Home > Jilted Jock(11)

Jilted Jock(11)
Author: Rebecca Jenshak

Aubrey nodded. “How is he? Does he still seem sad?”

“I don’t know. I think so, but I don’t really know what he was like before, so it’s sort of hard to compare.”

“Well, from what Chance has told me, Finn was the life of the party. He dated Cindy forever, so I don’t think he was much of a playboy, but he’s definitely used to being out and in the public’s eye. Oh, and apparently he once streaked across the soccer field after a big game.”

“He got fined pretty good for that,” Bobbi added. We’re quiet for a few moments and then Bobbi’s voice was soft when she asked, “I wonder what happened between him and Cindy.”

They both looked at me.

“I have no idea. He hasn’t mentioned her at all and I’m definitely not asking.”

“They were together for three years. That’s a long time to just walk away on your wedding day with another guy.” Bobbi continued with a dreamy look in her eyes, “They looked so good together. So happy. It’s hard to believe it wasn’t real.”

“I’m sure he’ll have no problem finding another beautiful woman to take her place when he’s ready,” I added, and Aubrey studied me with a curious expression on her face. “What?”

“You’re defensive of him.”

“I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom. He just needs some time and privacy.” I shot Bobbi a knowing glare as I said the last part.

She grabbed her phone and shook her head as she tapped the screen. “Tell me that they aren’t perfect together? I think she’s going to have a change of heart and come back to him. Maybe you’ll get to witness their reunion.” Her eyes went wide, but once I looked down at her phone, the air was knocked out of me.

Finn looked as handsome as ever on the beach, shirtless – his amazing chest on display. But it was the way he was looking at the woman next to him that made my whole body feel like it was on fire. The woman that I now recognized as his ex-fiancée.

She was beautiful. Of course, she was. Long strawberry blonde hair, a body that was too perfect to be real, full lips and a confidence that gave her that extra edge. What would it be like to have someone look at you the way he looked at her? I was certain no one had ever looked at me like that and I worried no one ever would. I was attractive and I was in decent shape, but no one had ever compared me to a baby giraffe with big lips and perfect hair like Bobbi was going on and on about while she flipped through more pictures of Finn and his ex.

Or, maybe it wasn’t anything that shallow. Maybe he was just that crazy in love with her. I’d given up on wild, crazy love with the rest of my past.

Richard was a good man. Loyal and reliable and he respected me. Wasn’t it proof that that kind of love couldn’t exist just by the fact Finn was sleeping in my spare bedroom and his ex was on the beach with someone else? Maybe wild and crazy love wasn’t love at all, but some IG preset to cast the illusion of love and happiness to attract more followers.

Aubrey’s phone vibrated on the table. “I should get home.”

“Is that hottie husband of yours texting you to get your fine ass home?” Bobbi asked.

Aubrey blushed and I pretended to be disgusted, but I really was happy that my brother was so happy.

We stood to leave. “I’m going to the ladies’ room before I go.”

“Want me to wait?” Aubrey asked.

“No, it’s fine.” I hugged her and then Bobbi.

I weaved through the tables to get to the bathroom. It was just past the bar and the sound of glasses clinking and laughter made me smile. Before things had gotten out of control, I had fond memories of sitting at the bar with friends and drinking late into the night. Before booze turned to drugs and flirting with cute guys had me paired up with the wrong one. At a distance, it was a nice memory.

I let my gaze flit over the patrons at the bar – their happy smiles, the way they turned toward one another to talk. I was almost to the hallway where the bar would disappear from view when I spotted him. If I hadn’t seen him in the exact same hat the night before I wouldn’t have recognized him. It covered that thick, full head of hair, and his mouth, hidden by the beginnings of a beard, was pulled into a tight line that made him look older.

Still, he was gorgeous. The other patrons might not have realized who he was, but there was no denying the way the air around him seemed more charged.

A woman approached and I stood frozen in place watching her with fascination and a hint of anger that she’d invaded his solitude. She said something to get his attention and he turned to face her. The hard look on his face didn’t seem to faze her, but it made my breath catch. She closed the remaining space between them, and he spoke, words I couldn’t decipher from his profile alone. But the brush of his lips along the nape of her neck was unmistakable and I felt it all the way across the room.




Saturday mornings were lazy. It was the one day I allowed myself to sleep in. Eight a.m. wasn’t exactly sloth hour, but it was as long as my body could be still.

When I’d returned home from the restaurant, I’d gone to bed and turned the TV on in my room so I wouldn’t be tempted to listen for him coming in. And though I’d started to sleep with my bedroom door cracked to let kitty in if she wanted, I’d closed and locked the door last night. Even still, I was restless and slept awful.

After a quick shower, I made my bed and crept out to the living room. Finn was already awake, much to my surprise, sitting on the couch with kitty.

“Good morning,” I said as I walked to the kitchen.

“’Morning,” he returned, only looking up from his phone for a second.

In the kitchen I reached for my gratitude journal without thinking. It was always the first thing I did when I emerged from my room. I’d forgotten about yesterday’s list of possible kitten names and an unexpected thrill shot through me that he’d read them. Not just read them but considered them. I knew this because he’d crossed out all but one: Striker and beside it he’d written, I’m a winger not a striker. Winger is a shit name for a cat.

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from laughing. I quickly jotted down my ten pieces of gratitude and then added a few more name options for kitty.

“I’m headed to Chance and Aubrey’s if you’d like to come along?”

I could tell he wanted to say no. Moping in my house – glued to his phone probably scrolling through the same photos of his ex and teammate that I’d got an eye full of last night – or making plans with randoms from the bar weren’t going to magically fix his broken heart.

“Come on. Chance will be glad to have another guy to talk sports with.”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah, alright.”

Arriving at my brother’s house with a guy that wasn’t Richard felt awkward. Finn must not have felt it because he pasted a big smile on his face as Chance spotted him and pulled him out back to sit and talk.

Aubrey and I usually followed but today we lingered in the kitchen for a few moments.

“He looks good despite the beard,” she said, peeking out the window to the back. “How’s he seem today?”


She was quiet until I met her gaze.

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