Home > The Danger With Fireworks(6)

The Danger With Fireworks(6)
Author: Robin Daniels

Chloe’s pursed lips left me wondering if the compliment was sincere or designed solely to get under Matt’s skin. Either way, I was surprised by her bluntness, though at this point, I shouldn’t have been. So far, she always said what she was thinking. I bet she put her foot in her mouth a lot. But today, her lack of filter was a welcome boost to my ego.

Matt pointed toward the door. “If you want me to get up, you have to get out.”

“Fine.” She huffed. “I’ll be back in ten minutes. If you’re not in the shower, I’ll throw you in myself.”

After Chloe walked out, Matt grabbed his covers and laid back down. “I don’t think she was messing around,” I warned him.

He laughed, his expression verging on maniacal. “Oh, I know she wasn’t. But even my real mother doesn’t get to bust in and pull me out of bed in the morning. I’m throwing the gauntlet down.”

I shook my head and grabbed my shower stuff. Those two had an interesting relationship. “I guess I’ll get in first.”

“Make it fast,” Matt said, glancing at the clock. “She won’t care that you’re already in there. She’ll drag me in on top of you.”

I locked both doors and jumped under the water without waiting for it to warm up. As I was rinsing off, I heard a yelp from the room. “You’re early! I still have two minutes!” Shuffling sounds commenced, followed by a few thuds. I dried myself quickly and wrapped my towel around my waist. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I found Chloe yanking on Matt’s legs. Most of his body was hovering over the floor, and he was gripping the bedpost for dear life.

“Need help?” I asked. They both answered yes at the same time. Chloe looked back at me, and Matt took advantage of the distraction. He lashed out with his foot, causing her to fall flat on her butt. Then he scurried off the bed and ran into the bathroom. She bolted after him, but he locked the door before she could turn the handle.

“I win!” She crowed loudly.

“You wish!” Matt yelled back. The water turned on.

With Matt in the shower, I assumed Chloe would leave. Instead, she hopped on my bed and sat cross-legged. I grabbed some clothes out of my drawer, hinting at the need for privacy, but she didn’t budge. Finally, I gave up and walked into the closet. “Are mornings always this crazy?” I asked while slipping my shirt on.

“Nah, just today. I’m kind of anxious. And Matt never gets out of bed on time, so I figured I’d help. We don’t want a repeat of last year when he slept through breakfast, then complained about being hungry until lunch. It was so annoying I wanted to punch him.”

“Seems like you guys know each other pretty well.”

“Yeah. He and Shelly and I go way back.” I couldn’t see her, but I could imagine the face she was making. Chloe was so animated that her expressions came out in her voice.

I buttoned my shorts and walked out of the closet, drying my hair. “You were a camper?”

Her chin bobbed up and down. “All four years. It’s pretty common for kids to come back as staff. Actually, this year is kind of an anomaly, with Shelly being the only camper moving up. I did it last year. Matt did it two years ago.”

“And Clint was the year before that?”

“How’d you know?” She looked surprised.

“Shelly told me.” I hung my towel on a hook by the sink and leaned against the wall with my hands in my pockets. There was this nagging feeling in my gut. I didn’t want to care, but I couldn’t help asking, “Have you guys been dating long?” Chloe cocked her head to the side and raised one brow. I carefully replayed my words, grinning like an idiot. “You and Clint, I mean. Not you and Shelly.”

She chuckled softly, and her face grew pensive. “Technically, I don’t think we’re dating.”

My eyebrows hitched. “That’s how you kiss guys you aren’t dating?” Even though I was teasing, Chloe blushed, revealing that she could indeed get embarrassed. I felt kind of bad, but she was even cuter when she was flustered, so I selfishly withheld an apology.

She stuck her tongue out and wrinkled her nose, casting her eyes to the bed. “It’s complicated.”

I pulled a chair from the table and spun it around. As I straddled the seat, I draped my arms over the back. “Well, uncomplicate it.” I was being pushy, so I figured she’d tell me to pound sand. But this strange calmness washed over her. She fiddled with the edge of my blanket before looking up at me.

“Clint is a terrible flirt, and all the girls like him.”

“You don’t say?” I quipped.

Her jaw clamped down, and her nostrils flared. She was fighting a smile. “That’s generally a turnoff for me, so I’m not sure how we became a thing. It just happened. And it was fun while it lasted, but I knew being exclusive wasn’t practical. We live too far apart. He came to visit me a few times last fall. We talked on the phone a lot. Then things sort of fizzled out.” She paused, her lips twisting. “Until a month ago, when he started texting me again.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Sounds like he’s looking for a summer fling.”

“Maybe.” She shrugged.

“Come on.” My head lolled to the side. “I know you aren’t that naïve.”

She laughed. “Okay, fine, you’re probably right. But I definitely hadn’t expected him to kiss me…at dinner…in front of the whole world. I’ve been here for twenty-four hours, so he’s had ample opportunity. That’s Clint for you, though—always making a scene.”

“He kissed you at dinner because he’s staking a claim,” I said flatly. That fact alone was enough to make my competitive side surface. I’d challenge him so fast…if I was interested in Chloe that way. Which I wasn’t. Because she was my “mom.” And I didn’t want girl drama.

The shower turned off, and Chloe hopped up from the bed. “Well, I’m not gonna go fishing for a commitment. I’ll consider it if and when he says he wants us to be an us. Until then, I’m keeping my options open. He’s not stealing anymore kisses from me, either.”

I balled my fists and held them up playfully. “Don’t worry. If he tries again, I’ll show him what’s what.”

“Such a sweet son.” She ruffled my hair and patted the top of my head.

Matt opened the bathroom door. A faint plume of steam trailed him as he stepped into the bedroom. He was completely covered, but one look at Chloe sent him leaping into the closet. “Geez, woman! Why are you still here? Can’t a guy get ready in peace?”

“Someone has to ensure you make it to breakfast. You’re a beast when you’re hungry.”

He stuck his head around the corner. “Luckily, I have a responsible brother who can help with that. Now scram.”

Chloe threw her hands in the air and headed for the porch. Laughing, she called over her shoulder. “He’s all yours.”

“Thanks.” I snorted.

By nine o’clock, Singing Oak might as well have been called Singing Zoo. There were 125 high school kids roaming around the grass in the quad, reuniting with old friends. Piles of luggage were stacked everywhere. It looked like a disaster area, but Vivian wasn’t rattled in the least. She pulled out her bullhorn and summoned everyone to the flagpole. Impressively, the kids responded right away.

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