Home > Cocky Notes(15)

Cocky Notes(15)
Author: Leesa Bow

I point to a free table near the back. “Give me five,” I mouth.

Heading out the back, I wish everyone a good weekend, grab my bag, and step out to the dining room to meet Georgia.

“You look amazing,” I say as I slide into the seat opposite her.

She strokes her ponytail and grins at me. “I have a date.”

“With who? How long have you been seeing him?”

She rolls her eyes. “No. A Tinder date.”

Tyler brings over the drinks, two glasses of South Australian rosé wine. “You want it on your tab, Macy?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Where are you going?” I take a sip of wine and moan in delight.

“To his.”

I’m not surprised and not sure why I asked. If I had Georgia’s looks, I’d dress like that every day.

“I have a date tomorrow night. I’m also going to a guy’s house. It’s why I asked you to meet me tonight.”

She tilts her head. “Reef’s?”

I nod. “I like him.”

“Are you doing the thing we spoke about? Keeping your distance? I don’t want you to get hurt because you know what these guys are like, right?”

I remember the rules.

Most importantly, not dating anyone for more than two months, especially not letting a guy close enough to steal your heart. Your vagina and breasts are fair game, but not your heart because it messes with your head. The problem is Reef has messed with my head before we even began.

“He’s feeling down at the moment. For some reason, I cheer him up. So, I’m heading there tomorrow night.”

Georgia chuckles and eyes my rack. “Your puppies would cheer any guy up.”

“Hope they do.” I waggle my eyebrows.

“Enjoy yourself. What am I saying? Of course, you will. So, what is it you wanted to chat about?”


Georgia slowly places her wine glass on the table as though it was full to the brim and overflowing. She gives me a wary look. “It’s just sex, Mace.”

“I know.” I shrug.

“That look right there…” She shakes her head. “You like him way more than you should.”

“I know,” I say again. “But it is only like… or lust… and I’m still on safe ground. But the ground’s shaky. And I know with every time I see him, my heart’s opening a little more. It feels strange. I’m thinking about him all the time. I panic when he doesn’t respond to an Instagram message.”

Georgia’s eyes round, causing her fake lashes to reach her brow. “What changed?”

I sip more wine as I’m at a lost for answers. “Maybe it’s the way we click when we’re together. Or the little notes he leaves me. The way he looks at me. I’m slowly losing my mind, and I’m not sure why. Why even him? I’ve banged plenty of hot guys. Only Reef…” I even like the way his name rolls off my tongue, “… makes me feel wanted.”

I know what Georgia is going to say before she says it. “Guys like him have a way with girls and know what they want to hear. Babe, don’t fall into a false sense of hope.”

I take another sip of wine. “Do you even know what I hope for?”

“The way you’re sounding now… to be his girlfriend someday. It’s not going to happen. He’s a footballer in his early to mid-twenties. It’s all playtime, babe. If he were older, then—”

“It’s different with Reef. He’s quieter than the others.”

Georgia reaches over and squeezes my hand. “It’s the quiet ones we have to watch. We live in a modern world. If you want the truth, then test him. Ask him some questions. See where his mind’s at. It doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun while it lasts.”

I know how fun rolls and understand there are layers to fun, depths to each layer to seek more. More can lead to a dangerous path of hardcore parties, drugs, and fun-filthy sex. I never took that path like other teenagers who were messed up and confused like me. I only ever looked for fun on occasions when I was brave enough to leave Dad alone. Could count on one hand the nights I never went home.

Part of me wants to explore more, open my heart to Reef, and let go of the fear. Only it’s a symbiotic relationship. The fear holds me back and protects me from giving up my heart.



Chapter Eleven




“What are you frowning at?” Dad asks me.

We’re sitting outside under the big gum tree in the backyard enjoying the last days of November sunshine. I made a healthy banana cake for him to have with his morning tea mentally thinking of ways to hint, I might not come home tonight.

I’m staring at a photograph on an Instagram message. One from Reef. He’s at Lombardi’s. There’s an image of our new casual employee, Sienna.


Are you sick?


Before I respond, he types another message.


Having second thoughts?



I glance up at Dad. “Am I frowning? I didn’t realise.”

“You are, and a lot more lately.”

I type out a response and turn my phone over, so the screen doesn’t distract me.


No. And of course not. It’s my day off.


“So, what’s upsetting you?”

“Nothing,” I say quickly. “The opposite, actually. Now you’re frowning.”

He raises a brow at me. “Who is it?”

I take a sip of tea and endeavour to shut down any tell-tale emotion on my face. “I’m heading out tonight. I wanted to give you the heads up in case—”

“On a date?”

I let out a sigh. “What makes you think it’s a date?”

He gives me a pointed look. “Because you don’t have the same look on your face you get when Georgia texts you to go out.”

“We’re friends for the moment…”

“Bit old for sleepovers.”

“What do you want me to tell you, Dad?”

“I want to hear a guy is doing the right thing by you. Treating you like a lady. Coming here to pick you up, so I get to meet him.”

“You’re kidding me. Who does that anymore? It takes months of seeing someone before I’m ready for you to meet him. Shit, we’re not serious.”

“So, you are friends. Not that serious means you’re not sleeping together. Maybe I should meet him if he’s doing the right thing by you.”

Why does he have this so backward? Sex is easy. What comes after sex is difficult to navigate.

“In my day you dated a girl first before—”

“And look how it turned out for you.”


I close my eyes momentarily. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m sure you were the perfect boyfriend.”

“Turns out I wasn’t, but it doesn’t mean you don’t deserve better.”

I slice more cake to place on his plate while I hone in on the trills and whistles of the parrots in the tree above us. Happy sounds.

We all deserve happiness.

“I like him. It’s early days still, so… I wanted to give you the heads up. I have no idea how the night will pan out. But if you need me to come home at any time, I will. Just call me.”

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