Home > Hayley(16)

Author: Kathryn Shay

“The place is partly mine, Mother.”

“I’m not disputing that, though had I known your brother was buying it up right my under my nose, I wouldn’t have sold it.”

“That’s spiteful, isn’t it?”

“He deserves no better. Do you come up every weekend?”


“I have to say you’re being more reticent than normal.” She glanced down. “Are you fixing all that for yourself? Or…are those Casella cousins coming here? I thought maybe the car I saw was one of theirs.”

“None of the above.”

“Hey.” Hayley heard from the glass doors closing. “I’m hungry for more than…” Paul appeared in the archway. “Oh! Hello.”

Bridget frowned. “Paul Covington?” She transferred her gaze to Hayley. “You two are sworn enemies.”

He captured Hayley’s gaze and smiled, sexily. “Not anymore.”

“You’ve made peace?”

“Mother, none of this is your business.”

She’d changed her tone when Paul appeared, but she turned back into a shrew and pointed an icy glare at Hayley. It used to make her shrink back. “I won’t tolerate being addressed like that.”

“Fine. You can give me your key before you leave.”

“Leave? I told you…”

“Next time you want to come to our house, call either me or Finn. We’ll arrange to meet you so you can get your things.”

Bridget raised her chin. “So be it. Afterward, don’t call me.” A threat she made the morning she’d come to the condo after the jail stay.

Paul walked to the door and pulled it open. “Goodbye, Mrs. Casella.”

“It’s Sullivan,” she said disgustedly. “It always has been.”

When he closed the door on her, he approached Hayley. “How are you?”

“I’m tired of her bossiness. Her presumptuousness.”

“I could see that.” He put his hands on her shoulders from behind and began to knead the tension there. “Will you never see her again?”

“No, I will. I can’t abandon my family.” She stared after her mother. “Like she did.”

“You mean she abandoned you three?”

“Not us. We have family in Hidden Cove. My father Albert and his brother Tomaso were very close until Dad met my mother. She was ashamed of his…roots, I guess. Even though he’d made scads of money in investments, she was never proud of him.”

Paul sat down on a stool across from her.

“Dad bought this house so we could spend time with his brother, sister-in-law and children. Bridget rarely came here. We never missed her, though Finn still has a soft spot for her. Anyway, there’s six cousins and we became tight, even though Bridget treated them like lepers.”

“What happened?”

“My father died. Ronan was 20, Finn was 15 and I was 9. After my father was gone, she kept us from the Casella cousins, Paul. People we loved like siblings. Our flesh and blood.”

“That’s awful.”

“She did something else unconscionable. She legally changed mine and Finn’s last name to Sullivan, her name. Ronan was of legal age, so she couldn’t do it to him. Not long after, he took off. Finn and I had to suffer through it until we turned eighteen respectively.”

Paul slid his arms around her. Hayley turned to him and lay her head on his chest. She’d talked enough about her awful history.


* * *


They spent the afternoon in a bed upstairs with a view of the water. They made love, but watched some of the New York news coverage, too.

“An interesting development in the Gotham Hero event Friday night. Mr. Covington has not accepted any calls for interviews about the event.”

The co-host shrugged. “And our researchers couldn’t find much about him, either.” The camera panned in on her. “Mr. Covington went to Yale College, UCLA law school, was editor of the law review and graduated Magna Cum Laude.”

“Wow, Magna Cum Laude,” Hayley said poking him in the ribs.

“Not something I brag about.”

The newscaster continued. “He lived in California after getting his law degree and was employed by Maxwell & Myers Law Firm. He left there to come to New York to work a year ago.”

The other anchor added, “No one has been able to find out where he grew up, his family background or current family status. So, folks, we have a mystery on our hands.”

“Will we solve it, Joe?”

“I don’t know, Kara. We have to get an interview, I guess, to even start down that road.”

Hayley had stilled when they were discussing his background. Damn it, Paul had commented on them intruding on his life and she wondered if this was why.

She faced him fully. “I guess they don’t seem to understand your need for privacy.”

“Do you, Hayley?”

“For now.”

He slid off the bed. “Let’s get dressed and do something. Is Finn’s boat here?”

“One of them. It’s in the water, already.”

“We could go out for a sail. Stop at a restaurant for dinner. I doubt anyone will recognize me with a ball cap and sunglasses.”

“Probably not. All right, let’s go.”


* * *


Paul’s mind was all over the place as they walked into The Pelican Grill. The place was typical of many restaurants on the water: they had a place to dock the boat, steps up to the deck of the eatery, with tables both inside and out. He and Hayley wanted to be in the fresh air.

He asked, “You didn’t say much on the boat.”

“I know. I’m still overwhelmed by events of the weekend. You must be, too.”

“I am. Though it seems like a long time ago.”

“Did the news upset you?”

Paul sighed. “Some. I hate people digging into my past.”

“They didn’t find much.”

“I’m grateful for that.” He picked up a menu. “What will you have?”

They both ordered grilled grouper and salad. The fish was flaky and hot, in contrast to the cold lettuce and dressing. But the conversation was less then scintillating.

When they arrived back home night had fallen. They walked to the upper deck. “Want to sit outside for a while?” she asked.


“Let’s have a glass of wine.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.” When she started to go inside, he grasped her arm and pulled her onto his lap. “Are you upset with me? Be honest.”

“I’m not upset. I said you could have some time to tell me everything.”


She put her head on his shoulder. “We’ve been so intimate. I feel like we’ve had quite a bit of time together.”

“I know. And I value that. But it hasn’t been that long.” When she didn’t seem convinced, he said, “I’m estranged from them, Hayley and it’s hard to talk about why.”

“I figured that. Then I’ll wait.”

“All right.”

She went inside to get wine.

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