Home > Kingdom in Exile(93)

Kingdom in Exile(93)
Author: Jenna Wolfhart

“Father,” she said stiffly. “There is news I must tell you at once.”

He pulled back, concern flickering across his tired face. “News? Glencora, do you remember what happened to you?”

She nodded.

“Good,” he said with a sigh. “Come. We will have the alchemist take a good look at you and make certain you’re well enough to be out of bed. Oh, Glencora, you do not know how relieved I am to see you.” His voice cracked. “I didn’t think you were ever going to return to us.”

“Reyna and Eislyn are in danger.”

Her father pulled back with a sharp gasp, and his grip tightened on her arm. “Your sisters are...”

“In danger,” she said again.

His eyes darkened. “Glencora, I fear you’ve woken quite unwell. I think it might be best if we get you back into bed at once.”

“They’ve been captured.”

A moment passed, and then Cos Darragh drew himself up to his kingly height. “By whom?”

“By everyone.”

Her father stared at her for a good long while before he let out a shuddering sigh. “Glencora, you have been in a coma for a very long time. It makes sense you would be confused. We need to get you back in bed where you can rest. I’m certain you’ll be well enough to walk around soon enough.”

“I’m not confused, Father,” she said insistently. “Reyna and Eislyn are on a terrible path. One of them will bring the end of everything. She will start the Cleaving of the World where realms burn and minds twist. And the other...she will try to stop it. One will kill the other, but the gods have yet to decide which sister will win.”

The High King of the Ice Court stared at her in shock. “You’re mad. The Ruin has driven you mad.”

“No, Father, I’m afraid I’m not. I came so close to death that the Dionadair showed me everything.” She paused. “It even showed me that you’ve been exchanging letters with the Sea Court.”

He took a step back, staring at her as if he didn’t know her, as if she’d been transformed into a beast. “You overheard a servant talking.”

“You have not spoken of this to anyone. In fact, I believe you ripped up the letters and burnt the scraps.”

“Your sisters, they would never do such a thing,” he said in a rush of words. “Eislyn would never hurt a fly, and Reyna...she would do anything to protect her people. She would never do this thing you speak of, this cleaving of the world. And she would certainly never lay a hand on Eislyn. She would rather die.”

“For now, you may be right, but not for long.” Glencora took his hands in hers and whispered fiercely. “She is the Keeper of Storms, Father. Do you know what that means? Reyna will kill her sister. Or she will destroy the world.”



The Fallen Fae continues in…

Keeper of Storms

(The Fallen Fae, Book Three)

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Glossary of Terms



Adhradh - a building of worship for followers of the Dagda


Airgead - the coin of the six kingdoms in Tir Na Nog


Alchemist - a healer in Tir Na Nog who specializes in herbal treatments


Alder - a tree found within the Wood Court lands that turns to an orange red when cut


Animal familiar - an animal whose soul is linked to the soul of a fae


Beltane - the yearly celebration that takes place at the beginning of summer


Brigantu - one of the two moons


Buntata - a strong drink brewed from spirits, potatoes, sugar, pink coloring and egg whites


Court of Death - the mysterious home of the Dagda


Dagda - the god worshipped by all of those in Tir Na Nog, other than the shadow fae


Danu - one of the two moons


The Dionadair - the true name of the magic plaguing the lands of Tir Na Nog, created to protect the world from Unseelie


Dryads - tree nymphs who live in the wood fae lands, who tend to avoid courtly politics so that they might live in peace


Druid - a religious leader in the faith of the Dagda


Elemental Arts - the powers that were once available to fae based on their lineage


The Fall - the event where every fae upon Tir Na Nog fell to the ground, losing the magic given to them by the Dagda


Fomorians - the mysterious people of the Empire of Fomor, found across the impassable sea


Ghaisgeach - a hero spoken of in the lore of the sea fae


Grand Alderman - the right hand of the High King and the second most powerful position in a kingdom


High King - the highest ranking noble in the kingdom who controls the Seat of Power


High Queen - the highest ranking noble if there is no High King


Hoarfrost silk - expensive, valuable silk obtained from the hoarfrost worms only found in icy terrain


Ice glass - a strong, sturdy glass found in the mines of the Ice Court that can be used to create jewellery and weapons


Ifrinn - the fae underworld where damned souls are forced to live for eternity


The Namhaid - the enemy of the Fomorians, according to an ancient prophecy


Priest - a religious leader for the followers of the Unseelie god


Rowan - a tree found in the north yielding berries that can intoxicate


The Ruin - a terrible magic that falls from the sky, destroying everything it touches


Seat of Power - the coronation seat in each of the six kingdoms that bestows power and strength


Seelie - the god of light who has long been forgotten by the fae of Tir Na Nog


Sgail - the dead coin of the shadow fae, no longer accepted in any market in Tir Na Nog


Shadowsteel - a powerful steel forged from metals only found within the Shadow Court lands


Shieldmaiden - a female warrior who vows to spend her entire life protecting her people no matter the cost


Tamaris steel - a strong, sturdy steel forged within the Fire Court lands


Tir Na Nog - the continent of the six fae kingdoms


Unseelie - the dark magic god that bestows powerful gifts, but requires sacrifice in return


The Wild Hunt - the rumored hunt by Fomorians every Beltane where they kill every fae they see


Winter Solstice - the yearly celebration during mid-winter

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