Home > Loving Logan(8)

Loving Logan(8)
Author: Sammi Cee

Jakey’s birth had been like a new-life infusion into her soul, and she’d chilled. She still coddled the boy; hell, she’d still pamper me if I let her, but she was way more relaxed with him than she’d been with me. My being her last chance at being a mother had caused her to be overprotective to the point that I was scared of my own shadow until I was way past the age that a child should still be holding onto his mother’s apron strings.

Since I’d reached adulthood, she’d been borderline intrusive, and so I’d avoided her as cautiously as possible so as not to hurt her feelings, but she missed J.J. and Haley as much as Jakey and I did, and I needed to be better about accommodating her. I didn’t normally work weekends, and she missed Jakey and getting to interact with me, even for the few minutes I came to drop him off and pick him back up. “We’d love to, Mom. What’re we having?”

“Oh.” Her eyes widened, obviously shocked by my easy acceptance, instead of her having to beg. “I have a shepherd’s pie in the oven, and I made rolls today to have with it.”

I spun to Jakey. “Did you hear that? Grandma has fresh rolls.” Jakey’s love of all things bread rivaled his love of sea life. He cupped his hands over his mouth to block a smile, his gaze shifting to his grandma. “You already had some, didn’t you?” His vibrant blue eyes, the same as his father’s, widened as he giggled, pressing his hand harder against his mouth. “You did.” I crawled over and pulled him into my arms, tickling his belly and making his limbs flail.

“I live for that giggle,” my mom said affectionately.

“Me too, Ma.” I looked over my shoulder and shared a smile with her. It was a nice moment that I’d cling to throughout the night as she harped on me that I should let them take Jakey so I could have a life or at least move in with them so she could help and I could go out at night. For some reason, it still hadn’t penetrated her thick skull that Jakey was my life.



We’d had a nice leisurely Saturday. Jakey and I had gotten up early and snuggled on the couch watching cartoons until my stomach growled. He’d poked my belly and snorted, so I’d left him to his TV viewing and made pancakes. We played, ran errands, had lunch, and dinner, and were now resting on the couch again to watch Finding Nemo.

When my text alert went off, I wasn’t shocked since Mom typically messaged me at this time to see how our day had been. I grabbed the phone and stopped short at the display. I didn’t recognize the phone number, but the Happy Friendaversary! the preview showed meant that it had to be one specific person. My heart raced. He’d been serious. Even though I didn’t want to appear desperate to talk to him, my desire for adult interaction—let’s be honest, further attention from Creed—had me unlocking my phone quickly to see the whole message.

Mystery number: Happy Friendaversary! It was exactly one week today that I laid eyes on you for the first time.

A glance at the time showed that he sent the message at the same time I hurried into work last weekend. It had been a while since I actively dated, and except for what I’d witnessed with J.J., I didn’t have a lot of knowledge of how straight men interacted when in pursuit of a lady, but this seemed awful flirty for a guy who only wanted to be my friend.

Me: Creed?

Mystery number: *laughing emoji* Did you make another new friend last week at this time that I didn’t see? I’m pretty sure I would have noticed since I didn’t take my eyes off of you all night.

I huffed as my heart skipped a beat. Seriously?

Me: Is this how you talk to all your friends?

I waited anxiously for his reply. I didn’t know what I was asking exactly, but I hoped his answer would clear it up for me.

Mystery number: Only the special ones. *wink emoji*

Pain shot through me as I missed Haley anew. If she was here, I’d show her this text and ask her what it meant. She’d always helped me navigate uncharted waters with men. Well, her and J.J. had pretty much helped me navigate life, period. While I tried to think of an appropriate response, because really, how did one respond to that, my phone chimed again.

Mystery number: What are you doing right now?

Phew, that I knew how to answer. I’d reread the rest later and figure out what he meant.

Me: Watching a movie with my nephew.

Mystery number: Which one?

Me: Finding Nemo

Mystery number: Nice. Dory’s my fav.

I snorted, which caused Jakey to give me a dirty look as he mumbled, “Bad Kuncle Wogan,” for interrupting his movie.

“Sorry, buddy. I’ll be quiet.” He turned his gaze back to the TV.

Me: It’s probably because you cling on to friends like she does.

Mystery number: Touche. I don’t normally. I have my best friend, and I’m close to my brother. Recently, I’ve gotten really close to their partner, too. But otherwise, I generally don’t get too close to people.


Me: I don’t think I believe you.

Mystery number: Ouch. You wound me. Why not?

Me: Because it’s a Saturday night and you’re wishing me a happy friendaversary. After one week. Like that’s a real thing.

Mystery number: It should totally be a thing.

A laugh burst out of me, which earned me a sharp jab of Jakey’s bony elbow. He didn’t even spare me a glare that time.

Me: Has anyone ever told you that you’re a little ridiculous?

Mystery number: *laughing emoji* *sideways laugh emoji* *laughing emoji* I told you the first time we hung out that people wanting to choke me out is a regular occurrence. I’m pretty sure that’s not normal UNLESS people think you’re ridiculous.

I fought a grin and lost.

Me: What are you doing tonight? Getting ready to go out?

Mystery number: Nah. I think I’m going to go hang out with my parents. Maybe watch a movie.

Me: On a Saturday night. Snort. I don’t believe you.

Mystery number: Ouch. You’re mean by text. I would’ve never suspected that my quiet and shy bartender had teeth.

My? Did he say my? This had to be flirting. Didn’t it? Ugh, I wish I wasn’t so nervous and awkward. If J.J. was here, he’d tell me to ask outright what Creed wanted, but I didn’t have the balls. Plus, even if he didn’t realize what a flirt he was being, it was so nice to have someone to talk to. It didn’t hurt that the man was easy on the eyes.

Me: Whatever *eye roll emoji*

Mystery number: *laughing emoji* *sideways laugh emoji* *laughing emoji*

Mystery number: Whatever is a cop-out.

Mystery number: But I’ll let you get away with it tonight so you can watch the movie with your nephew. I don’t want to intrude on family time.

Me: Okay.

Although, what I really wanted to say was, please, no, keep talking to me. This is so nice, and I don’t know if you’ll ever text me again.

Mystery number: Okay. Have a good night. I’ll text you tomorrow.

I blinked and nestled back down by Jakey. I’d seen the movie seven hundred times in Jakey’s short life, so I zoned out and replayed every interaction I’d had with Creed up to this point in my head. One side of my brain screamed what an idiot I was. Creed hadn’t specifically confirmed he was straight the couple of times I brought up him and his dating history, but he also hadn’t told me he wasn’t. In the week since I’d met him, I’d seen or talked to him every day except last Sunday when I didn’t work. Our interactions came from no effort on my part, so I’d think it was sincere, unless he really was a total asshole. Maybe my mind craved any kind of companionship so much that I purposefully ignored signs that something about Creed’s seeking me out wasn’t ringing quite right, but I wanted him to be sincere.

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