Home > Mountain Man's Accidental Surprise(32)

Mountain Man's Accidental Surprise(32)
Author: K.C. Crowne

“I really need to make them lunch,” she said. “Their parents won’t be happy that I left them.”

“It’s okay. We’ll figure everything out soon, I’m sure.”

I wish I had that level of confidence. I was pretending for her sake, wanting to keep her calm. But the truth was, I didn’t think anything would ever be okay again.

We drove up the switchback road until we reached the first lookout point. We were far enough away now that I knew we were safe. I pulled off to the side. The rain had temporarily stopped, and it felt like a taunt after everything that had happened. The town below was destroyed, people lost their homes and maybe their lives - and it finally decided to stop fucking raining. I removed my seat belt and sighed.

“Darlene, I’m going to make a phone call,” I told her quietly. “Please wait here until I come back, okay?”

I stepped out of the truck and walked to the fence overlooking everything.

My breath came out ragged, and once again, my knees felt weak. I grabbed the fence and dug out my phone, still secure in the plastic baggie. It was hard to believe that only hours before, I was running away from Graham, and now, I’d give anything to see him again.

A sound caught my attention.

A voice. Darlene was talking to someone. I assumed she was calling out to me, but I missed what she’d said.

“What was that, Darlene?”

I turned around to find Darlene outside of the truck, standing next to Antonio. I gasped, shock running through me. How the hell did he find me here at this moment?

“If you come peacefully with me, no one else will have to get hurt,” he said.

I backed up until my back hit the fence. I had nowhere to go. Antonio held up a gun, showing it to me as he pointed it at Darlene’s back.

“Stop,” I called out. “If you leave her alone and let Liv go, I’ll go with you.”

“Deal,” Antonio said, putting the gun down. “Now get in the car.”





“You promised to let Liv go,” I griped. I was sitting beside him in his BMW, just him and me. My hands were tied; there would be no fighting. I was trapped in his car with him. I sat in the backseat, and he’d told me that my doors wouldn’t open from the inside.

“And I will,” Antonio said.

“Do it now, and I’ll agree to go to the courthouse and marry you on the spot,” I offered.

He cackled. “Who knew it would be so easy?”

I wouldn’t call this easy, I thought to myself.

He reached for his phone and made a call. “Dominic? Yes, release the girl. We no longer need her.”

“I need to talk to her. To verify she’s been let go.”

Antonio sighed. “Fine.” A few moments later, he handed me the phone.



“Are you okay? They said they’d release you. Can you confirm you’re free?”

“They let me go, but who knows for how long?”

“Where are you?”

“I’m in the woods, but there’s a road up ahead.”

“Run toward the road,” I told her. “Let me know when you get there and flash down a car.” I could hear her breathing in the background, and then the sound of passing cars.

“Hey! Hey!” she called out in the background. “I need help.”

She came back to the line. “Someone stopped. I’m okay. I’m safe, Emmy.”

“Good. Just get to safety.”

“What about you, Emmy?”

“I’ll be fine,” I said, choking up. I wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but I’d figure it out. I always did.

“Alright, you have your proof,” Antonio said, grabbing the phone from my hand.

Liv was ripped away from me, just like that. But at least she was most likely safe. And if she was safe, I could take my chance.

I’m sorry, I apologized to my unborn child. I hope we make it through this.

As Antonio slipped his phone into his pocket, I used that moment of distraction to take my shot.

I leaned back into the seat, raised my feet, and before he could react, I kicked him in the back of the head. His head flew forward, slamming into the steering wheel with such force that blood stained the window in front of him.

The car veered off the road, and I wasn’t sure if I was screaming or if it was the sound of the tires skidding. Maybe both. The sound was deafening. I leaned forward, trying to grab the steering wheel, but it was too late.

There was a loud crack as we hit a tree head-on.

Silence as the world went black.






We’d made it to the roof of the apartment building just as the floodgates had opened. The building was barely tall enough to be out of the waters, but for now, we were safe. I worried about the integrity of the building, but at least we’d made it this far.

Andrew walked over to the ledge of the building, but I grabbed his shoulder.

“Don’t go too far out.”

He stopped and looked at me, fear in his eyes. This was too much for these kids to handle, but at least they were alive.

“What are we going to do now?” Andrew asked me.

I couldn’t tell him that I didn’t know, but that was the truth. “We’re going to wait here until help arrives.”

“And do you think help will arrive soon?”

“Oh yeah, I’m sure the sheriff already has help on the way.”

“Can you call him?”

“I don’t have a phone on me. Do you?”

Andrew shook his head. “Our dad said he couldn’t afford one for himself, much less for me.”

Considering their ages, it wasn’t much of a surprise. But I was seriously cursing not having a phone handy. I’d left mine in the truck with Emmy. We needed to get off this roof.

“At least the rain let up,” I muttered. In the distance, I heard a sound. A motor.

“Do you hear that, Maggie?” Ricky said to his little sister. “I think that’s a boat.”

“I think you’re right,” I said, feeling a renewed sense of hope. “I knew Teddy and the others would get out here soon.”

The boat came into view, and all three kids began jumping up and down, screaming for help. “Hold up, don’t jump around too much,” I warned, fearing the roof might give out on us.

I waved and called out, and the boat steered our direction. As suspected, Teddy was behind the wheel. A few others were in the back - one other officer and a couple that were wrapped in blankets, likely rescued as well.

“Thank God,” I said as we began loading the kids one by one into the boat.

It became clear there wasn’t enough room for me. There was already one too many with the three kids.

“We can make room,” Teddy said.

“No, I’m too big, it wouldn’t be safe,” I said. “Get them to safety, then you can come back for me.”

“Are you sure? The roof doesn’t look that steady—”

“I’ll be fine,” I said. “If I have to, I’ll swim.”

“I’ll hurry back.”

Teddy took off with the boat, and soon, I couldn’t even hear the motor. I looked at the hill I left Emmy on, praying she was safe. My truck was gone, and there was no sign of her anywhere.

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