Home > Darkness Deceives(42)

Darkness Deceives(42)
Author: Katie May

We exit the Ghost dorms, and my brothers take flight, wings beating as they soar over the Angel dorms to the DD’s on the other side. I dematerialize and allow myself to hover, heading through the outer wall of the Angel dorm. Usually, I try to avoid gliding through others, but right now, I don’t give a fuck.

I can hear the sick noises erupting from those I enter, knowing they feel nauseated after I pass. I must be a little sick in the head, because I get a fucking kick out of their discomfort. Who knows, maybe I’m a little masochistic?

The Dearly Departed dorm is set up much like mine, and as I enter the outer wall and make my way through to the hallway, I pick up speed. I’ve even beaten my brothers who need to find a fucking door to enter.


Hadley’s dorm is at the end of the hall, and when I see a group of DDs hovering around it with pale faces, hands covering their mouths, I know something bad has happened.

I just pray my sweet Hadley is okay.

I land right in front of the group of DDs, then materialize and shout, “Boo!” Screaming, they run off, dashing into their rooms and slamming the doors behind them. Usually, I’d think it was hilarious, but as I turn towards Hadley’s dorm, my heart drops to my feet.

There’s blood pooling out from underneath her door.

Just as I reach for the handle, my brothers arrive. Auston doesn’t wait for me. With a roar, he kicks the fucker in and dashes inside.

“It’s Pres!” he shouts, kneeling next to our fallen brother. “Pres. Pres, can you hear me?” Auston shakes Preston’s shoulders and taps his cheek lightly.

“Fuck!” Brax yells, running his fingers through his hair. “I’m going to knock on some doors and see if anyone saw anything.”

Brax leaves, and immediately, we hear him pounding on the nearest door, demanding whoever is inside to come out before he breaks down their fucking door.

Shaking my head, I turn back to Pres. A pained groan leaves his bloody lips. “Hey there, baby bro. You okay?” I ask, kneeling down next to him.

“Frollmmmennuahh,” he mumbles. Auston and I exchange a worried glance.

“Preston. It’s me, Karston. Are you okay?” Preston’s eyes begin to flutter, and as he comes to, Auston goes down. “Fuck!” I shout as Auston’s eyes glaze over, the telltale sign he’s having a premonition. The thing about his premonitions is that you never know how long they might be. He could be stuck like this for an hour or more, but it could also be over in seconds.

Ignoring my Angel brother, I focus on Preston. “Preston. Say something.” My voice deepens, becoming more of a demand, and that’s when I see his baby blues looking up at me.

“Hey, Karston,” he mumbles, taking my proffered hand. I pull him up to sitting and he reaches behind his head. When he brings his hand back, it’s covered with blood.

“What happened to you?” I ask, my voice full of concern.

“I-I don’t really remember,” he admits. “One second, we were here, talking with Aggie and Layla—”

“Wait a fucking second,” I interrupt. “You guys talked to Aggie and Layla? We talked about this, baby bro! You weren’t supposed to talk to anyone! Fuck!” I growl, leaping to my feet and pulling at my hair in frustration. “And what did you guys tell them?”

Preston’s cheeks heat. “Everything.”

“Fuck!” I shout again. “How could you let this happen?”

Preston’s eyes narrow. “You try telling Hadley what she can and can’t do and see how it goes. That woman does what she wants when she sets her mind on something, and you’d best get out of the way when she does.”

“You’re right, Pres,” I admit, my anger leaving. “She’s her own woman.”

Just then, the door barges back open and Brax comes in, chest heaving. “It was Administer—and a few of the professors,” he gets out between pants.

“But how would they know she was here?” Preston wonders aloud. “No one knew of her existence besides us—”

“And Layla and Aggie,” I finish.

“What!?” Brax exclaims.

“Long story,” I remark. “But we don’t have time for that now.”

“I know where she is.” Auston’s deep voice has us turning, his white eyes replaced by his token icy glare. He turns to Preston. “Can you move? Because we have to fucking run.” Resolve forms on Preston’s face, and he nods. “Good. Because she’s in Administer’s office, and she’s tied to a fucking chair.”

“Say no more,” I growl.

Auston steps behind Preston, grabs him under his arms, and lifts our baby Reaper to his feet. “Okay?” Auston asks.

“I’m good,” Preston concedes with a nod. “Let’s go get Hadley.”

Not wasting another second, we disperse. Immediately, I make myself invisible and hurtle through the walls, wanting to get to Administer’s office as fast as I can. Once outside, I see Auston and Brax flying overhead, and what I’m sure is a terrified Preston dangling between them.

I race toward Pontem Veritas, crossing the massive bridge to the other side, then make my way through the forest and to Administer’s building, the same place Auston and Brax broke into only a few days ago.

So much has happened in such a short period of time, it’s hard to keep my days straight anymore. I see my brothers land behind the building, but I steer clear of it, heading around its perimeter, and only become visible again when I meet up with them.

They all have their backs against the brick wall, a window between them. “This is where we got in last time,” Auston whispers, jutting his chin towards the window.

“Let me take a look.” Dematerializing, I float to the window and look inside, shaking my head at the sight. “We need to get in there,” I growl.

“Leave that to me.” Preston calls upon his scythe, aims it at the window, and commands, “Explosio!”

A red glow emits from the end, and a burst smashes into the window. Shards fly through the air as it shatters. Auston leaps through, cutting his arms on the broken window, and Brax follows him. I help Preston climb up before I jump inside myself.

“What the fuck is going on?” Braxton growls, stomping over to where Dominic and Hadley are talking. But they’re not just talking like a professor and student would—the touching is a little too intimate.

Dominic looks at us with a pained expression, and he drops Hadley’s arm, taking a step back.

“Guys?” Hadley says, almost sounding confused as she turns to face us.

Bodies of unconscious professors, including Administer, are littered about the room. “What happened here? Are you okay?” I ask, rushing over. Auston and Brax beat me to it, pulling Hadley behind them, placing distance between themselves and Dominic.

“I’m fine,” Hadley assures us.

“I can explain,” Dominic says, taking a step closer.

“The fuck you will,” Auston growls, tucking Hadley further behind him. At the same moment, Brax, Pres, and I call upon our weapons and aim them at Dominic.

Dominic throws up his hands as if to show he is defenseless and looks at Hadley imploringly, his eyes desperate for something.

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