Home > Hired Hottie(10)

Hired Hottie(10)
Author: Kelsie Rae


Rubbing the back of my neck, I mutter, “Promise me, Mom. Promise you’ll get everything scheduled so we can stop dreading the results and start looking at the solutions.”

I’m greeted with silence for a solid ten seconds before she finally replies, “Okay, Levi. I’ll talk to my doctor and get everything scheduled. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

The call disconnects, and I drop my phone back on my desk. Resting my head in my hands, I nearly crumble from the weight of the conversation. But I can’t. Because I’m all she has.



Chapter Seven






“That’s a good girl,” I praise the gorgeous greyhound beside me, scratching behind her ear as we find a bench in Central Park.

The air is warm, and the sun is shining. The combination makes me want to melt into a giant puddle of happiness. My chest is still heaving from our run up and down the hills, but the endorphins racing through my veins is a high that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

“Hey, Charlie!” a voice calls, grabbing my attention.

“Hey, Indie!” I return in surprise. She’s in a pair of running shorts and a baby blue tank top with Harry by her side.

When she notices the greyhound I’m borrowing for the afternoon, she adds, “I see you took my advice about stopping by Forever Grey.”

“I did, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m seriously in love.”

“Right? Harry is a mix of who knows how many breeds, but the vet thinks he’s part greyhound, and I definitely think he’s right. They’re amazing dogs.”

“They totally are. If I ever get enough stability in my life to own a dog, I’m totally picking one up from Forever Grey. Every single dog I’ve taken out has been an absolute sweetheart, though I might be partial to this girl.”

Indie assesses the dog next to me who’s busy smelling Harry like he’s a fresh-baked cookie.

“She’s super cute. What’s her name?”

“Bonnie,” I answer while giving Bonnie another scratch.

“Aww, sweet little Bonnie girl. She looks tired.”

“She should be. I thought I was in shape, but this girl is giving me a run for my money. No pun intended,” I add with a grin. “I think we just ran six miles or so.”

“Impressive,” Indie comments before bending at the waist and scratching her doggy. “Harry would die from the heat alone if we took him out that long, especially with all this hair he’s sporting.”

“Probably,” I agree, looking at his mop of fur.

“So, how’s the boy drama?” Indie probes. She’d overheard the whole conversation between Levi, Asshat Conner, and me from the back of the shop. Ever since then, she’s been badgering me like a pesky fly. She insists it’s Sophie’s fault for teaching her about girl talk, but I think she’s just a Nosey Nancy.

I shrug one shoulder then give her the only answer I have, though I know she’ll be bummed that it isn’t juicier. “Nothing new. Levi’s been crazy busy at work, so I haven’t really seen him, and Conner isn’t stupid enough to cross my path again so….”

“It’s a shame. Sounded like Conner has a thing for you.”


Little does she know, guys don’t have things for me. Or at least not the ones that matter.

“Don’t meh me,” she admonishes with a teasing smile. “He point-blank asked for your number.”

“Well, yeah, but that was before he knew who I was. And I was hesitant to go out with him in the first place, let alone after I found out he was the jerk from my childhood.”

“What do you mean you were hesitant to go out with him in the first place?” she asks.

Shifting on the bench, I scrunch up my face and admit, “I don’t really date much.”

Or at all.

“Why not?”

“Umm…because I don’t?”

Laughing lightly, she jokes, “That’s not an answer.”

“Fiiine.” I sigh. “Guys have never really shown an interest in me, so I’ve never really pursued anything romantic with anyone.”

“Hmmm…,” she hums, pursing her lips.


“I’m just curious why that would be.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re gorgeous. Your eyes don’t glaze over as soon as someone mentions whatever’s on ESPN, and you have an epic connection to a sweets dealer.”

Laughing, I nudge my shoulder into hers. “I assume you’re the sugar dealer?”

“And proud of it! How else do you think I won Rhett’s heart?”

“From what I heard, it was you that caved, not him.”

“Meh.” She bats her hand at me. “You know what I mean. I’m just saying that maybe your affinity for driving the opposite sex away isn’t because they aren’t interested, but because you aren’t.”

Her assessment hits the nail on the head, though I refuse to admit it out loud. My face falls.

“There are only two options I can think of. Either you’re gay, which I don’t really get that vibe from you, or you’re in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way.”

“Ding, ding, ding.” I wave my finger in the air like a little flag in surrender. “We have a winner.”

“It’s okay to recognize that you’re not happy. Just don’t waste too much time there, or else you’ll wake up one day, years later, and look back at your life with more regret than you should.”

“You sound like you’re talking from personal experience.”

Patting my knee, she pushes herself up. “Sure am. But it led me to Rhett, so I guess I can’t complain. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Sounds good. Thanks for chatting.”

“Anytime, Charlie. And remember, you’re a babe. Don’t let anyone make you feel differently.”

I smile, trying not to let her see how quickly I brush aside her compliment. “Thanks.”



Bonnie and I take it easy on the way back from Central Park. When we reach Forever Grey, I swing open the door, and she races for the water bowl, lapping up the water like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted.

“How’d she do?” Suzette asks. She’s the only person I’ve ever dealt with when picking up and dropping off the pups, but I don’t really know her story.

“Awesome. We got a good run in.”

“Good, ‘cause she’s been going stir crazy for the past few days.”

“Aww, poor girl.” Squatting down, I give her another scratch, and she returns my affection with a slobbery kiss to my arm.

I wipe the wet kiss away on my leggings, laughing lightly as Suzette joins in.

“She likes you,” Suzette notes.

“And I like her,” I admit. “I just wish I had more time.”

“It’s the only finite thing on the planet,” Suzette murmurs. Her sage comment makes me pause as she continues, “But every little bit helps. If you have any friends who would be interested in helping, I’d love it if you’d spread the word. We recently received three more greyhounds, and we’re low on volunteers. There’s only so many miles I can walk in a day.” She heaves a dramatic sigh, which only brings a bigger grin to my face.

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