Home > A Proper Charade(64)

A Proper Charade(64)
Author: Esther Hatch

   He placed his hand on her back, and she placed hers on Anthony’s shoulder. When their other hands joined together, it was as if all the pieces of his life had suddenly clicked into place. That delicate hand held fast in his own had been scratched, stained, and rubbed raw in his home. Now it was gloved and serene. But underneath all of her composure was a woman full of life. This was where he belonged.

   With Patience.

   Just as he was about to lead her out in the first step, he felt a soft flurry of movement at his neck just under his collar. Anthony narrowed his eyes at Patience, but she just shrugged and then, with a more determined smile, the fluttering movement at his neck returned. What was Patience doing with her fingers under his cravat?

   He twisted his neck to one side, trying to discourage her touch, and she dug her fingers in deeper.

   “Patience,” Anthony hissed under his breath. “What are you doing?”

   “I was just wondering.” Her face was pure innocence.

   “Wondering what exactly?” Her fingers were still there. She held him captive with them.

   “If you were ticklish. Harry and Augusta asked me to tickle you nearly every day, and I didn’t dare.” She pursed her lips for a moment. “I find that I dare now.”

   “In a crowded ballroom?” He shook his head, which made her fingertips slide across his skin. It was quite distracting. “Your sense of danger is completely off.”

   Couples were dancing around them, and so distracted or no, he led her through the first steps of the waltz. Her fingers found their way deeper down his neck until they reached the hollow of his collar bone. The shock made him jump slightly.

   “So you are ticklish.”

   He concentrated on the next step. “No, I am not.”

   Another determined look. Anthony stepped slightly away from her. “Patience, could we please leave the tickling for later? I was hoping to show you my skill at the waltz.”

   “You will allow me to tickle you later?”

   “All you want.”

   “In front of Harry and Augusta?”

   “In front of Mrs. Bates, if you would like, but not in front of all of London in this ballroom.”

   “Surely not all of London is here.”

   “They may as well be.”

   “Are you worried someone will force us to marry if I am caught?”

   Anthony missed a step as her broad mouth widened. “No,” he replied. “I am not worried about that in the least. It would save me a lot of trouble.”

   Patience laughed then, her bell-like peal of mirth echoing throughout the ballroom. She removed her fingers from inside his cravat and placed her hand firmly on his shoulder once again. “Please demonstrate your skilled waltz.”

   “It won’t be the same now; it was going to be quite impressive.”

   “I’m sure it was.” She tipped her head so that it was only a breath away from his. “But you don’t need to impress me, Anthony.” Her voice was low as she called him by name. “I’ve seen you light a fire, make beautiful lists, and propose to a woman you thought was a maid. Nothing you could do now could raise my opinion of you. Please don’t try to impress me. Let’s simply be together. I have missed you.”

   The room quieted, and he pulled her closer to him. In his life full of order and lists, he needed Patience’s unpredictability. Anthony tightened his hand about her and executed an excellent turn. Not because he thought it would make her proud or show off his skill, but because he couldn’t help it. This was a moment worth waiting twenty-six years for.

   For the rest of the dance, they were silent. It wasn’t until the music slowed and softened that he finally leaned his lips toward her ear. “I have missed you dreadfully. The house has been much too quiet, and my sealing wax has been left most dreadfully intact.”

   She tilted her head just enough so that it rested against his cheek. “Who wouldn’t miss those things?”

   A short laugh escaped his chest. She never said what he thought she would.

   The music ended despite his desire to hold onto her still. Anthony held his arm out to escort her back to her mother. They were nearly across the room when Harrington called for everyone’s attention.

   “Everyone, thank you for coming.” The Duke of Harrington’s voice carried well throughout the crowded room. Everyone quieted. Patience came closer to Anthony. She leaned in toward his ear, but her eyes were on her brother. “He looks like a duke, doesn’t he?”

   It was a strange thing to say. Her brother was a duke, and frankly, Anthony was having a hard time concentrating on what His Grace was saying at all. If he could just take her hand and pull her away from prying eyes, he would show her exactly how much he had missed her.

   “I have some exciting news to announce,” Harrington spoke loudly. “Many of you know that I served under General Woodsworth for a period of two years. In many ways, those were the best two years of my life. In many more ways, they were probably the worst.” There was a murmur of laughter, and the men who had arrived in uniform nodded. “What some of you may not know is that for the past twenty-five years, first my father and then I have been presenting General Woodsworth’s name in Parliament in hopes that he would join the House of Lords and accept a peerage. If you have ever wondered how long it takes for Parliament to make a decision and buy sufficient land, well, now you know: twenty-five years. General Woodsworth, I am proud to announce that at the next assembly, your name will be put forth as a peer. If you would kindly show your face that day, my father’s and my work will not have been in vain.”

   Anthony turned to Patience. Had he heard right?

   Her hand reached for his. “Did you know this would happen tonight?” Patience asked.


   “General Woodsworth, will you please come here?” the Duke of Harrington asked. The crowd opened up, and Father marched to where Harrington was standing.

   Harrington clapped Father on the back and turned him out toward the crush of people working their way toward them. “May I present to you, Thomas Woodsworth, soon to be Marquess of Woodbury, Earl of Ottersby, Viscount Harborough, and Baron Ottersby. Thank you for your service.”

   Father was to be a marquess. In a matter of moments, everything had become a lot easier.

   He turned to Patience. “Do you still have that list?”

   “The one you made for me?” Patience asked. “Of course I still have it.”

   “I would like to add one more name. He is only a mister, but in a few short weeks, he will be the son of a marquess. I happen to know he is quite serious, kind, and has no debt.”

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