Home > Beta's Love (Irresistible Omegas #8)(8)

Beta's Love (Irresistible Omegas #8)(8)
Author: Nora Phoenix

They only needed to drop off the samples, so it’d be a quick in and out. Isam would park the car and wait for them.

As they walked into the building where the lab was and registered with the visitor’s desk, Sando seemed to shrink into himself, his shoulders dropping low and his eyes facing downward. Lucan cast a worried glance at Sando. Gone was the confident man at the McCains. Before he could ask Sando what was going on, they’d entered a large room where a couple of men were seated behind microscopes.

“Look who’s here, our sweet little omega,” a man called out as soon as they walked in. Lucan didn’t have to guess long who had made that jaunting remark. An alpha sauntered over toward them. “Where’s your big, bad alpha bodyguard now, pumpkin? No one here to protect you?”

What the hell was going on here? Lucan only needed one look at Sando, who had cringed, his body shaking slightly, to know he’d have to step in. He grabbed Sando by the arm and pulled him behind him, then raised to his full height. He might be a beta, but thanks to Bray, he damn well knew how to defend himself.

“Back the fuck off.” His voice was calmer and steadier than he’d expected to pull off.

The alpha came to a sudden stop a few feet away from him, his eyes narrowing. “Who are you?”

Lucan crossed his arms, forcing himself to relax his body and breathe normally. The number one mistake in a threatening situation was panicking. Bray had always taught him that panic led to tunnel vision, to rapid, shallow breathing. Panic led to death. “I don’t see why that is any of your business.”

The alpha took a step forward. “You’re here in my lab, and you’re a beta, so I say that makes it my business.”

Lucan cocked his head. “Do you own this lab? No? Then you’re shit out of luck.” He tapped his visitor’s pass. “I signed in at the front desk, so if you’re desperate to find out my name, I’d try to see if they’ll give it to you.”

The alpha was shooting daggers at him, but Lucan stood his ground, eternally grateful he’d grown up with two alphas in the house. He wasn’t easily intimated anymore. Finally, the alpha huffed. “We’re not done, you and I,” he snapped at Sando. “The moment I find you without your bodyguard, I will come for you, pumpkin. Count on it.”

It cost Lucan everything to fight back the red haze and not attack. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Do you even know whose ward he is?”

The alpha frowned, some of his confidence slipping. “What do you mean?”

“His alpha guardian is Lidon Hayes. Trust me, he is not an alpha you want to be messing with. Touch Sando, and you’ll not only be kneeling for Lidon Hayes, kissing his boots, but you won’t even think of getting laid ever again.”

Was it his imagination, or did even the mention of Lidon’s name send a little wave of power through the room? He felt it inside him, stirring his beta. He was evoking the protection of the pack, and he had their strength behind him.

The alpha stepped back. “Whatever. Never heard of him,” he mumbled, but his cocky attitude was gone. Without saying another word, he stalked off, snapping at a beta who dared to snicker at him.

Sando quickly put his samples in a machine, pressed a few buttons, then closed it. “Done,” he said, his voice shaky.

When they stepped outside again, the omega let out a breath as he put a hand on Lucan’s arm. “Thank you for standing up for me.”

“I’ll always stand up for you. You know that, right?” Lucan asked him.

Sando nodded.

“Good. That being said, I’m gonna have a conversation with Bray about this so his men know never to leave you alone.”

Sando opened his mouth as if to protest, then sighed, his body relaxing. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure. Now let’s go home.”






“Maz, it’s so good to see you.”

Maz got a firm hug from Enar, and he hugged him back with the same enthusiasm. “I missed you, Doc,” he said. “Things haven’t been the same without you.”

They let go of each other, and Enar’s face sobered. “How is the situation in the city?” he asked.

“Strange. Half the people are cautiously optimistic that things will improve for omegas. The other half is pissed as fuck that York won the elections.”

“That would be mostly alphas, I assume,” Enar said with a sigh.

“Yeah, no surprise there. Makes me ashamed to be one, to tell you the truth.”

Enar shook his head. “It’s a hot mess, that’s for sure. But come on in. I’d love for you to meet my omega mate. You met Lidon and Palani briefly when the clinic was raided, but you haven’t met Vieno yet.”

Maz followed him through the front door of the sprawling ranch. “Quite the setup you guys have here.”

Enar shot him a grin over his shoulder. “We’re just getting started.”

Just getting started? What the hell were they planning here? Maybe it had something to do with why Enar had invited him over. He’d refused to explain over the phone. Not that Maz could blame him. Clearly, the man had reason to be paranoid after the way he’d gotten targeted with that raid. That had been one hundred percent personal.

In the massive kitchen, an omega stood at the stove, stirring in a big pan. Whatever he was making smelled delicious. “Little one, I’d like you to meet Maz,” Enar said, and the omega turned around.

“Maz, this is my omega mate, Vieno.”

As custom dictated, Maz only dipped his head in recognition. As an alpha, he didn’t touch mated omegas. Not even pregnant ones. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Vieno. You have excellent taste in men because you picked a good one with this guy here.”

Vieno’s face broke open in a wide smile. “Thank you. And yes, I do. He takes great care of me, especially now.”

Maz glanced at Enar, who seemed a bit embarrassed by the way they were talking about him. “I’m sure he does. He’s not only a great doctor but also a good man, and I bet he’ll make an amazing dad as well.”

“I like you,” Vieno said, and Maz chuckled.

“If you keep embarrassing me like that, I’m not gonna let you near Palani and Lidon,” Enar threatened, but Maz merely laughed, knowing Enar wasn’t serious.

“I can always alpha compel you,” Maz teased, which was kind of a running joke between them.

But this time, Enar didn’t laugh as he would’ve before. His face tightened, and he shared a meaningful look with Vieno Maz couldn’t interpret.

“Did I say something wrong?” Maz asked. Damn, he hoped he hadn’t inadvertently hurt Enar’s feelings. It would surprise him because he and Enar had always been joking around and teasing, and he was not a man who took offense easily, not even when it concerned his lack of alpha powers.

Enar put a hand on his arm. “No, you didn’t. But some things have changed since we last saw each other. I’m…” He hesitated a moment, then straightened his shoulders. “I identify as a beta, and I’d appreciate being treated as one.”

Maz merely nodded. “I figured as much. I always have, Doc. You know that. It’s why I’ve always felt comfortable teasing you.”

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