Home > Whiskey and Regret(83)

Whiskey and Regret(83)
Author: Danielle James

I watched the stiff way my father sat up taller in his chair and kept my eye on that twitching vein running up the side of his head and disappearing into a silver and black crop of close-cut hair.

“How old are you, Senator?” Dad said, clasping his hands on the tabletop.

“I’m forty.”

“You know how old my daughter is? She’s not even twenty-one yet.”

“Precisely why I don’t have a glass of wine…even though I need one,” I muttered.

“I’m aware of how old Xari is. Our age difference isn’t an issue as long as she’s an adult. Not a teenaged adult but an actual twenty-year-old.” He was being polite but I could tell he already had my dad pegged as overprotective, so he made sure to stand his ground. I, on the other hand, was going to dissolve into the ground.

“She is a grown woman, babe,” Mom chimed in. She looked at me for a few beats then looked at Evander then Navy. “You knew, didn’t you?” She asked my sister.

“By knew do you mean Xari told me all the scandalous details? No. She was tight-lipped, which was what made me think she was serious. Y’all know how Xari is.”

“Exactly. That’s why I don’t understand this relationship. Xari, are you serious about this?” Dad asked, unconvinced.

“About Evander?” I frowned. “Of course. I wouldn’t have gone through all this trouble if I wasn’t serious about him.” I felt the sting of my father’s words but braved them head-on.

“I’m all for you being happy, Xari but…” Dad’s words fell off a cliff.

“I’m in love,” I told them both. Under the table, Evander squeezed my thigh and my body clenched around something warm and unyielding.

The butt plug.

My cheeks heated at the thought.

“In love?” Dad stroked his chin then eyed my mother. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say that before.”

“She’s never been in love,” Mom said.

“If there’s one thing Xari is…it’s honest. She wouldn’t claim to be in love if she wasn’t,” Navy told them. She was right about that. I was a lot of things, but a liar wasn’t one of them.

“It’s so insane to see my baby girl in love. I can see it all over you too, Xari. You can’t hide love if it’s that good.”

“Sure as hell can’t,” I said, squirming in my seat. The plug nestled deeper inside of me and I tried not to let the desire and hunger simmering inside show on my face.

“You didn’t hire her just because she’s beautiful…did you?” Dad asked Evander who chuckled hard and deep at the thought.

“No. Being beautiful doesn’t cut it for me when I’m interviewing. I thought Xari was a little brat when she first started her probationary period.”

“Wow, thanks for that, Evander,” I gave him a tight-lipped smile and he rubbed my leg under the table. Dad let out a laugh and nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I can believe it.” His laughter seemed to ease the tension. I felt the storm clouds rolling away as dinner went on. There were less awkward silences and more talking, laughing, and clanking of dishes and silverware.

“Oh, Evander, my mom made her famous banana pudding for dessert. Come on, let me show you.” I grabbed the plates from the table when I stood and my parents looked at me like I was an alien.

“You…clean up now?” Mom stammered.

“Yeah. It’s a habit. I have a twelve-year-old constantly attached to me. She’s a natural mess generator. If I don’t want the entire house looking like a tornado blew through, I have to clean.” Evander took the stack of plates from my hands and we carried them into the kitchen.

“Look,” I said pulling the top off the banana pudding dish. His eyes widened and he leaned over to sniff. “All homemade. She’s a beast,” I grinned.

“Reminds me of another talented cook.” He sat the plates in the deep sink then pulled me against him. His hands slid down my back until he cupped my ass, sending jolts up and down my spine. “You know Frankie asked about training to become a chef? I mean she mentioned it in passing but still…I know it’s because of you.” He kissed my lips. “Because nobody can be around you and not feel the pull to follow their dreams.” He kissed my neck and my knees turned to cream puffs unable to support my weight. I was steeped in need and Evander, as usual, was stroking the right strings to make my body hum.

I locked my fingers around the back of his neck, standing on my toes and tipping my head back to grant him full access to my throat.

“O…kay. Came in here trying to escape my parents being all over each other and come in here to this shit. Great.” Navy sat her empty wine glass down while Evander and I pulled away from each other.

“Sorry, sissy.” I cleared my throat and grabbed the banana pudding.

“I’ll get the plates,” Evander flashed Navy a smile then moved to the other side of the kitchen.

“You know, Evander, you should have invited Apollo so Navy wouldn’t feel so left out. I have you, Mom and Dad have each other, and Navy could’ve had Apollo.” I grinned at her and she flipped me off.

“That’s a good idea. Next time we have dinner, I’ll make sure he’s here.”

“Both of you make me sick.” She swayed out of the kitchen and I followed her, laughing. I wished she’d hurry up and admit she likes Apollo. Jeez. The way those two looked at each other was so adorable.

While we all sat around the table eating dessert, Evander made sure to groan and rub his muscle flanked stomach to let Mom know how much he enjoyed the pudding. She smiled at him and he said, “It’s delicious, Mrs. Lucas.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Not everyone likes banana pudding but they usually like it when I make it.”

“I’m sure I’ll love everything you make.” He looked at me and tucked his bottom lip between his teeth.

That one look torched me.

Do. Not. Cum. At. The. Dinner. Table.

I sucked in a staggered breath and smiled. “Okay, I’ll hold you to it. I’ll make you something and bring it to you. I’m not telling you what it’s going to be though.”

“Like I said, Mrs. Lucas…I’ll eat whatever you make.” His hand slipped under the hem of my dress and between my thighs while he maintained his angelic smile and double-edged conversation with my mother. “I’ll be sure to lick the plate clean.” His fingers grazed my pussy lips and I took a long gulp of water from my glass.

I was going to fuck his brains out later. That was a promise.

Standing at my parent’s car after dinner, dessert, and good conversation, I hugged both my mother and father. Dad studied me then touched my chin. “I’m proud of you, Xari. You seem to finally get it.”

“Get what, Daddy?” I quizzed. He shared a meaningful look with Mom.

“You get that your life is yours to live. We can’t live it for you. We can’t bail you out and we can’t make decisions for you.”

“Our little girl is growing up very nicely, don’t you think?” Mom pinched my cheek a little then leaned in to kiss my forehead.

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