Home > April's Fools(24)

April's Fools(24)
Author: Ophelia Bell

Resolving to talk to the guys about it when they came, I set the photo back down and headed outside. It was raining again, but I trudged through the wetness, skirting my way around the house and murmuring draconic wards as I went. Each syllable left my mouth on a wisp of dragon smoke, the wetness in the air aiding in the magic’s dissipation around the house.

The Bane Brothers could teleport, but not through the walls of a warded building. If they came for us, they’d have to meet us outside.

When I reached the rear of the house, I spotted a barn a few hundred feet away. I’d have to ward that, too, when I was finished with the house. I didn’t want to leave any potential hiding spots nearby if I could help it.

The sky had darkened, and the water pelted down in fat drops on my head by the time I completed my circuit. I faced the house and stretched out my arms, palms facing out, pressing them gently against the circle of magic I’d traced around the house. Then with another long breath of fire, the membrane snapped into place, glowing in a huge dome shape that encompassed the entire building. It glowed with pale silver light, the raindrops shimmering like diamonds when they passed through. The barrier would only be visible to other dragons though.

Satisfied with the protection here, I headed toward the barn, following the wide gravel path that led from the back of the house down a slight slope. The barn door was nothing more than a huge sheet of corrugated aluminum hanging on a roller. I pushed it aside and stopped short, blinking into the shadows. I’d expected to find horse stalls and the detritus of farm animals, but other than a nest of birds in the rafter, the place was decidedly not meant to house animals.

The ground was a solid concrete slab covering the entire interior from wall to wall. Along one wall were several furnaces, and along another were annealers. A third wall was floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over bluffs beyond which was the fog-covered Sound. In the center of the room were several sturdy benches and marver tables. It was state-of-the-art, and the fine layer of dust suggested it had never been used.

I stepped inside to explore, and found even more equipment for working with a variety of different materials—wood and steel included. One corner had been built out and housed a small combination lamp-work and jewelry-making shop, and beyond that was a large room filled to capacity with all the tools and materials to create any number of pieces. Another door led out to a covered breezeway behind the barn that protected a large gas-fired kiln for making pottery, and at the end of that was the pottery studio, set apart from the main structure in a cozier space with skylights.

The rain beat down on the roof over my head, but it failed to drown out the thoughts churning through my mind. The place was filled with the energy of someone with strong dragon magic. I’d recognized it inside the house too, clinging to all April’s childhood creations and lingering in the air. I’d sensed ursa magic inside, but not out here. Whoever April’s mother had been, whatever had caused her to run, it hadn’t been out of lack of love for her daughter. I had no doubt that this entire building had been left as a gift in the hope that April would return and see how much her mother loved her.

I went about the business of warding it like I had the house, eager to finish up and return to her to tell her. She needed good news for a change, and hopefully, this would re-ignite her inspiration to finish the piece for her show. At least if her current issue didn’t get in the way.

Halfway back to the house, the sky darkened, and my neck prickled with awareness. Sweet Mother, I hope they hadn’t found us already. But the absence of rain on my head confused me, and when I glanced up to see a shimmering mirage hovering in the sky above my head, my heart nearly burst from my chest.

Enormous silver wings slowly beat the air, flinging streams of water out in symmetrical arcs as the dragon descended. The crease of a battle scar across its sternum gave away his identity. Murdoc must have left Los Angeles the very moment he heard my message.

His claws dug deep into the wet ground when he landed, kicking up the pungent smell of fertile earth and reminding me of April’s scent when we were in the throes of lovemaking mere hours ago. When he shifted, naked except for the strap of his travel pack, he immediately strode toward me, his expression fierce and searching and ready to dive into a fight any second if necessary.

“You came.”

“Of course, I came! I will always come if any of you call. And if I’m honest, I was happy for the excuse.” He grabbed my shoulder and hauled me into a tight hug against his wet, naked body. I hugged him back, more comforted by his presence than I expected to be, but still unsure exactly how to explain the situation.

I forced myself to release him, grinning when I took in his ruffled blond hair, dark with the rain, and his piercing blue eyes. “Sweet Mother, are you a sight for sore eyes. Come inside and dry off.”

“You warded the place,” he said, falling into step beside me, his eyes flickering to white as he stared up at the house. “Is it the Bane Brothers who Chaos sent?”

“Just Vesh, but I don’t think he expected to find me there. And while he said he was after her dad, I have a feeling there’s more to their hunt than coming after some lucky card counter who bilked the casino out of some cash.”

“Was that the story?”

“That’s what April said, anyway. Her dad’s on the run from Pandemonium’s thugs.”

“April?” He glanced at me with more interest, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. I opened the back door to let him inside, heart pounding. This would be the test. When he saw her, would he see the amazing creature I’d stumbled across in the gallery yesterday? Would April be as drawn to him as she was to me?

I opened my mouth to begin my explanation when an agonized moan carried down from the floor above. Murdoc’s gaze shot to the ceiling, then to me. “Don’t tell me you’ve kidnapped her or something.”

“Nothing like that, brother, but I’ll have to explain things later. She needs me now.” With that, I turned and ran up the stairs.









I clenched my eyes shut through the unbearable ache that settled between my thighs. This estrous or whatever I was going through felt like menstrual cramps on crack. Except that in between each wave of spasms, my body was on fire with need.

I’d been woken up by a violent spasm and reached for him, only to find an enormous pillow that vaguely resembled a man where he’d been. I shoved it away in frustration. It didn’t even have a dick, so it was zero use to me. I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed with the intention of heading to the bathroom when another attack hit, causing me to double over and cry out again.

“Gray! Where the fuck are you?” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs and down the hall. The door flew open, and he was there, tearing off wet clothes, kicking off muddy boots. He was soaked to the bone, but I didn’t have the presence of mind to ask what the hell he’d been doing out in the rain instead of in bed with me where I fucking needed him.

“I’m here.” Naked, he jumped onto the bed, slipping up behind me and draping his legs on either side of my hips. He wrapped cold, damp arms around me, the chill of his skin easing the throbbing heat in my limbs. He exhaled a cloud of white smoke. “Breathe in. It’ll ease some of the discomfort.”

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