfectly content with our little town, our work, our friends, our home, our church and each other. We never wanted for anything more than that.” She paused and tipped her head. “Well, we wanted children, but that didn’t happen for us, so we adopted other people’s children, like Molly and her sister, Hannah. Those two girls gave me a lot of adopted grandchildren. Eighteen between them!” She patted a spiral-bound journal. “I have all their birthdays written down so I won’t forget them.”

“It sounds as if you’re very content.”

“I am. My life may sound boring to a sophisticated gal such as yourself.”

“Not at all. It sounds delightful.”

“It is. Do you know what the secret to a happy life really is?”

“Please tell me.”

“It’s all about simple pleasures. Love, friendship, satisfying work, faith, a sense of community and a desire to be part of something bigger than yourself. People run all around looking for fulfillment, often missing the simple things that’re right under their noses.”

“You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that.”

“Have you been running around, then?”

Amanda nodded. “Yes, I have.”

“And not finding the fulfillment.”

“Not until I came here and found a much simpler kind of life.”

“Is it working for you?”

“It is.”

“Simple doesn’t have to be boring. Simple can be very exciting. Just ask my Hunter about how exciting his life is now that he’s married to the woman he loves. The boy positively sparkles, he’s so happy.”

“I’ve spent time with them. I’ve seen that.”

Mildred nodded. “I knew for a long time that he had his heart set on her, and I hoped and prayed she’d finally look his way.”

“He’s helping me learn to play the piano.”

“Oh, he’s a wonderful piano player! You couldn’t have a better teacher.”

“That’s what everyone says.”

“I’ve prattled on and on. Tell me about you and whether it’s true you might be sweet on our Landon.”

Amanda smiled and put down her pen. “It’s true.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. Those two boys are just the most delightful young men. I have a real soft spot for them. Landon brings me a Christmas tree every year, sets it up and puts the lights on for me.”

Amanda was ridiculously charmed by that. “Does he?”

“That he does, and he stays until it’s decorated to my satisfaction. I look forward to it every year.”

She couldn’t believe that the story brought tears to her eyes, but then, everything did lately. “That’s so incredibly sweet.”

“It is indeed, and if you want to know who he is, who he really is, that ought to tell you everything you need to know.”

“It does. For sure. But I already knew he was special.”

“Always has been. I’ve taken particular pride in being one of the few people who can tell those two rascals apart. They’ve made it their mission in life to try to fool me, but I’m not having it.”

“I love that.”

“I love them. They’re good boys, like their brothers and their father and grandfather. The best people you’d ever want to know.”

“I’ve seen that for myself. I love their family.”

“Do you have a lot of family of your own?”

“A brother and sister who’re much older and my mom. I… I also have a daughter, Stella, who’s twelve.”

“That’s a lovely name.”

“I find myself wanting to spill my entire life story to you.”

“Oh, I wish you would. I love hearing about people and their lives.”

Amanda told her the story about Stella, Kelly, the request they’d made of Amanda and how excited she was to welcome her daughter into her life, even if her heart was breaking for her and Kelly. “It’s such a strange place to be in. Elated in the midst of someone else’s tragedy.”

“You’re not elated that her mother is dying, sweetheart. You’re elated that you get to have Stella in your life. Those are two very separate things.”

“I hate what they’re going through.”

“Of course you do.”

“It’s become clear to me, since the fire at the inn, that I suppressed all the emotions associated with Stella and stuffed them deep inside where they couldn’t hurt me every day.”

“I can’t say I blame you. Whatever it takes to survive something like that.”

Amanda nodded, feeling as if she’d known Mildred for years rather than an hour. “The fire shook me up. It made it impossible for me to keep everything buried anymore. Poor Landon has been such a saint, letting me weep all over him for days after the fire.”

“A few tears wouldn’t put a man like Landon off. He’s made of tougher stuff than that.”

“I’ve seen that for sure. He’s been the most amazing friend to me.”

“That’s such a wonderful place for two people to start. My Herman was my very best friend long before we ever became a couple. He was my best friend for the rest of his life. I still talk to him as if he’s here, and it always makes me feel better to tell him what’s in my heart. How does Landon feel about your daughter coming into your life?”

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