Home > To Tame a Dragon(2)

To Tame a Dragon(2)
Author: Tiffany Roberts

“Every hundred years, the Red Star appears in the sky,” Telani replied, voice smooth and confident. “And we must send our sisters on the Crimson Hunt.”

“This is the night of the Blooming,” Dian said. “The night of choosing, and I have not yet claimed what is due to me.”

“The choosing must wait. The Red Star has come as an omen, a sign that these huntresses”—Telani’s eyes flicked briefly but meaningfully toward Elliya—“have a chance to bring new prosperity and strength to our tribe. We cannot ignore it. Destiny demands they hunt. Cetolea and the Red Star demand it, and we must obey.”

“The Red Star is an ancient curse that brings prosperity to no one,” Dian said with a growl. “Ignoring our other traditions because of it will do us no good.”

“You know the legends, Dian. You know the traditions, as do we all. To ignore this sign is to deny our people hope.”

“Hope for what? Dragons?” Dian turned to face the others, throwing his arms out. “Who amongst us has seen a dragon? Who of your mothers, your grandmothers, has seen one? We cannot allow those stories to dictate our lives.”

“Nor can we allow spoiled males to do so,” Elliya said.

Dian spun toward her, eyes flaring in surprise before they narrowed. He jabbed a finger at her. “This is the night of my choice, and it is disrespectful for my intended bride to speak to me in such a manner.”

Elliya notched her chin up. “I am not yet your bride.”

Dian’s eyes darkened. “I have chosen.”

“But your declaration must wait,” Telani said in a firm tone that held all the authority of a high priestess. “This is no longer the night of choosing. This is the night of the Crimson Hunt. We will perform the choosing ceremony when the Red Star no longer colors the waters of Cetolea.”

“You cannot do this,” Dian growled. “Elliya is mine!”

Elliya stepped forward, brimming with rage. “I belong to no one!”

He clenched his jaw and reached for her.

Telani inserted herself between them. “You may be a male, Dian, but you are not the leader of our people. I am the high priestess, and I speak for Cetolea. You will wait until after the Crimson Hunt. And now you must leave so I may anoint our huntresses for their sacred task.”

“Fine. I will wait.” Dian leaned to the side and met Elliya’s gaze. “Go hunt these imaginary dragons. But when you return here, you will be mine, Elliya, and my seed will fill your womb.”

Elliya gritted her teeth as she watched him disappear into the crowd of huntresses. Dian might not have believed that dragons existed, but she did. She’d loved those old stories for her entire life. And now, when dragons were said to be most vulnerable—thrown into heat by the Red Star like all wild creatures—she would join the Crimson Hunt to find a dragon and claim it as her own.

“Come, my huntresses,” Telani called. “Let us prepare.”

Elliya and the tribe’s other young, strong huntresses gathered close around Cetolea, their excitement charging the air as Telani and the priestesses used the pool’s glowing red water to trace ancient symbols on the huntresses’ bare skin.

“May Cetolea and our ancestors watch over you, our sisters and daughters, as you embark upon your sacred hunt,” intoned Telani. “May you succeed in bringing new strength to our tribe and honor us with your courage and prowess.”

Telani stepped back and slowly ran her gaze over the anointed huntresses. “You are the heart of our people, and we ask much of you now. The world under the Red Star is different from the one we know. Our ancestors spoke of great danger. But there is opportunity, too. A dragon in heat can be claimed by a female with a touch, and dragon blood will bolster our people for many, many generations. Our hopes of reversing this slow decline lies in all of you now. Go forth on the Hunt and know that we take pride in each of you.”

The huntresses dispersed, heading toward the stone steps that would lead them to their cliff dwellings above the canyon. Elliya turned to follow.

“Elliya, hold a moment,” Telani said.

Though Elliya yearned to leave, to run and gather her things so she could begin her journey, she stopped and faced her mother.

Telani reached out and took Elliya’s hands, gently squeezing them. “You have always longed for something more, my daughter. Even if you have not said so aloud, I have seen it in your eyes since you were a child. The Crimson Hunt will be the most dangerous undertaking of your young life, and it pains me to send my only beloved child out under the Red Star, but this is your chance. Go forth and seize the destiny for which you have always longed.”

Warmth filled Elliya’s chest, and she tightened her fingers around her mother’s hands. “Thank you, Mother.”

“Return to me safely, Elliya. That is all that matters to me.”

“I will.”

But I refuse to return alone.






Crimson stained Falthyris’s dreams. In them he saw the sea—which he’d not glimpsed in centuries—turn to blood and crash across the Forsaken Sands. He saw a red moon in the night sky, radiating heat that made the sea boil. He saw the mountains melt as though made of wax, and saw that flood pour into his lair.

His slumber shattered.

Falthyris opened his eyes. His lair was dark, and the bed of sand beneath him was dry, but his heart was beating thunderously all the same. He lifted his head and shook it, shedding the sand that had clung to scales.

There was a stifling, unsettlingly familiar energy in the air. It brushed across his scales, seeking even the slightest weaknesses to exploit, penetrating natural armor that the weapons, teeth, and claws of mortal creatures could scarce pierce.

He extended his tongue to taste the air. His lair’s usual scents of sand and stone were layered with something else, something as familiar as that energy. Something spicy and exotic that bore the tang of unknown metal.

Dragonsbane, the accursed red comet, had returned.

Rage stoked Falthyris’s heartfire into a blaze. He raked his talons through the sand, dragging their tips across the underlying stone floor. When he exhaled, licks of fire flared through his teeth, casting orange light that briefly deepened the shadows in the many gouge marks and cracks marring the cave walls. Each of those marks served as a reminder of his past struggles against the comet—against the Red Heat, the power Dragonsbane emitted.

The Heat lashed against his scales and pushed through, sinking into muscle and bone, gradually suffusing his body.

Falthyris growled low in his chest. The sound reverberated off the walls and sent ripples through the sand. Somewhere nearby, loose stones clattered to the cave floor. At the corner of his eye, he glimpsed a faint red shimmer—the Heat. It vanished when he looked at it directly.

He knew instinctually that Dragonsbane had only just appeared in the sky—just as he knew it was currently night, though he could not see outside. This was too soon to feel the Red Heat. This was too soon for its insidious fingers to be teasing the edges of his mind, too soon for it to be producing these urges, these compulsions.

Falthyris needed to move. He needed to leave this place. He needed to scour the desert beneath the blood red moon to find a female, and when he found her, Dragonsbane would drive him to rut her like a mindless animal at the peak of mating season.

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